Pandaemonium is the primary raid in the Final Fantasy 14 Endwalker. There are 4 circles of Asphodelos and today we will learn how to defeat the boss in the fourth circle raid.
How to unlock
Once you defeated Zenos, visit Nemjiji on Old Sharlayan. Nest you will be asked to go to Aporia to meet Claudien. Once done visit Crystarium and go to Ocular to meet the gatekeeper there. Use the portal to teleport to a new area and meet Themis. Then you will complete the “The crystal from beyond” quest. The raid will become available through the duty finder. All party members need to be level 90 and item level 565 to participate in this raid.
Hesperos Boss (The Fourth Circle of Aspodelos)
The fight with Hesperos is not complicated but he is very tough and powerful. Pinax and Mekhane will always follow this order, lightning, water, poison, and lava. Now let us learn about his moves and mechanics.
- Elegant evisceration – This cast is a tank buster targeted at the primary tank. Heal and cool down as necessary.

- Setting the stage – The boss’s cloak will fall over a quadrant of the platform and turn that area into a specific element.
- Pinax – There are 4 types of quadrant that can appear and inflict damage.

1) A lightning quadrant that inflicts electrocution
2) A water quadrant that inflicts dropsy
3) A poison quadrant that inflicts pollen
4) A lava quadrant that inflicts burn
Mekhane -the boss will deal with 4 types of elemental damage that match the Pinax.
1) Levinstrike Mekhane – follows lightning pinax and causes damage to those nearer to the center. Run to the edge to minimize the damage.

2) Well Mekhane – follows water Pinax and causes knockback to every player from the center. Run to the center to avoid getting thrown out

3) Acid Mekhane – follows the poison Pinax causes a circular AOE to appear and causes damage once landed. Spread out to avoid overlapping damage.

4) Lava Mekhane – follows the lava Pinax and causes massive damage that is spread to all. Group together to spread the damage among the players.
Second stage
- Decollation – This is raid-wide damage dealt with all the party members. Heal and shield as necessary.

- Hell skewer – The boss will randomly charge a long-line AOE attack. Do not run to the edge but move away because the line attack can reach the edge.

- Bloodrake – This is raid-wide damage health with all the party members. The boss will also absorb aether, making its sword glow.

- Setting the scene – three quadrants activate at random order, once pinax is cast, adjust as neccesary to handle the incoming mechanic as its random.

- Bellone coils – Four circles will be formed around the center of the boss with each circle having a role marker. Each circle requires at least one player to stand on it or they will explode. They need to stand in a circle that does not match their role.

- Direction shift – The boss moves to the center, holding his cloak and sword, and casting these mechanics. A pillar will appear at the edge and the players need to determine what type of attack is incoming. If the sword is glowing a large cleave attack will appear and players need to stand on the side of the pillar to avoid the damage. If the cloak is glowing, a knockback will occur and the player needs to use knockback immunity or run next to the pillar towards the center of the room to avoid being pushed out into the wall.

- Belone burst – 8 orbs will appear with role marker and the player needs to pop the correct orb before it gets into contact with players and explode. A player can only pop a maximum of 2 orbs. Pop the orbs that are not the same role as you are. All of these mechanics will repeat and mix until the boss is down.