There have been lots of inquiries here and there regarding FFXIV’s hunts. Let’s dive in and find out what hunts are in FF14.
What are Hunts, you ask?
Hunts are daily and weekly missions. In FFXIV, they are arranged as quest versions in your hunting log. More than being a mission, its goal is to give you a guide on who and what monsters to kill. It also specifies what number of monsters for you to kill on a specific day or week. So in case, you’re thinking about where to find it, just go to the Hunt Board or Clan Board, and there you will see the required hunting tasks for your day or week.

You can choose what you want to do because there are two different postings on the board: one for daily and one for weekly. That is up to you then how you want to hunt for that day. Just a tip though, there are additional drop downs for multiple daily missions and multiple weekly missions. And just like any other game, you can go and choose what to hunt freely. Just select them by stacking what you want to hunt, and be reminded of the key items to identify your monsters.
Here’s a tip: you should open your inventory and drag an item to your Hotbar to access that immediately and be aware of what you have accomplished so far.
Where to find monsters to hunt?
That’s a very good question!
Hunt Trains
Now while the Hunt and Clan billboard is the basic function of the Hunts, there are also open world bosses that spawn under some conditions. These reward currencies as well. A-Rank hunt marks every 5-6 hours out in the world. The Discord community has come together to form what’s referred to as Hunt Trains for these.
A Hunt Train is where players scout the locations for all of these bosses and then chain and do them all together in a large group, sometimes over 100 players attend.

If you want to learn more about Hunt Trains, join a Discord community for your data center and they usually have more info about Hunts for your specific server there.
Hunt Board or Clan Board
FFXIV gives players the access or overview to see the location of the monsters and where to find them specifically. That means finding the target monsters are easy as 1, 2, 3. As you hunt, you will discover if they are monsters if they have the icons above their heads, which are small icons that are red or pinkish. Just by seeing that you will determine the monsters you are seeing and killing.
Of course, you will be notified on your bars about how much you have killed and how many more monsters you need to kill in your hunting task. For killing your target easily, you might need to do extra work by searching over the internet how to easily kill the monsters. Each hunt is different and unique to each of its situations, and you will surely need to be looking for ways to create and find the answers for the task you need.
Currencies From Participating in Hunts
Yeah right, you need to be prepared for this gem.
This is what you get from the hunting tasks that you do.
Currencies you can get:
- Allied Seals (from the base hunts)
- Centurion Seals (clan hunts)
- Specifically from Storm bringers and Heaven’s Reward
- Sack of Nuts (from Shadow bringers)