Alchemy is an essential skill that complements any character in Skyrim. You can make many magical potions, but we will discuss the easiest and most useful ones to create.
Here’s a list of the potions divided into four brackets:
Support Potions:
Potion of Fortify Smithing
This potion can improve your weapon and armor by 24% for 30 seconds with a monetary value of 82. It requires Blisterwort and Glowing Mushroom which are familiar and comfortable to find ingredients.
Potion of Fortify Enchanting
It is a potion that enables the player to create powerful enchantments, and it has a monetary value of 14. The potion requires harvested Blue Butterfly Wing and Snowberries found on bushes in snowy regions of Skyrim.
Potion of Fortify One-Handed
It is a good potion for any one-handed warrior because it will render 24% additional damage for 60 seconds. It has a monetary value of 118 and can be made with cheap ingredients. The potion requires Hanging Moss and Rock Warbler Egg, which are also easy to find.
Potion of Fortify Two-Handed
This will make a good support potion for two-handed warriors to help add 24% damage for 60 seconds. It also helps in resisting 18% of fire damage for 60 seconds and its values at 204. The ingredients needed are Dragon’s Tongue and Fly Amanita.
Potion of Fortify Marksman
It is an excellent support potion for Archers because it increases the Archery skill. The potion can also render 24% additional damage for 60 seconds with a monetary value of 204. Elves Ear and Juniper Berries are the ingredients required to make this potion.
Potion of Fortify Destruction
It is an excellent support potion for offensive Mages because it adds 30% strength to destruction spells for 30 seconds with a monetary value of 151. The potion requires the ingredients Nightshade and Glowing Mushroom.
Restoration Potions:
Potion of Fortify Health
The potion is basic, but it is the best one you can craft in Skyrim. With this potion, your health will increase by 24 points for 60 seconds and restores quicker at 30 points. It can allow you to fight longer without having to worry about encountering sudden death. Fortify Health values at 103 and requires Blue Mountain Flower and Wheat as ingredients.
Potion of Fortify Magicka
The potion is great for mages, for it can increase Magicka by 24 points for 60 seconds and restores the same at 30 points. It has a monetary value of 96 and requires Mora Tapinella, Red Mountain Flower, and Tundra Cotton as its ingredients.
Potion of Regenerate Health
It is a potion useful in keeping you fight because it can regenerate health 30% faster for 300 seconds. Magicka can also be regenerated 30% faster for 300 seconds, and the potion values at 177. The ingredients needed for this potion are Garlic, Juniper Berries, and Salt Pile.
Poison Potions:
Poison of Paralysis
It is everyone’s favorite poison because it provides a single-effect solution in the game, which is straight-up paralysis to the enemy. By using this poison, the target will be paralyzed for 6 seconds. The potion has a monetary value of 285 and requires the ingredients Canis Root and Imp Stool.
Another recipe requires Human Flesh, Imp Stool, and Scathecrow, which values 384. This combination can add more damage, which is Causes 12 points of poison damage for 10 seconds.
Poison of Lingering Damage Health
Lingering Damage Health is a popular potion that deals with poison damage over time. It also applies an instant damage effect of 12 points. The potion has a monetary value of 95 and requires Imp Stool, Scathecrow, and Skeever Tail.
Poison of Slow
Slow is a magical effect that is easy to make and useful because it afflicts targets with a reduced moving speed. The target’s speed can be reduced at 50% speed for 30 seconds, and it can cause 30 points of poison damage when used. It is a excellent poison for melee attackers and giants. The monetary value of this potion is 374. Death Bell, River Betty, and Skeever Tail are the ingredients required in making this potion.
Profitable Potions or Leveling Potions:
Potion of Regenerate Health
Making potions is a great way to make money and level up quicker in Skyrim. The higher the value of the potion, the more you gain a level in the game. Regenerate Health is the best potion for both profit and leveling purposes. It has a monetary value of 1900, and the ingredients needed are straightforward to find. Garlic, Nordic Barnacle, and Salmon Roe are the required ingredients to create this potion.
Potion of Fortify Health
It is the second profitable potion on our list and its values at 870. This potion is easier to make in bulk, and the ingredients required can all be purchased from the Alchemists. Bear Claws, Giant’s Toe, and Hanging Moss are the ingredients needed for you to increase your money four times in no time.
Potion of Slow
The third potion on our list has a monetary value of 582. Deep Cluster, Death Bell, and River Betty are the three easy ingredients needed to create this magical effect.
Potion of Regenerate Stamina
To complete an easy-to-farm potion time and time again is a great way to level Alchemy. Potion of Regenerate Stamina is one of those potions that you can repeatedly create, for it only requires easy-to-farm ingredients. Dragon’s Tongue, Fly Amanita, and Mora Tapinella are the ingredients you need for a potion that values at 476.
Poison of Damage Magicka Regen
With these ingredients found in Whiterun on the eastern end, you can brew a potion that values at 444. Blue Butterfly Wing, Blue Mountain Flower, and Wheat are easy to find ingredients that you can find in the location mentioned.
Another combination in making this potion is quicker and easier to get that constant leveling would be a guarantee. In making this potion, you will need Blue Mountain Flower, Hanging Moss, and Lavender. The potion has a monetary value of 423.
Poison of Damage Stamina Regen
If you’re running low on Blue Mountain Flower, you can brew an equally easy to make potion by using your Purple Mountain Flower. Combine the ingredient with Wheat and Frost Mirriam to create a potion that values at 435.