Mounts are regularly in feast tournament seasons as rewards that are difficult to get. For this reason, players stay clear of mounts. Today we’ll go through the top 10 mounts in ffxiv.
10 – Flying shark
This is from ocean fishing. Scoring 10,000 points on a single fishing trip in total basically requires a serious amount of luck and a competent team of people fishing on your boats. The three Spectrals required for the points you need take a very long time to accumulate. Also, you just have to keep going at this until you get lucky.

Look it’s honestly the mount that caught a lot of us off-guard when it was released. The idea of a flying shark mount, in general, is just frankly awesome especially when many of us had similar monster designs in dungeons to mind. You might have seen them in the Drowned City of Skalla and the areas around Ruby Sea also have floating shark enemies.
Whilst it’s at the bottom of the mount list, it’s still to chill on occasionally mostly due to how unique it is. Obviously, the seated animation where you lie down is probably the only mount where you do this as well. It’s quite interesting-looking, almost too comfortable on the back of this killer shark.
9 – Korpokkur Kolossus
It’ll cost you 750,000 MGP coming in at a relatively low MGP cost. This is one of the best sounding mounts in the game with its various flopping noises as you move to one of the coolest concepts for such a cute creature. It’s a really fun way to display your character on it – sort of clinging to decide hanging on there.

There have been many times you look at a monster in this game and go. It’s just hilarious. It’s just a big green fuzz ball with a plant sticking out of its head, a little mouth, and little eyes – the little droplets of water balancing atop the leaf there. That’s pretty much a Pokemon when you think about its design.
It looks like something from Pokemon. Core pokers are seen in a couple of dungeons in Heaven’s within particular. These mounts ambush you quite regularly. Supposedly, they were genetic experiments from Sharlee or something quite interesting. These big old bouncy balls are pretty awesome and worth checking.
8 – Pegasus
If you’re under the 1 million MGP mark, a small detour from the cute movie pure awesome – the black Pegasus – can be obtained from the Palace of the Dead as a rare drop from gold-trimmed sacks. You can only get from floors 151 up to 200 inside the Palace of the Dead itself. You can also market trade fish mount, but the cost of this mount will be over 20 million Gil.

It’s just a wonderful design you see. You take a realm horse, mount trap wings, which make it look glowing in the darkness. Boom, you’ve made a reputable and lovely mount. Indeed, it shares a ton of design similarities obviously with his sister model – the normal Pegasus mount which you can get from the Ishgard restoration nowadays. It used to be a reward from the old Diadem.
7 – Striped Ray
Ray is originally part of the Garrow event. This horse was the pretty much ultimate reward out of the three you could get. The Garrow event has since been entered in the game, and you can no longer obtain this or any of the Garrow stuff from the Wolves Den Pier.

The feast with a Garrow title on your character is not a particularly hard thing to do by any stretch of the imagination. Probably, now it would be and with queue times, it certainly takes a while to grind out.
The sheer design is so damn good-looking. These mounts have such a pleasing aesthetic with all these spines and spikes. It’s the perfect mount for a Dark Knight to sit on and at least look about 20 percent edgier. Whilst doing so, it sprouts large black wings in flight mode and has them tucked away in normal horse ground mode. It’s a pleasure to ride around too.
6 – Magitek Predator
It’s a rare drop from the last boss of the AL amigo dungeon that you hit at level 69 in storm blood. The mount has such a cool design. You could get massively into Magitek designs. So, it’s an instant purchase

Basically, Magitek mounts would have originally had massive guns atop. The flavor text tells you – have the guns removed and replaced high-powered rocket engines that allow flight and the bladed claws on the front for the color scheme. Everything screams practical weaponry. But you could imagine being used in a war scene.
5 – Great Vessel of Ronka – Qitari

Then the halfway mark definitely needs more cuteness. The quest-line for the Qatari beast tribe in shadow bringers is what you need to do to get this.
The endless green noses squeak as you move around. They could just tap a button in it, squeaks every time you tap that button because it’s just a squishy dude in a vase. The serpents of ronka are easily the best addition that came from 5.0 in terms of creature design.
The Qatari beast tribe is really good if you’ve not done it yet. Not as good as some of the others you’ve had in the Beast tribe series and obviously in a Mizzou. Do these quest-lines for the mount. It’s a wonderfully weird mount, but nobody could have predicted. It just so good; go, get it if you can
4 – Sabotender emperador
This mount will set you back a call – two million MGP in gold. Also, it’s easily acquired by doing the fashion report every Friday. Honestly, do a fashion report, and this is yours in no time.

It’s a massive bouncy sprinkle green bounding cactus mount. That’s right; you can’t think of a reason either designed to kinda look like the actual gold saucer with a Sabbatender with it. This is the coolest mount you can get from a gold saucer in the game.
It’s one of the biggest vertical standing mounts in the entire game. The mount glows as night approaches. It has so much detail. The seated position of your character is frankly hilarious, and it bounces when it runs around in the ground. You’ll certainly not regret adding this to your collection
3 – Mikoshi
This venue can be obtained from finishing the nammazu in storm blood for crafting and gathering.

For a carriage or Mikoshi, it’s just pure joy. The half-dead namaazu at the end of a carriage never fails to make you smile. The flight mode has the nammazu hanging on for dear life as you fly about zones with them clinging on from those little bits of wood. Their bells cling around as you fly with some of them having shocked faces. Nothing about these mounts is bad at
2 – Ruby Gwiber
This mount is from Ruby extreme like Ruby weapon extreme, which is more recently added to the game. It’s rare or at least it’s at the moment.

So about every ten official clears, you might see a mount – usually ten runs for us in our static is about one mount.
Now, it’s the best feeling ever not having to wait for that mount to eventually come around to you from some weird roll. If you’ve got eight good people, you’re guaranteed to get a mount eventually – right eight runs or 80 runs – you’re going to get it. Those people will stick around the feeling of working on something for a long time and clearing it.
You’ll love such a beautifully designed mount designed after a weapon series with a great mounted theme. That music is so good and the Ruby weapon fight in general – a fight based on one of the most amazing super bosses in Final Fantasy IV Final.
It’s based on some of its mechanics. The mount is clad in this Ruby metal design and looks so good. It’s perfect and includes everything you could hope for as a dragon mount. You’ll love and use this amazing mount.
1 – Rathalos
The Mount is amazing. You may fall in love with Monster Hunter as well. Rathalos is a massive mount with a 100% accuracy on its design to that of Monster Hunter World.

It’s just perfect; you couldn’t ask for a better crossover at all. You can even go with your friends in shadow bringers or solo. Back then, it was quite a fun challenge, but now everyone can go and grab this eventually which is exciting. So, try this out if you want cool-looking mounts.