Weaver Specialty: Cloths and Yarns
The weaver specializes in cloths and yarns, and despite buying all the mats, you can still profit. Some examples are the
- Undyed felt
- Holy rainbow cloth
- The chimerical felt
- Crawler silk

Also, the most marketable and profitable specialization available with your weaver that is craftable depends on your server.
Old treasure maps offer massive glamour without spending a lot on the items you acquire. The said maps contain items that sell at a relatively higher price – but are easy to craft. Hence, amongst the classes/jobs in the game that you should level up, the weaver should occupy among the top spots in your priority list. Of the said items, the most popular ones include the
- Taffeta shawl
- Taffeta loincloth
- Thavnairian buster
- Thavnairian armlets
- Summer indigo shirt
- The dalmascan draped top

Housing Items
The items and people that come with housing also depend on the server. Access to expanded game features does not arrive with a limited server. However, selling some housing items is fast and easy. Some items that sell well are the following:
- Simple curtain
- Tatami mat
- Double deather bed
- Sofa cushions
- South
- The seas couch

Gear & Quests Crafting
Green Gear
Green gear is basically glamour, but it was previously an old end-game crafted gear. Some of the best green gear selling items are:
- Neo-ishgardian top of striking
- True linen robe of casting
- Rakshasa dogi of healing
- Rakshasa dogi of casting
- Replica high allagan coat of healing

- Replica dreadwyrm robe of healing
- The replica dreadwyrm tonban of healing.
So if you’re planning to obtain more Gil, the previously mentioned items sell extremely well.
Crafting and Leveling Gear
At the end of the expansion, wherein there is not much left to do, players have the chance to level up their crafters and gatherers exponentially. The leveling up process is possible until the Endwalker, giving opportunities to players to reach higher up in their leveling status.
Here are some of the gear we recommend when leveling your weaver: artisan’s apron, entire patrician set, linen coatee of crafting, all three linen coatee of gathering, holy rainbow coatee, kudzu robe of crafting, pixie cotton apron of crafting, and the brightlinen doublet vest of crafting.
Crafting the Weaver Quest Items
The velveteen gaiters, patrician’s bottoms, and the chivalric doublet of healing are also profitable items that lazy people would buy to complete class quests. These are essential and required items that would benefit both the crafter and buyer.