Machinist is a physical DPS that associates with technology prowess, weapon damage, and dexterity. It’s packed full of action and advanced mechanical features that require a lot of effort to master. While being a huge challenge for your quick button pressing ability, Machinist is set to destroy and turn enemies into ashes. If you learn to pull its strings properly, it will help you succeed in the game. Let’s take a deeper dive into this unique DPS.
Machinists pride themselves on the highest damage output among all DPS jobs, which makes them desired by most players. However, Machinist is not available at the beginning of the game.
To unlock the machinist, your character has to be level 50 or higher, own the Heavensward expansion, and complete all MSQ quests in Heavensward. The role is highly consistent and deals with a wide variety of mechanical skills that have to be combined quickly during rotations. This makes this DPS one of the most challenging jobs to master. High button pressing frequency, instant decision making, and good internet connection are factors you want to implement before adopting the role of Machinist.
Weapon skills
Basic combo
Performing the basic combo helps you fill the Heat gauge and Battery gauge, which give you access to incredible abilities that bring a ton of damage. The first of three combo hits is Split Shot that gives 5 Heat, followed by Slug Shot that rewards you with another 5 Heat. Finally, the Clean Shot comes, granting 5 Heat and 10 Battery.

Spread Shot
Spread Shot brings 180-potency damage to all enemies in front of you. Additionally, the hit supplies the Heat Gauge with 5 units.
Drill weaponskill generates an attack of a 700 potency, which can be repeated every 20 seconds. Given its high damage output, it’s an excellent strategy to use the drill against the most vigorous opponents.
Rather than inflicting instant damage, Bioblaster generates an over-time effect that severely affects the opponent. Its cooldown is 20 seconds, and it’s better to use when fighting against many enemies.
Air Anchor
Foes hit by Air Anchor take 300/700 potency damage. This powerful weaponskill has a recast time of 40 seconds and adds 20 units to your Battery gauge.
Heat Blast
Heat Blast gets unlocked during the Hypercharge attack, which is granted by a full Heat gauge. The blast has a potency of 220 and a global cooldown of 1.5 seconds, which allows you to hit repeatedly in a short frame of time.
Auto Crossbow
Auto Crossbow is also available during the Hypercharge assault that needs a full Heat gauge to get activated. The weaponskill deals 180-potency damage to a single target. However, taking into consideration its 1.5 recast time, it’s a great tool for multiple devastating targets.
Reassemble is a technical skill that ensures that your hit will be direct and precise. You have to apply this ability only on Drill and Air Anchor weapon skills.
Gauss Round
Gauss Round features a hit with a potency of 180 that you have to gently fit in-between the global cooldown of the main weapon skills. In this way, you cover the gap of no action, during which the enemy can easily attack and damage your character. Keep in mind; you only have only three charges of Gauss Rounds.

Ricochet inflicts a 150 potency damage to the main target. Also, the secondary targets located nearby the main one take a damage of 75. This makes Ricochet a great skill to use during area-of-effect attacks.
If you have already collected 50 Heat in your gauge, you can exchange them for a Hypercharge that provides a potency buff to all weapon skills that lasts 8 seconds.

Moreover, this ability gives the green light to using two powerful weapon skills – Auto Crossbow and Heat Blast.
Automaton Queen
This one is a fierce blast you can activate after filling the Battery gauge to the brim. You launch it and let it follow the enemies until it finally explodes to turn them into ashes. After the launch, you don’t have to control and maneuver the Automaton Queen. It knows its target very well and hits precisely.
This ability grants you 10 seconds to stack up the damage you are about to inflict to foes. All weaponskills activated during the 10-sec window will provoke a damage with a potency higher by 200 than their actual power. A wise decision would be to use Wildfire in combination with Hypercharge to make the final impact even more destructive.
Barrel Sterilizer
If you put the Barrel Sterilizer into action, it will offer a 2-minute cooldown that allows the Heat gauge to recharge fully. This ability is crucial when you are in crazy need of a Hypercharger.
Situational Abilities
High Damage


AoE Damage


Playstyle tips
Being technically stacked and highly dynamic, the role of Machinist seems difficult to master in the beginning. However, this dps job is straightforward and full of logic at the same time. If you learn to pull the right strings at the right time, you will put Machinist to your good service, defeating foes and leveling up at ease. There are two types of weapons you have to make heavy use of during fights. It’s the Basic Combo that isn’t a great damage dealer, but it helps you increase your Heat and Battery gauges. Full gauges give you access to powerful buffs, such as Hypercharge and Automaton Queen. The second category includes the main cooldown weapon skills – Drill and Air Anchor – which inflict significant damage to the enemy, while also bringing a contribution to the gauges.
Final Thoughts
Machinist is an action-intensive character that’s hard to master, yet is highly effective. You may want to have it to help you propel through levels easily, but before assuming the role, make sure your button-clicking speed and decision-making alertness correspond to the requirements of the Machinist DPS job. If you have a chill and calm play style, you are better off to stick to DPS warriors like Black Mage and Paladin.