Vengeful spirits reside in this dungeon, so be warned when going inside. To unlock this dungeon you need to accept “Her children, one and all” main scenario quest from Fourcheanult in Labyrinthos. Also in this dungeon, you will come across glowing yellow spirits which will aid you in some locations inside the dungeon.
Livia The Undeterred
Frustration – Raid-wide AOE to all the party members. Healers need to heal as necessary.
Aglaea bite – This is a tank buster targeted at the primary tank. Heal and cool down as necessary.
Aglaea climb – The boss moves to the center and begins casting this mechanic. Two of its 4 tendrils will start to glow indicating where it is going to attack. Move to the other side accordingly to avoid damage.
Aglaea shot – Line AOE will be cast in separate ways on the platform. Run to the safe spot to avoid getting the damage.
Odi Et Amo – A circular AOE will target random players and immediately another player will be marked with a stack marker. Dodge the circle and group together to spread the damage among the players.
Disparagement – A large cone AOE is cast at the group. Spread out to avoid overlapping damage. All this damage will be mixed and repeated until the boss is down.
Rhitahtyn The Unshakable
Tartarean impact – Raid-wide AOE to all the party members. Healers need to heal as necessary.
Tartarean spark – Line AOE which will target random players. Move accordingly to avoid the damage.
Vexilattio – The boss will move to the back of the arena and cast two large lines AOE. Four crystals will be spawned and the boss will tether to them accordingly. These crystals have a life bar which once finishes will break the crystal and create a safe spot to stand. As the AOE begins to dissolve, two walls will be created on the side.
Shield skewer – This will be cast immediately after Vexilattio. The remaining arena will be blasted with another line AOE. You will need to run to the safe spot created by the crystal that explode earlier in the wall sections to avoid damage.
Anvil of Tartarus – This is a tank buster targeted at the primary tank. Heal and cool down as necessary.
Shrapnell shell – Two circular AOE will spawn in the middle of the arena and after some time will explode and create more circular AOE. Run in the opposite direction when this happens to avoid damage. From here onwards, the boss will mix and repeat all the mechanics until it is down.
Amon The Undying
Dark forte – This is a tank buster targeted at the primary tank. Heal and cool down as necessary.
Thundaga forte – Proximity AOE will be cast and you need to move to the edge to avoid damage. There will be eight cone shape AOE that will expand and then go off. Simply move to the one that has gone off to avoid damage.
Strophe – The boss will summon a large circle in the center for the next attack.
Antistrophe – The circle will rise and perform a line AOE. Avoid this to minimize the damage.
Left/right Firaga forte – Deals high damage to one side either left or right. Move to the other side to avoid damage.
Entr’acte – Raid-wide AOE to all the party members. Healers need to heal as necessary.
Curtain call – A circular AOE appears below players that kill you instantly. To avoid this, Wait for Shiva to create a crystal of ice and hide behind it to minimize the damage.