You will see the Tower of Zot as the primary scenario in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker. It’s also the first 4-player dungeon that players get to play in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker. However, before getting to this point, players must first surpass a specific point in the MSQ before getting to the Tower of Zot. This tower becomes accessible when players succeed in two level 80 quests, both found in Old Sharlayan and Thavnair.
Entering the Tower of Zot
The Tower of Zot can be accessed through the Duty Finder, but players can also take advantage of using Final Fantasy XIV’s Trust System. This alternative is excellent particularly for players who want to play at their own pace in clearing the tower and learning the enemies’ mechanics without depending on an actual party. However, if they’re going to come back to the Tower of Zot with real people, it’s always possible to queue through the Duty Finder. In this dungeon, players should be particularly wary of hidden treasure coffers.
Tower of Zot Boss Guides
You should expect Minduruva to alternate between two versions of the elemental spells – normal and singular versions. She’ll also be taking advantage of Transmute versions of the spells she uses. Particular movements you should expect from Minduruva are
Manusya Bio
This is a tankbuster and a debuff

Manusya Blizzard III
Star burst pattern, make sure to avoid it!

Manusya Fire III
Move in close to the boss in order to avoid the room wide attack

Manusya Thunder III
These will continue throughout the platform so make sure to pay attention.

Manusya Bio III
Cleaves half the room, in front of the boss. Make sure to move behind Manusya to avoid it.

An elemental debuff that cannot be avoided or dispelled, healers should pay extra attention here.

Two markers will form, dodge each in the mechanic order.

Around the end of Prosperity’s Promise, she’ll be awaiting to fight with you in the arena. Some of the attacks she will be using are Prapti Siddhi, Manusya Stop, and Manusya Confuse. Lets go through her attacks.
Isitva Siddhi
A tankbuster ability, make sure to cool down and heal if necessary.

Prapti Siddhi
This attack mentioned is pretty damaging with a line attack, so it’s advisable to move out to avoid the attack entirely.

Manusya Berserk
Forms exploding orbs around the platform, find a safe spot along with your party at the edge to avoid.

Explosive force

Sanduruva orbs explodes. If one of the players are hit with this, this inflicts significant damage.
Prakamya Siddhi
AoE blast around the boss
Move away if possible

Manusya Stop
Stop debuffs on all players, forces you to take line attack damage

Manusya Confuse
Causes everything to look like the boss
Look for the non-dancing ads and move to the edge behind her.

Boss Battle – Harbingers Elect: Cinduruva/The Magus Sisters
Right at the edge of the Wisdom’s Ward, you’ll then find Cinduruva awaiting your presence in the arena.
Delta Attack
Lots of AoE to dodge

Between every Delta attack, you encounter, the Magnus Sisters would take advantage of their skills onto the players. This is where you should equip heal, mitigate, and speed to avoid severe damage on your end. It’s also advisable to attack the three sisters one at a time rather than altogether to prevent making the battle last longer. Start by focusing on Cinduruva, as she will revive her other sisters if you defeat them first.
During the next Delta attack even more AoE will come. As you are dodging be sure to be ready to stack with the player affected by the stack-up marker.

For the last Delta attack, you will need to move into the room-wide donuts while dodging the line attacks.

Then spread apart to avoid the circle attacks.

All these attacks will repeat until you get Cindiruva. For the rest of the sisters, follow the earlier part of the guide, as the mechanics are the same as before.