Soloable: Yes. Well I mean if you don’t count the other people you needed to complete ARR and meet the criteria to accept the unlocking quest in the first place.
Action frequency: N/A
Fight difficulty: N/A
Learn time: Already learned
Requirements: Unlock Blue Mage. Must have completed the 2.0 Main Scenario concluding with the quest “The Ultimate Weapon” and have a combat job at level 50 to accept the unlocking quest “Out of the Blue”. Water Cannon comes with the job.
Notes: Doesn’t have any bells and whistles like the later actions do but it’s going to be your bread and butter until you build up a good repertoire. If you just want straightforward decent damage on a single target with really good range early on instead of inflicting a status or blowing yourself up, this will do the job fine. You might replace this once you have a full active spell list and more powerful attacks.
No.2: Flame Thrower
Type: MagicAspect: FireRank: ✮✮✮✮
Recommended: Einhander LV50 [Dungeon Mini-boss] (The next Mini-Boss Magitek Gunship LV50 also uses Flame Thrower)
Location: The Keeper of the Lake– Agrius Hull (X11.4,Y10.9)[LV50 Dungeon]
Soloable: Einhander: Not recommended. Though Einhander may be possible with the right abilities it will be more difficult than it has to be to get to him through the mobs on the way there and will take much longer. Gobmachine G-VI: No. Going through the whole dungeon to farm alone isn’t viable and beating all of the bosses needs to be done with a team.
Action frequency: Einhander: Flame Thrower is always the first attack used. As long as you don’t kill him on sight, you’ll see this attack if Einhander gets off one turn. Gobmachine G-VI: Flame Thrower should be used early in the fight as one of its first moves. Wait a few seconds and you should be all set. Don’t damage the boss at all before Flame Thrower otherwise he will probably phase change and start circling the area while using some different attacks and spawning adds. Afterwards burn him down as fast as possible.
Fight difficulty: Einhander: Not really a problem, if playing with all BLU don’t explode with the tanks if you can help it. Try to knock them away with a quick fish slap or the cane. Mostly just burn down the mini-boss as fast as possible. If you have “Missile”, he’s vulnerable and will die in mere seconds if everyone spams it. Gobmachine G-VI: This method will be harder and take longer since you have to go through the entire dungeon and isn’t vulnerable to being cheesed. The main thing you need to worry about is keeping bombs away from the middle enough to create a safe zone. If you’re playing with all BLU and the bomb explosions overlap on you, you might die unless you have “Mighty Guard” and / or “Diamondback” active. Besides that it’s mostly burning the boss and taking adds out quickly. Well and of course stay out of his way when he’s circling the area or charging through the center.
Learn time: Einhander: Learning from Einhander has the potential to be fairly quick for a dungeon action since it’s so early in the dungeon and from the first mini-boss. Even for an all BLU team with “Missile”. Gobmachine G-VI: Learning Flame Thrower from this guy will take way longer than Einhander. Getting spells from final dungeon bosses is always a slog.
Requirements: Einhander: Unlocked through the quest “The Rising Chorus” obtained from Tataru in The Rising Stones in Revenant’s Toll, Mor Dhona (X6,Y5) Gobmachine G-VI: LV50 players need to talk toBloezoeng in Revenant’s Toll, Mor Dhona (X22,Y8), to start the quest“Curds and Slay” to unlock Brayflox’s Longstop [Hard]That quest is available after the completion of the main scenario quest “The Ultimate Weapon”.
Notes: “Flame Thrower” is one of BLU’s better crowd control actions. Hits a very wide cone in front of you and deals pretty decent damage like “Glower”. Its range is a lot shorter than “Glower” but if there’s a crowd of enemies fanned out in front of you, stun them with deep freeze or petrify and go to town with this. Works very well paired with “Bristle” if it will hit several targets at once.
No.3: Aqua Breath
Type: MagicAspect: WaterRank: ✮✮✮✮
Recommended: Ultros LV50 [Trial Boss](You can also learn from Ultros in the Masked Carnivale)
Location: The Dragon’s Neck- Halatali [LV50 Trial]
Leviathan LV50 [Hard Trial Boss]
The Whorleater [LV50 Hard Trial]
Soloable: Ultros: Not in the Dragon’s Neck trial. You’re going to need a farming party to bring down these guys. A strong friend will work, but it’s a lot easier to all get knocked off. And even though it doesn’t kill you, if the two of you get knocked off the platform it’s a wipe. Yes, you can in the Masked Carnivale event “Miss Typhon” Leviathan: No, will require at least a duo with a LV70.
Action frequency: Ultros: Aqua Breath is used in phase 1 and throughout the fight pretty frequently. Leviathan: Leviathan uses Aqua Breath pretty infrequently. Seems to use it at least once by the halfway mark. You shouldn’t have too much trouble seeing it during the fight since he stops you from damaging him automatically to initiate mechanics so it’s hard to burn too fast. Though if you’re doing the speed strats with high burst damage to burn him down crazy fast to learn “Veil of the Whorl”, you will not see Aqua Breath go off.
Fight difficulty: Ultros: Greatly varies. Doing this with all BLU means a longer and much harder fight, following most mechanics to make sure everyone isn’t pushed off the platform. Two BLU will probably need to go “Mighty Guard” tank mage and each hold their attention with use of “The Look” action to maintain aggro if they have it. “White Wind” will be necessary for healing and keeping everyone alive. BLU has no reviving actions so if people go down, they stay down. [Mechanics of the fight can be found here:][Description of actions they use in the fight found here:] If this is done with 4 LV70 and 4 BLU, things become much more simple and faster as certain mechanics can be ignored since your damage will be so high. Still, Snortsault may still be a problem since you can still get knocked back so watch out for that and rotate with Typhon to avoid the wind. For the most part burn them down as fast as possible. Leviathan: You can use LV70s to make this as painless as possible, but mainly it just helps speed up a pretty slow trial fight. If doing this with all BLU, the adds will need to be taken care of quickly to avoid being overrun. It is very important to not forget to use the shield generator to avoid wiping out the BLU before he pulls all the might of the seas over the boat. If the party has LV70s with extremely high burst damage the fight can be completed in mere seconds. However, while this is useful for learning “Veil of the Whorl” due to him using it at the start, Leviathan probably won’t have time to use Aqua Breath if this method is used.
Learn time: Ultros: Of all the learnable actions in The Dragon’s Neck trial this one is the easiest to see, making it potentially the fastest to learn. If “Snort” and “4-tonze Weight” are still needed they should all be learned at once. Multiple actions can be learned at once from the same enemy. If “Aqua Breath” is the only one needed, Ultros and Typhon can be burned quickly as Ultros likes to use it often. With a full party it shouldn’t take long to learn. Leviathan: This one can be kind of slow for a trial due to all the down time. There’s large chunks of the fight where he’s untargetable.Compared to “Veil of the Whorl” this is far, far, far faster. When trying to go for that ability, you’re almost certainly going to learn this one first if you don’t have it.
Requirements: Ultros: The quest “The Coliseum Conundrum” must be completed to unlock Ultros’ trial. Leviathan: The Whorleater [Hard] is unlocked through the “Lord of the Whorl” main scenario quest.That quest is available after the completion of the main scenario quest “Into the Heart of the Whorl” and accepting it from Eynzahr Slafyrsyn in Lower La Noscea (x24,y33)
Notes: DoT type AOE, should be beefed up with “Bristle” just like “Song of Torment”. Doesn’t last nearly as long as “Song of Torment” and is close range only. It’s good paired up with “High Voltage”, though it is not necessary to use “Aqua Breath effectively unlike “High Voltage” itself which pretty much requires this to be useful. It’s very helpful in the Masked Carnivale against multiple water-weak foes close together as this is your only AOE water attack. Due to its short range, you’ll need to kite stuff together or grab it with “Sticky Tongue”.
No.4: Flying Frenzy
Type: PhysicalDamage: BluntRank: ✮✮✮
Recommended: Zu LV50 [Dungeon Mini-boss]
Location: Pharos Sirius- Third Floor- Fuel Chamber (X11.0,Y11.2) [LV50 Dungeon]
Soloable: No. It would be a real struggle to farm if you could even make it to this guy.
Action frequency: Flying Frenzy is only used if you make Zu angry by breaking 2 eggs around the edge of the area in a short time and causing it to turn it to turn red. “Mighty Guard” should be on for everyone until Flying Frenzy goes off to soak the damage. If doing this with a BLU only party, you should wait for the Brood Rage stacks to go down to around 4 or 5 before breaking the 2nd egg. Flying Frenzy stuns for awhile and may kill the person hit as damage will be colossal if the stacks are high. If using LV70s, it doesn’t really matter and you can break the 2 eggs as fast as you want without much risk.
Fight difficulty: If doing this with all BLU mechanics may have to be considered. Eggs will probably be need to be broken when adds are about to hatch to avoid getting overrun with them and status effects. Still be very cautious about breaking too many at once. You only need to see Flying Frenzy once, no need to flatten the whole party with it. Zu is vulnerable to the BLU cheese so if you have “Missile” or “Tail Screw” available you can spam that once Flying Frenzy is used and ignore the adds. Seriously, only break 2 eggs at the start to enrage Zu. If you keep doing it and break eggs like a nut, people will die. Even with LV70s, breaking all the eggs at once will still make the Brood Rage damage so ridiculous that any non-tank might die to Zu’s attacks. So if you’re using LV70s, ignore the other mechanics or the eggs / adds entirely and just burn the mini-boss after Flying Frenzy is used.
Learn time: This can take several runs and having to go through half the dungeon each time. Longer if BLU keep getting killed by Zu’s Brood Rage.
Requirements: LV50 players need to talk toDiamanda inAleport, Western La Noscea (x26,y26), to start the quest“Sirius Business” to unlock the dungeon.That quest is available after the completion of the main scenario quest “The Ultimate Weapon”.
Notes: This is BLU’s gap closer. It’s sort of like the DRG’s jump attacks such as “Spineshatter Dive” but with an AOE effect and a cast time. It’s weaker against a single targets but will do more to a large group of enemies close together due to the splash damage. The range “Flying Frenzy” has is long but the potency is a bit weak so don’t spam this. It can let you travel very fast to a target far away and looks ridiculous as you do a building sized jumping belly flop onto targets. In the Masked Carnivale this is your only alternative to “Loom” as a movement option to fight the extreme heavy debuff in some of the rounds. The most useful will be pre-positioning before Azulmagia begins his Meteor cast. If you bait the cast when you’re on the opposite side of the area from him, you can use “Flying Frenzy” to launch yourself towards Azulmagia and out of Meteor’s AOE marker.
No.5: Drill Cannons
Type: PhysicalDamage: PiercingRank: ✮✮
Recommended: Magitek Vanguard H-2 LV50 (Abandoned Vanguard LV46 from the FATE “Reverse Engineering” can also use the action, if spotted take advantage of it.)
Location: Northern Thanalan – Raubahn’s Push (X16,Y17) (Reverse Engineering FATE – (X18,Y15)The NPC “Amajina and Sons Draughtsman” will need to be interacted with to initiate the FATE to spawn it)
Soloable: Yes, at a similar level, but everything here is pretty strong so watch out for being ganged up on.
Action frequency: Will start using Drill Cannons pretty frequently once its HP drops below 60%
Fight difficulty: You should be fine if you don’t stand in bad or get ganked by all of its Imperial friends trying to help as long as you’re somewhat close to its level. With powerful backup they shouldn’t cause problems even lower levels when isolated.
Learn time: This shouldn’t take very long. BLU can’t use these guys to farm EXP due to the cap on enemies over LV49 so they’re typically left alone by people unless they’re also farming for Blue Magic. Due to that, there should be some alive in the area to farm from most of the time.
Requirements: None
Notes: The range on this AOE is pretty huge so it can hit a lot of enemies in front of you if they’re close enough together. Normally the damage is fair, however the real power from this comes from successful application of “Level 5 Petrify”. If you can get a good Petrification roll on a group of enemies, the damage becomes absolutely bonkers, especially when combined with other BLU actions like “Off-Guard”, “Bristle”, or “Moon Flute”. Don’t use it on Petrified enemies until the status is about to run out since it gets stripped when “Drill Cannon” hits. Use other attacks on the helpless enemies first. For the Masked Carnivale, “Drill Cannons” is your most powerful physical ranged spell per hit. It will help dealing with enemies using reflect and hit any other mobs in front of or behind them. Though “Fire Angon” and “Sharpened Knife” are far more spammable due to their short casts and “Sharpened Knife” has just as much base potency as “Drill Cannons”.
No.6: High Voltage
Type: MagicAspect: LightningRank: ✮✮✮✮
Recommended: ADS LV50 [Raid Mini-Boss]
Location: The Binding Coil of Bahamut Turn 1 [LV 50 Raid]- Upper Aetheroacoustic Exploratory Site- Meteor Fissure (X11.2,Y11.2)
Recommended: Monitoring Node LV50 [Raid Mini-Boss](And all other Node mobs)
Location: The Binding Coil of Bahamut Turn 2 [LV 50 Raid]- Lower Aetheroacoustic Exploratory Site(X11.2,Y12.1) (X10.6,Y12.3) (X12.1,Y12.4) (X10.2,Y13.1) (X11.2,Y13.4) (X12.0,Y12.9)
Soloable: ADS: No. Even with the 30% Echo, ADS is far too powerful for one BLU to take on. Monitoring Node: Shockingly yes (no pun intended). But only with that delicious BLU cheese, the instant death spells. The 30% Echo and “Mighty Guard” help a lot.
Action frequency: ADS: Uses action when fight starts. This is the BLU dream. 30% Echo, the first enemy in an instance, the only guy you need to fight, an 8 man party, and always uses the action you need the instant the fight starts. The only issue you might have is curbing people’s bloodlust enough for ADS to get one cast off before being imploded. Monitoring Node: You’ll probably have to wait a little while for High Voltage to go off. Just try to survive until then.
Fight difficulty: ADS: ADS is literally only guy you’ll need to fight (well besides the add it has). Being the first enemy in the instance with the 30% Echo, a full party will make this so fast you’ll be spending more time in the loading screens in between kills than actually fighting. With the Echo and 8 people, every BLU will probably be trying to get this as soon as possible. Monitoring Node: Each Node fought gets more buffs than the last. If you’re in a party you can handle each Node with little difficulty, especially if you have LV70s. If you have Lv70s don’t hit the Nodes until you see High Voltage cause they will die very rapidly. To do this solo requires landing “Tail Screw” (or “Doom” if you have it) as soon as the fight starts. “Swiftcast” will help a lot to get more casts off and increase chance of success. Once its HP falls to 1 just wait for High Voltage while healing. After you see it, hock a quick fish at them to embarrass it to death. “Missile” will work on them, but it will have to land successfully several times in a row to bring them within killing range of another attack that can finish it off. The later Nodes will have a ton of buffs and they can kill you if you let the fight go on longer than 30 seconds. Make sure you have “Mighty Guard” on to survive as long as possible to see the action cast. Do not take too long in this instance as the raid boss ADS will start to constantly fry you with Object 199 no matter where you are.
Learn time: ADS: If RNG is remotely on your side, fast. Like really fast. So fast that when you first check your Spellbook you likely already learned it but don’t remember as your eyes couldn’t grasp the speed. Monitoring Node: If you can get “Tail Screw” to land somewhat consistently and don’t die, this shouldn’t take very long solo, but it will be much faster with a party.
Requirements:The Binding Coil of Bahamut can be unlocked upon reaching LV50 and completing Ifrit [Hard], Garuda [Hard] and Titan [Hard]. Then you will need to talk to Urianger (X6,Y4) in The Waking Sands to start the quest “Primal Awakening”
Notes: Normally “Mind Blast” is better than this in damage, paralysis duration, and cast time but when paired with “Aqua Breath’s” debuff effect dropsy, this becomes much more powerful and the paralysis duration increases to match, though the cast time is still slower. The range is a huge circle around yourself so you can hit a whole lot of enemies and really spread paralysis around. Never use this ability without “Aqua Breath” since it’s not very strong on its own.
No.7: Loom
Type: MagicAspect: NoneRank: ✮
Recommended: Flame Sergeant Dalvag LV50[LV50 B Rank Elite Mark] (Not to be confused with the LV50 A Rank Elite Mark in the area “Dalvag’s Final Flame”)
Location: Northern Thanalan [Will appear around any of the indicated spawn points. Will respawn to any other spawn point 5 seconds after death that’s not already occupied with another B, A, or S Rank Elite Mark](X21,Y28) (X22,Y27) (X23,Y26) (X24,Y25) (X22,Y25) (X24,Y24) (X24,Y23) (X23,Y23) (X16,Y19) (X15,Y19) (X19,Y18) (X18,Y17) (X18,Y17) (X19,Y17) (X17,Y17) (X17,Y15) (X16,Y16) (X16,Y14)
Soloable: Yes, at or very close to LV50. But it’s strong, very durable, and farming will be really slow. Though you might have the opposite problem as people in the area chase it all over the map and may kill it before you can get there.
Action frequency: This guy will not use Loom if the aggro target is in melee range. You need to bait it by running away in circles and not moving too far from the initial spawn point, making it chase you. It should use Loom after a few seconds of pursuit followed by an AOE Gravity attack.
Fight difficulty: Paralysis can be a problem, but it will be interrupted with silence. Avoid the Gravity AOE after Loom. Just try to get a hit in before it dies after Loom goes off if there’s other farm parties in the fight. The main issue is actually getting to the fight either before others get the kill or finding it again and again after each new spawn.
Learn time: The main thing that’s going to add the most time is looking for this guy. As long as Loom goes off and there’s help available, this shouldn’t take overly long with quick kills.
Requirements: None
Notes: If only this action was instant cast, could teleport you on ledges above your elevation, or had a much longer range but alas it’s still bound by the same rules you’d have if you just ran that distance. Normally, the only practical uses I can think of would be to “Swiftcast” this and use it to move out of an AOE if you’re inflicted with the heavy status. You could try to use this to get out of the way of attacks without “Swiftcast” but the cast time on top of you needing to target where to warp to means you might get hit anyway. There are some stages in the Masked Carnival designed specifically to take advantage of “Loom’s” movement. The enemies in those stages will give you a heavy debuff so severe that you won’t be able to move at all except for “Loom” and “Flying Frenzy”. These spells are mandatory to escape Azulmagia’s Meteor if you can’t kill him first.
No.8: Final Sting
Type: PhysicalDamage: PiercingRank: ✮✮
Recommended: Killer Wespe LV13
Location: Middle La Noscea -Three-malm Bend (X15.8,Y13.4) (X15.3,Y15.4)
Soloable: Yes. It can be extremely dangerous at lower levels. A top notch choco goes a long way to keep your HP topped off or soaking Final Sting instead of you.
Action frequency: Infrequent. They will always use Final Sting after a minute or so into the fight and using Sharp Sting 3 or 4 times, regardless of their HP.
Fight difficulty: You need to be very careful of Final Sting’s damage. Their version will always do 70% of your Max HP no matter how powerful you are and through any use of a damage reducing ability. A high ranked healer choco will be very useful, and crucial if solo. Especially since they always link to nearby crabs that can cause problems, so try to eliminate them very quickly. At least if you’re at full HP, it can never kill you directly during farming.
Learn time: Kills are slower than other world map mobs since you can’t kill it yourself and you need to wait for it to kill itself.
Requirements: None
Notes: The potency “Final Sting” has is comically huge, to a nigh absurd degree when combined with other all BLU actions that increase damage besides “Peculiar Light”. Compared to “Self-destruct”, this is better used on a singular powerful target. Of course I don’t know how many people will really put it to use most of the time since it kills you. Since BLU doesn’t have a reviving spell right now, in all BLU parties its use is there is problematic as well. It can be useful to speed up boss kills near the end when their HP is low as a personal Limit Break. This can be incredibly useful in the Masked Carnivale. But only strategically if it will finish the last enemy or boss in an Act and they will not do any actions afterwards otherwise you’ll just die and lose. If that last enemy or boss does die, it will count as a win and you’ll be victorious for that stage or progress to the next Act.
Soloable: No. Just like with Zu’s Flying Frenzy, this would be a struggle to farm and you’d have to make it through him first. Then you’d have to get past the rest of the dungeon, and finally fight Siren.
Action frequency: When the fight starts all she’ll use is Deathly Verse and Song of Torment so it’s best to just wait until it goes off. So you won’t be concerned with zombie adds or her other attacks later, and can just burn her down as fast as possible.
Fight difficulty: It’s not that difficult. Be patient and let her use Song of Torment which may take a short while. With all BLU, don’t let the adds overrun you and dodge her attacks. As long as you let her use the action at the start of the fight you can focus on that. With 70s, she’ll go down fast, but she’ll stop you to force you to listen to her sing before you can damage again.
Learn time: This might take awhile unless you get lucky. LV70s will speed it up considerably. This is a bit of a long dungeon, and she’s the last boss of it. At least there’s 2 actions available to learn here so it feels like you’re doing half the work on obtaining those at the same time.
Requirements: LV50 players need to talk toDiamanda inAleport, Western La Noscea (x26,y26), to start the quest“Sirius Business” to unlock the dungeon.That quest is available after the completion of the main scenario quest “The Ultimate Weapon”.
Notes: A must have spell, “Song of Torment” is the best DoT you have at the LV50 cap by a long shot. “Bristle” really gives this thing a kick. Bumping it from essentially a 300 potency spell to a 450 one. The long 30 second duration let’s you get other stuff done while the damage from this is ticking away. You should always have this equipped and buff with “Bristle” before being cast.
No.10: Glower
Type: MagicAspect: LightningRank: ✮✮✮✮
Recommended: Coincounter LV47 [Dungeon Mini-boss]
Location: Aurum Vale- The Empty Pocket- The Coincounter’s Nest (X7.9,Y8.4) [LV47 Dungeon]
Soloable: Not really. A dungeon this at level and Mini-boss this strong requires some help. Bring a strong friend or a party unless you really, really like to punish yourself good.
Action frequency: Pretty frequently. Should be used shortly after the fight starts, and then about 100 more times.
Fight difficulty: Well this dungeon sucks. Poison puddles everywhere, a whole lot of mobs including grab happy toads that will love to really gang up on people, and lots of status effects. Luckily you can ignore a number of them if you walk far enough around to make the trip faster. Don’t let the mobs pile up too much as you’re running through cause damage will start to hurt. But if you’re doing this with LV70s, it doesn’t matter. Just run though everything directly in the way at top speed and merc the mobs and the other mini-boss before the big guy here. Still, avoid what aggro you can. At least he’s only half way through this place so that definitely helps save on time. He hits really hard with 1000-tonze Swing. Its hitbox is pretty large and will probably kill any BLU not using “Mighty Guard” or “Diamondback”. Though you should be able to stun him with a “Swiftcast” “Faze” to interrupt. This fight sucks for melee, but if you’re doing an all BLU party, you should be out of range anyway, except for the tank mage in front. Glower is supposed to be a column attack where he points the attack but it might as well be a giant cone. At LV50 his attacks can hurt so don’t forget to keep “White Wind-ing” the pain away when people start dropping to around half HP or less. Make sure you get in close for his donut-cone Eye of the Beholder. As long as tank mage gets behind him during 100-tonze Swing and people don’t get blasted into next week with 1000-tonze, he should be beatable, but Glower is a pain to dodge. Kills will be much faster with LV70s. Not everyone will want to do that, and may prefer to learn the action all at once.
Learn time: Man this dungeon slows things down with all BLU. Learning dungeon abilities always seem slower than world map ones, but this dungeon doesn’t like being nice. Doing a 2/2 with LV70s will greatly speed thing up. Luckily you only have to do half the dungeon. A patch on (Jan. 24, 2019) has made it so “Glower” has a 100% learn chance as long as Coincounter uses the action once. This is due to the spell being needed to progress through the BLU job quests. Should take less than a half-hour.
Requirements: LV47 or higher players need to talk toNedrick Ironheart inVesper Bay, Western Thanalan (X12,Y14), to start the quest “Going for Gold” to unlock the dungeon.
Notes: After “Water Cannon” this will be one of your go to moves and can serve as an effective replacement with its superior damage and paralysis effect. Has pretty good range and hits multiple targets in front of you. Eye-lasers are cool.
No.11: Plaincracker
Type: MagicAspect: EarthRank: ✮✮
Recommended: Clay Golem LV28
Location: North Shroud- Alder Springs- Finder’s Bluff (X17.1,Y29.0)
Recommended: Sandstone Golem LV29
Location: Southern Thanalan- Broken Water (X23.7,Y12.5)
Soloable: Yes. Around their level it’s fairly easy as long as you don’t get ganged up on and avoid their huge AOE
Action frequency: They can take a little while to use Plaincracker, but it shouldn’t be too much time.
Fight difficulty: Pretty easy if you avoid the large AOEs and only fight one at a time if alone. If multiple of them aggro, their AOE can become a problem as getting out of it in time might not be possible.
Learn time: Pretty fast. There are tons of golems and it doesn’t take long to see the action so there’s plenty of opportunities.
Requirements: None
Notes: This will be one of your go-to AOEs when you’re surrounded by mobs or just for close up damage. Essentially gets replaced by “Ram’s Voice” later on. Though if you still need an Earth elemental attack to spam, this will do the job.
No.12: Bristle
Type: MagicAspect: NoneRank: ✮✮
Recommended: Wild Boar LV20-LV21
Location: East Shroud – The Bramble Patch (Wild Boar LV20 (X18.4,Y24.6) Small Circle) (Wild Boar LV21 (X16.4,Y23.0) Large Circle)
Soloable: Yes. Guys in this area like to link to other stuff, so you’ll need to control pulls at lower levels.
Action frequency: It seems to favor its other two actions, but Bristle should be used within a short time. It’s instant cast so the easiest way to tell if it’s been used besides the battle log is seeing the buff pop up below their HP bar.
Fight difficulty: Fairly easy as long as you dodge the AOE and don’t get really ganged up on.
Learn time: Should be fast, they use Bristle pretty often and there’s a lot of guys here to farm.
Requirements: None
Notes: Since this is a 50% boost to one spell in most situations you would probably get more power out of it just casting the same one twice. There are situations where this comes in handy like when you’re expecting to do a big hit or before a fight starts. Like the “Level 5 Petrify” + “Drill Cannon”, or a stunning spell + “Sharpened Knife”, and especially “Self-Destruct” or “Final Sting”. “Bristle” is really good paired with “Song of Torment” and should always be used before inflicting the DoT. Its very fast cast time makes it easy to throw in during any slight downtime. Keep in mind that “Bristle” will only amplify spell damage and not any of the Primal Abilities. Those are special oGCD Ability actions that aren’t in the same category as Spells and follow different rules.
No.13: White Wind
Type: MagicAspect: NoneRank: ✮✮✮
Recommended: Wayward Gaheel Ja [NPC]
Location: Ul’dah- Steps of Thal (X12.5,Y12.9)
Soloable: Yes. As long as you go for 10 of the easier BLU actions to learn.
Action frequency: N/A
Fight difficulty: Depends on what 10 BLU actions you go for. Stick to the world map mobs as they’re much less hassle to get the required 10 from than dungeon only enemies.
Learn time: Instant
Requirements: This is a Totem action. Just need to learn 10 other BLU actions and collect your White Wind Totem.
Notes: A must have spell, equip this and never take it off. I know Enkidu loves to use White WInd, but it looks like we get this one as a freebie. At least we get a nice party heal pretty early guaranteed. This is the way “White Wind” can and should always heal. Restoring the party’s HP at the current HP of the caster with a cast time and recast this short is so powerful. Best used either when the caster is at half HP or to help a party member in a pinch. Though mechanics that drop everyone’s HP all at once to low levels render this useless. By far the best thing about “White Wind” is that its power scales with how much HP you have, so it’s literally always useful at any level. Blue Mage can equip tank accessories to get a big HP boost. Being more durable and supporting the team with stronger heals may be preferable in certain situations.
No.14: Level 5 Petrify
Type: MagicAspect: NoneRank: ✮✮
Recommended:Manor Sentry LV28 [Add for Dungeon Boss]
Location: Haukke Manor- Second Floor- White Hall (X11.0,Y11.1) [LV28 Dungeon]
Soloable: Yes. Though at a much higher level to do so comfortably and farm at a reasonable speed.
Action frequency: Okay, wow is this a weird one. Both the LV28 Manor Sentry on the Second Floor and a LV50 one in a locked room on the Haukke Manor [Hard]- Ground Floor use Level 5 Petrify periodically. The weird part is that you can’t actually kill any version of the Manor Sentry yourself except for the LV28 boss add. The LV28 Manor Sentry on the Second Floor and the LV50 on the Haukke Manor [Hard]- Ground Floor will turn into an NPC and run when they receive enough damage, then despawn. The LV28 Manor Sentry add spawns once the boss’ HP becomes real low, around 30-25%, as the 3rd wave of adds in her fight. This Manor Sentry will only start using Level 5 Petrify once its HP drops to critical, below 20% or so and after casting Stone 5 times. Only the add dying counts as credit towards learning. The boss must be kept alive so the Manor Sentry can be allowed time to use Level 5 Petrify and be killed separately. Important!: If you do not learn the action from Manor Sentry your party can use “Self-Destruct” far enough away from the boss to avoid killing her or die however (though Self-Destruct will make it faster), the one tanking should use “Transfusion” if it’s been learned right before the other party members die or use “Final Sting” on any of the other adds still alive to trigger a wipe. This will reset the boss and the add so you don’t have to go through the entire dungeon over again. You can just fight the boss continuously and farm much faster.(Thanks to TotalInfinity on r/ffxiv for pointing this out. I think it’s very clever)
Fight difficulty: Do not forget the small keys in the upper floors otherwise this dungeon is going to take way longer than it should. In the basement you only need to get 1 key and hold it until the last cell door before the one way ramp to get the Yellow Key. Don’t forget to use the “Return” teleport command to warp back to the entrance after the basement Mini-boss so you don’t have to back the long way. The boss herself is made almost completely helpless by “Flying Sardine”. Use this against her a lot, it makes this fight pretty much free. Be careful how low you make her HP, if she dies it will cost you a lot of time. Once the Manor Sentry spawns, its HP also must be lowered carefully. Though reports say you should be able to use “1000 Needles” when it’s at full HP and this should reduce it to around 4 to 5%.
Learn time: If you try to go through the dungeon every single time before fighting the boss, this will be several times slower. If you take care to only kill the Manor Sentry after Level 5 Petrify is used and don’t kill the boss before triggering a reset then this will be probably the fastest dungeon exclusive Blue Magic that you’ll be able to learn from a final boss.
Requirements: Haukke Manor is unlocked through the “Skeletons In Her Closet” main scenario quest.
Notes: “Level 5 Petrify” really only becomes useful once you hit LV50 as it’s pretty difficult to get a group of enemies that have compatible level before that. I don’t know why they decided to make the accuracy as low as it is. It’s not like this can straight up kill targets or lop off massive portions of their HP like the BLU cheese set. “Ram’s Voice” does something pretty similar with its deep freeze. Its accuracy doesn’t seem to be penalized and can work on guys that are higher levels than you. Though the “Level 5 Petrify” petrification duration lasts about twice as long. Be careful not to use this too much as it has diminishing returns on top of its somewhat unreliable accuracy. On a group of LV50 enemies close together it can be effective. A handy strategy to lock enemies down so they don’t become a threat is to alternate between this and “Ram’s Voice” with other attacks in between. This juices up “Drill Cannon’s” base power to a huge level, to the point where it has a fairly higher base potency than the Abilities learned from the Primals. However, try to use it near the end of petrification’s duration as the status is stripped off by the “Drill Cannon” impact.
No.15: Sharpened Knife
Type: PhysicalDamage: SlashingRank: ✮✮✮✮
Recommended: Tonberry King LV50 [Dungeon Boss]
Location: The Wanderer’s Palace- The Long Hall- The Chantry (X12.7,Y2.1) [LV50 Dungeon]
Soloable: No. You know typically in horror movies with a knife wielding maniac, it’s far better to stick together. This should be the same. Bring a farm party or a strong buddy and survive until the end of the movie.
Action frequency: Uses Sharpened Knife fairly soon after the fight starts and occasionally through the rest of the battle. Might want to hold off until this action gets used as adds will start popping up once HP drops lower. In parties using LV70s waiting helps prevent burning him down too fast and dying before the action is used.
Fight difficulty: Make absolutely sure you don’t forget any lamp oil. This place already takes long enough as it is with it’s somewhat maze like structure in the middle and switches everywhere. You really don’t want to backtrack looking for those sparkles on the floor. Tonberry Stalkers are the main threat in the dungeon. They can’t be targeted and can do hefty damage to LV50s. When trying to do the switches keep Mighty Guard on to avoid excess damage from these big guys.The boss himself isn’t really difficult. Wait for Sharpened Knife and burn down quickly with the occasional healing.
Learn time: I hope you like Tonberries, cause you’ll be seeing them a lot. This spell may take awhile to learn. Not extremely long like the Primal powers by any stretch of the imagination, but going through this entire dungeon several times may require LV70s if you want to get it in a reasonable amount of time.
Requirements: LV47 or higher players need to talk to Allene in Vesper Bay, Western Thanalan (x11,y13), to start the quest “Trauma Queen” to unlock the dungeon.
Notes: The only thing that sucks about this thing is the lack of range and being single target. Cause everything about “Sharpened Knife” is awesome. The base damage would already be pretty good for a spell, but this cast is hella fast. It has half the cast time of nearly all other spells. Combining it with an attack with a long stun like “Faze” will let you stab multiple times in a row with the now disgusting 250 potency Tonberry hate shank. It’s range can be compensated for with the grab and stab combo, “Sticky Tongue” + “Sharpened Knife”. You won’t be able to get as many stabs in due to the shorter stun, especially with stun’s diminishing returns but it’s still effective. In the Masked Carnivale this attack is your sole source of slashing damage. I’m not sure why it’s not categorized as piercing since it seems like you’re trying to stab someone. You need this for certain achievements or challenges.
No.16: Ice Spikes
Type: MagicAspect: IceRank: ✮
Recommended: Trickster Imp LV9
Location: Central Shroud- Greentear- Spirithold (X27.9,Y24.4)
Soloable: Easily, as long as you aren’t really ganged up on at a lower level. There’s quite a few of them in this area and they will all link to someone nearby.
Action frequency: They favor Blizzard but will use Ice Spikes a few seconds after a fight starts nearly every time
Fight difficulty: Not hard, as long as you don’t charge into their lair alone like Rambo at level 4. At low levels, pace yourself. There’s only one way in and out of that part of the map and it’s totally enclosed so escape will be difficult if you get into trouble. If you have help, just go nuts.
Learn time: Fast, learning this should only take a matter of minutes.
Requirements: None
Notes: Probably your earliest form of DoTs. You’ll probably replace this with stronger DoTs later but the damage and 20% slow is nice when you’re out there solo and getting hit or tanking in a party. Though this might be counterproductive to learn actions as seeing an action from enemies takes longer when they’re slowed. If you need to kill multiple enemies to farm, that slow will really start to tack on time it takes to learn. Having to get hit to trigger an effect is only really useful if you plan on tanking. “Ice Spikes” can be very useful in some rounds of Maked Carnivale with many weaker enemies ganging up and hitting a lot simultaneously. It can be combined with “Veil of the Whorl” for tremendous counter damage. Since they’re used in similar situations, their combined effect will cause very high counter damage against an encounter with multiple physical attackers.
No.17: Blood Drain
Type: MagicAspect: NoneRank: ✮
Recommended: Cave Bat LV7 (Cave Bat LV4 from the FATE “Caving In” also use the action)
Location: Lower La Noscea- Cedarwood- Blind Iron Mines (X27.1,Y15.6)(Caving In FATE- (X27.3,Y17.4)
Soloable: Yes. If you can’t solo this, I’m not sure what to tell you.
Action frequency: Very often. It’s their only special action and they use it all the time.
Fight difficulty: Easy, but a lot of the Cave Bats will link. As long as one guy doesn’t aggro everything in the cave all at once at LV2, you should be fine.
Learn time: Real fast.
Requirements: None
Notes: If you have no MP and “Lucid Dreaming” is on CD, it can come in handy in a pinch. But it’s just so weak, a potency of 20 seems to barely do anything at higher levels unless you spam it constantly.
No.18: Acorn Bomb
Type: MagicAspect: NoneRank: ✮
Recommended: Treant Sapling LV12(Treant Sapling LV17 in area also use action)
Location: North Shroud- Treespeak ( X24.9,Y28.3) ( X27.0,Y27.0) (X30.4,Y26.6)
Recommended: Treant Sapling LV12(Treant Sapling LV17 in area also use action)
Location: Central Shroud- Jadeite Thick(X22.5,Y16.5) (X20.8,Y16.8) (X24.7,Y17.8) (X27.9,Y15.0)
Soloable: Sure, as long as you’re not ganged up on or a really low level.
Action frequency: Acorn Bomb will be used shortly after aggroed on a fresh spawn. It will only be used once per spawn when aggroed, even if allowed to reset. If it doesn’t use the action in about 30-45 seconds, kill it and try again after respawn.
Fight difficulty: If you don’t get ganged up on and aren’t a super low level, this will be a piece of cake. Choco heals can be handy if you get put to sleep.
Learn time: I would have liked this to be used faster but sometimes they can take their sweet time and Acorn Bomb has a slow cast for them. Though overall, this one should be pretty fast to learn.
Requirements: None
Notes: Putting enemies in a group to sleep is useful. Problem is, if you hit them with anything they will wake up. If you do put them to you can use that time to rev up “1000 Needles” Later on there’ll be more battle friendly versions of crowd control like “Ram’s Voice” or “Level 5 Petrify”. Nevertheless, it still is quite effective at taking mobs out of the action that you don’t intend to hit, like in the Masked Carnivale and has a much longer range as well as duration than most other disabling spells.
Soloable: Yes. The Goblins love to link and gang up on someone picking a fight with their group. So if you’re planning on a fight, be prepared to fight darn near all of them at once. They’re not too strong but their numbers will need to be thinned out quickly if you’re at a very low level.
Action frequency: Man do these guys love their explosions cause the instant you aggro, every nearly Goblin in their camp will lob Bomb Toss at you all at once like it’s the freaking 4th of July.
Fight difficulty: Not hard, with a choco by your side they shouldn’t cause issues as long as you dodge the AOE and don’t aggro every single one of them at once at LV1.
Learn time: Real fast.
Requirements: None
Notes: An AOE stun with a pretty decent throwing range. Though I wish it was stronger and having to put the reticle on the ground takes time.
No.20: Off-guard
Type: MagicAspect: NoneRank: ✮✮
Recommended: Wayward Gaheel Ja [NPC]
Location: Ul’dah- Steps of Thal (X12.5,Y12.9)
Soloable: Yes. As long as you go for 5 of the easier BLU actions to learn.
Action frequency: N/A
Fight difficulty: Depends on what 5 BLU actions you go for. Stick to the world map mobs as they’re much less hassle to get the required 5 from than dungeon only enemies.
Learn time: Instant
Requirements: This is a Totem action. Just need to learn 5 other BLU actions and collect your Off-Guard Totem.
Notes: Like “White Wind”, this is a must have spell. It’s literally always useful no matter what your action loadout is or what you’re doing most of the time. Having a nigh permanent 50% boost to your damage is so good it’s hard to put into words. Use it whenever it’s off CD unless you’re trying to heal or shield damage to stay alive. It’s important to note that despite not doing damage, in the Masked Carnivale it will hurt you if cast on an enemy with reflect as well as give its debuff.
No.21: Self-destruct
Type: MagicAspect: FireRank: ✮
Recommended: Glide Bomb LV12
Location: Western Thanalan (X27.7,Y16.8)
Soloable: Yes. The damage from Self-destruct can be dangerous though. They don’t link to any other mobs in the area and others in the area are passive so you’ll only have to deal with these guys. It’s actually harder to learn it with too many others around as the bombs can keep getting killed before the action can cast either by people or their chocobos.
Action frequency: Infrequent. They’ll use Self-Destruct between 30 to 45 seconds after the fight starts.
Fight difficulty: Not hard. There isn’t any linking between these guys and other mobs so you shouldn’t get ganged up on. Their damage from Self-destruct is proportional to how much HP they have left, the lower their HP, the stronger it gets. It can range from about half your max HP if their HP is full to a catastrophic 99% of max if they’re critical and the AOE is a bit big. So optimally you should draw aggo and wait until they use Self-destruct while dodging AOE. Each farming party should have someone tag it once without killing it with a weak attack.
Learn time: Kills are slower than other world map mobs since you can’t kill it yourself and need to wait for it to blow itself up. Can take way longer than it should if other players keep killing the bomb before it uses the action
Requirements: None
Notes: Compared to “Final Sting” this is better used on a large quantity of mobs instead of one target. The damage when combined with “Toad Oil” and damage buffing BLU actions like “Off-Guard”, “Bristle”, “Peculiar Light”, and “Moon Flute” is massive and the blast radius is huge. Of course killing yourself with an attack is usually counterproductive. BLU doesn’t have a reviving action right now so its use in all BLU parties is limited in that situation as well. It can be very useful for resetting a fight very fast, like in the case of learning “Level 5 Petrify”. You can blow yourself up in town, so don’t be surprised to see actual (as opposed to the Playing Dead emote) dead people in those areas. Who needs an emote to pretend to be a dead person, when you can really commit and be as dead as you want to be. In all seriousness though, you don’t have to wait on your “Return” timer anymore. You have to wait a whole 5 minutes to use it again and with “Self-destruct” you can return to your home point regardless of how much time is left on that CD if you don’t mind the extra wear on your gear. “Self-destruct” can be used to cheese the Kugane tower jumping puzzle or the lamp post with the vista on top with help from others who can raise. When you raise, you are teleported to the caster, regardless of elevation difference to your body. In essence you can use each other as an anchor point so if one falls off, you can get back just high enough to be in rez range and die again to be brought to their level.Overall “Self-destruct” can be a powerful tool if used very strategically. You actually can use it to clear stages in the Masked Carnival with incredible speed. As long as it kills the mobs first, and they’re not able to do any actions after you blow yourself up, it counts as a win for you. It is by far the best tool for disposing of large pulls in dungeons either solo or with an all BLU party. A fully buffed “Self-destruct” should kill every nearby mob in the area most of the time. “The Ram’s Voice” deep freeze effect enables the most consistent performance with this.
No.22: Transfusion
Type: MagicAspect: NoneRank: ✮✮
Recommended: Wayward Gaheel Ja [NPC]
Location: Ul’dah- Steps of Thal (X12.5,Y12.9)
Soloable: Technically yes. As there are 20 actions that you can get in the open world and in dungeons that are low enough in level that you can overpower at much higher levels later on. Getting farm parties will still be much faster.
Action frequency: N/A
Fight difficulty: Depends on what 20 BLU actions you go for. Collecting as many of the open world actions as possible can make things easier as they’re much easier to farm for compared to the ones from dungeons or raids.
Learn time: Instant
Requirements: This is a Totem action. You need to learn 20 other BLU actions and collect your Off-Guard Totem.
Notes: While the other suicide actions “Self-destruct” and “Final Sting” are helpful in the Masked Carnivale, this absolutely has no use there as it can’t be used outside of a party. In the majority of cases where you wanted to give MP to someone you would just use “Mana Shift” and BLU already has arguably the best heal in the game with “White Wind” if you wanted to restore HP. Killing yourself to heal someone and their MP is normally very counterproductive and this will not resurrect party members. As for uses, this can help reset instances or force a wipe without risking damage to a target you need to keep alive, like when trying to learn “Level 5 Petrify”. Or if a healer critically needs MP and all other options have been exhausted, then they can pick you back up. “Transfusion” is a last resort that might help in a pinch, but should be avoided unless the goal is a deliberate wipe.
No.23: Faze
Type: MagicAspect: NoneRank: ✮✮✮
Recommended: Qiqirn Shellsweeper LV9(Qiqirn Shellsweeper LV6 and LV7 from the FATEs “Survivor Rats” and “Wrecked Rats” also use the action)
Location: Central Thanalan- Black Brush- The Rat’s Nest (X16.5,Y19.5)(Survivor Rats FATE (X18,Y20)(Wrecked Rats FATE (X19,Y20)
Soloable:Yes, but there is an absolutely ridiculous amount these guys in this area so pulls have to be made carefully at low levels. At lower levels the “Cracked” Fate can cause a problem in the middle of farming if you’re at the heart of their camp.
Action frequency: Pretty frequently. They use the action usually soon after a fight starts.
Fight difficulty: The “Cracked” FATE can interfere with the recommended mobs in the area. It turns all the normal Qiqirn around The Rat’s Nest except for a couple on the outside of the FATE radius into FATE mobs. Which requires a Level Sync to be able to fight them if your level is too high. If too many of them link together it can cause a problem at low levels, besides that this shouldn’t be difficult.
Learn time: Really fast.
Requirements: None
Notes: Anybody who played FF11 that might remember Head Butt, yeah this is pretty much that but an AOE. In FF14 terms it’s somewhat comparable to PLD’s “Shield Bash” with the same base stun duration though that is instant, does damage, and is more spammable, but only on one guy at a time. And this is more useful for crowd control against a group of enemies close enough together with better range. Only use this once in awhile due to diminishing returns on the stun. It is very powerful combined with “Sharpened Knife” as stun more than doubles its potency and the stun on “Faze” is pretty long. When you see that debuff stick, harness your inner Tonberry and make your enemies feel that doink.
No.24: Flying Sardine
Type: PhysicalDamage: PiercingRank: ✮
Recommended: Apkallu LV30
Location: Eastern La Noscea – Bloodshore (X28.5,Y35.5)
Soloable: Yes. Your level will have to be closer to theirs and a choco heal will help. Just don’t let too many of them link to each other at lower levels.
Action frequency: Very often, they literally cannot wait to constantly hurl their fishy lunch at you.
Fight difficulty: Even at lower levels they’ll only cause problems if they really gang up on you. Working with others farming, they should be easy. They only have single target actions.
Learn time: Darn fast. This is the only special move they use and they spam it. Apkallu are everywhere in the listed area.
Requirements: None
Notes: Spamming silence has never been easier. Instant cast and shortest recast of any silencing action, but does very little damage. The best method for gaining aggro for the “tag and bag” power-leveling technique with a strong buddy not in your party against a high leveled mob. Due to its instant cast and excellent range, it’s able to get their attention very quickly from a relatively safe distance so your helper outside of the party can kill the target and you get all the EXP. You will have to watch out for links as enemies can quickly overwhelm you before your friend can take them all out. Probably the most useful spell for finishing enemies off once “Tail Screw” is able to connect successfully. It doesn’t matter how low the potency of “Flying Sardine” is, just that it’s an instant cast since the enemy will only have 1 HP left. Barfing fish on enemies looks hilarious.
No.25: Snort
Type: MagicAspect: WindRank: ✮✮✮✮
Recommended: Typhon LV50 [Trial Boss](You can also learn “Snort” from Typhon in the Masked Carnivale)
Location: The Dragon’s Neck- Halatali [LV50 Trial]
Soloable: Not in the Dragon’s Neck trial. You’re going to need a farming party to bring down these guys. A strong friend will work, but it’s a lot easier to all get knocked off. And even though it doesn’t kill you, if the two of you get knocked off the platform at the same time it’s a wipe. Yes, you can in the Masked Carnivale event “Miss Typhon”
Action frequency: The specific Snort you need to see is used near the end of the fight.
Fight difficulty: Greatly varies. Doing this with all BLU means a longer and much harder fight, following most mechanics to make sure everyone isn’t pushed off the platform. Two BLU will probably need to go Mighty Guard tank mage and each hold their attention with use of “The Look” action to maintain aggro if they have it. White Wind will be necessary for healing and keeping everyone alive. BLU has no reviving actions so if people go down, they stay down. [Mechanics of the fight can be found here:][Description of actions they use in the fight found here:] If this is done with 4 LV70 and 4 BLU, things become much more simple and faster as certain mechanics can be ignored since your damage will be so high. Still, Snortsault may still be a problem since you can still get knocked back so watch out for that and rotate with Typhon to avoid the wind. For the most part burn them down as fast as possible until Typhon’s HP is low and Ultros is toast. Typhon really likes to make you wait for the Snort you need him to use. Luckily you can kill Ultros after any needed actions from him are used.
Learn time: “Snort” will probably take the longest of the 3 actions learned in Dragon’s Neck as he really makes you wait for it to go off. You’ll also have to deal with all of his other snorting stages before you get to the actual Snort you need him to use. But it should be faster than most of the the dungeon exclusive actions.
Requirements: The quest “The Coliseum Conundrum” must be completed to unlock Typhon’s trial.
Notes: If there’s a bunch of mobs in your face and you need space or just want to shove something off a cliff this works great. “Snort” doesn’t do any damage but it’s real good at what it does. Most knockback actions in this game will just push one mob back and then require a long CD period, but this can be used all day. It’s useful in Masked Carnivale stages that require moving mobs around as this and “Sticky Tongue” are the only spells offering more options. While not as reliable, it can save time by shoving multiple targets all at once.
No.26: 4-tonze Weight
Type: PhysicalDamage: BluntRank: ✮✮✮✮
Recommended: Ultros LV50 [Trial Boss]
Location: The Dragon’s Neck – Halatali [LV 50 Trial]
Soloable: No. You’re going to need a farming party to bring down these guys.
Action frequency: Ultros uses 4-tonze Weight in phase 2 of the fight after HP reaches 80%. Compared to how often Ultros uses Aqua Breath, he will make you wait for this one.
Fight difficulty: Greatly varies. Doing this with all BLU means a longer and much harder fight, following most mechanics to make sure everyone isn’t pushed off the platform. Two BLU will probably need to go Mighty Guard tank mage and each hold their attention with use of “The Look” action to maintain aggro. White Wind will be necessary for healing and keeping everyone alive. BLU has no reviving actions so if people go down, they stay down. [Mechanics of the fight can be found here:][List and description of actions they use in the fight found here:] If this is done with 4 LV70 and 4 BLU, things become much more simple and faster as certain mechanics can be ignored since your damage will be so high. Still, Snortsault may still be a problem since you can still get knocked back so watch out for that and rotate with Typhon to avoid the wind. For the most part burn them down as fast as possible until HP is critical, then wait for the action to go off and kill Typhon if “Snort” is not needed.
Learn time: Ultros doesn’t make you wait as long as Typhon does but enough to be annoying. You need to watch out when he drops the weights cause overlapping AOE can kill BLUs and rezing or fight redos will tack on time. Shouldn’t take too long to learn.
Requirements: The quest “The Coliseum Conundrum” must be completed to unlock Ultros’ trial.
Notes: Damage is on the lower end for AOE crowd control and ground targeting slows it down. On the plus side, Heavy feels like it lasts forever and there’s excellent range. 30 seconds of Heavy to a fair sized AOE is nice crowd control. Your enemies won’t be able to move around very well for quite some time. This action’s animation feels wacky and cartoonish like those old “ACME” weights dropping on Wile E. Coyote.
No.27: The Look
Type: MagicAspect: NoneRank: ✮✮
Recommended: Denizen of the Dark LV45 [Levequest Only, requires Allowances]
Location: Mor Dhona- North Silvertear- Saint Coinach’s Find (X23.8,Y11.8) [Won’t appear until Levequest is initiated]
Recommended: Anantaboga LV50 [Dungeon Boss]
Location: Amdapor Keep- Third Floor- Presence Chamber (X11.3,Y11.1) [LV50 Dungeon]
Soloable: Denizen of the Dark: Yes, at a similar level or higher this is very doable. Don’t forget the chocobo, but you might want it in heal mode until The Look goes off. Anantaboga: No, I really don’t think so. Going through the entire dungeon and this boss solo isn’t viable for farming.
Action frequency: They both use The Look a short time after the fight starts. Anantaboga always seems to use The Look as its first special action after the fight starts. So there should be no problem being able to see this before you lay on the pain. Denizen of the Dark: Important!: If you do not learn the action, do not collect the reward. Instead, abandon the Leve in the menu. This will make it reappear in the list of available Leves. If you collect the reward, there’s a chance that the Leve will not be on the list so you will have to waste Allowances and time doing other Leves to get it to appear again.
Fight difficulty: Denizen of the Dark: The rest of the Leve’s enemies before this guy spawns can be insta-killed by a strong job you have. Do not forget to switch back to BLU either right before spawning him or spawning him and running away far enough to lose aggro so it lets you switch jobs. He’s not hard at an appropriate level, especially if you have help. Wait a few seconds for The Look and mow down quickly. As long as you avoid his attacks there won’t be a problem. Anantaboga: This method probably shouldn’t be utilized, it’s far harder and will take much longer even with LV70 help. I put Anantaboga as an alternative recommended option as it is your only other choice if Leve Allowances aren’t available or the stock runs out. The dungeon can be charged through with LV70s leading, though it’s a long trip. Anantaboga shouldn’t be a problem and can be burned down fast after given the chance to use The Look.
Learn time: Denizen of the Dark: On average shouldn’t take too long from this guy. If you have bad luck it may take around 20-30 tries, but that’s not too common. You should be able to learn this action way before you run out of Leve Allowances if you have a max stock.
Requirements: Denizen of the Dark: Levequest “Necrologs: The Liminal Ones”. Requires a good stock of Leve Allowances. Doing this as a party will let you combine Allowances Anantaboga: LV50 players need to talk toNedrick Ironheart inVesper Bay, Western Thanalan (X12,Y14), to start the quest “Ghosts of Amdapor” to unlock the dungeon.That quest is available after the completion of the main scenario quest “The Ultimate Weapon”.
Notes: If you want to be the best tank mage you can in a party, “The Look” is crucial. Besides spamming “White Wind” or just doing more DPS than the rest of your team, this is the only BLU action you can use that can greatly increase aggro while using “Mighty Guard”. It’s the closest thing right now to a tank’s “Provoke”. Damage is pretty good and it can hit multiple targets, but it’s a close range cone only. If you want to pull a mob off of someone, you’ll have to get in its face. Another eye-laser attack like “Glower” and eye-lasers are always cool. In Masked Carnivale it doesn’t really have a specific use as you would probably suspect. Since you’re the only one who can have aggro, there’s no reason to generate more with no one else to compete with. There is no Aspect to take advantage of. Of course, because there’s no Aspect it’s still viable as a 130 potency crowd control option if you need something that hits everything for neutral magic damage.
No.28: Bad Breath
Type: MagicAspect: NoneRank: ✮✮✮
Recommended: Stroper LV31 (Halitostroper LV31 are nearby, but they are much harder to kill without good help or a high level)
Location: Central Shroud – Sorrel Haven – Hopeseed Pond (X13.5,Y22) (Halitostropers highlighted in small circle)
Soloable: Yes. Though if they link, they can be very dangerous. Halitostropers will give you hell at lower levels.
Action frequency: Pretty often, you’ll probably wish they didn’t use it this much.
Fight difficulty: Mainly it’s just about dodging the giant Bad Breath AOE. While Choco-bros are always good to have, they just love to bask in Bad Breath all day.
Learn time: With how many there are in the are and how often Bad Breath is used, this one should take no time at all.
Requirements: None
Notes: The sheer amount of debuffs in an AOE on a 15s duration with a cast time and recast this short is crazy, especially the 10% hit to enemy DPS. Can’t really spam Silence on command like burping fish on people, but this will cripple mobs better than most things. This is a must have spell you should always try to have equipped. The 10% damage down alone makes this worth it and “Bad Breath” works on freaking everything, never mind all the other stuff this thing can do on top of that.
No.29: Diamondback
Type: MagicAspect: NoneRank: ✮✮✮✮
Recommended: Horde Armored Dragon LV50 [Add for Trial Boss]
Location: The Steps of Faith [LV50 Trial]
Recommended: Cuca Fera LV50 [Dungeon Mini-Boss]
Location: Stone Vigil [Hard]- The Strongroom (X11.2,Y6.3) [LV50 Dungeon]
Soloable: Horde Armored Dragon: No. This might start out alright, but you will get absolutely mobbed once the adds start spawning and the Horde Armored Dragon is pretty durable on its own. Cuca Fera: Pfffffff, Hell no. Even trying to solo this at LV70 is ridiculous. The problem is if Cuca Fera stomps when all the ally NPC are dead, you instantly die. It’s extremely hard to damage him yourself no matter how high you level is. It is difficult and frustrating trying to keep all the NPCs alive all by yourself. Please get a lot of help with farming this for the sake of your sanity. Even having the instant death BLU cheese spells, getting through the entire dungeon solo will be far harder and take much longer than it should.
Action frequency: Horde Armored Dragon: He’s scripted to use Tortoise Stomp, Hard Stomp twice, then finally Diamondback. Just do not stun him at all to be safe. His AOE are large so you need to watch out for that. Cuca Fera: Cuca Fera will use Diamondback periodically through the fight. You will wish he doesn’t use it as much as he does. Don’t stun him with the cannon to interrupt it the first time, so the cast will go off.
Fight difficulty: Horde Armored Dragon: He spawns in the 3rd wave of adds. Has giant AOE that you need to watch out for, while also paying attention to the boss’ feet. In general, this trial is not that hard so long as the adds are kept in check and you don’t get under the boss’ feet when he steps forward. If the teams fails to learn the action you can all “Self-Destruct” or “Final Sting” to die and clear aggro to allow you to leave the instance since you can’t leave during a fight. You can’t wipe this instance by all dying to cause an instant reset, but since death is so irrelevant here you can blow yourself up and “Final Sting” like a nut as long as you don’t do it to the guy you’re trying to learn from. So the best you can do is clear aggro by dying instead so you’re able to leave. Cuca Fera: The dungeon is not too difficult up until Cuca Fera’s fight with a full party. But there are areas that like to hold you up, even with LV70s. Like hitting the flying dragon with the cannons and waiting for mobs to spawn to burn down so that rubble can get out of the way. This dungeon takes longer than it feels like it should. Normally, Cuca Fera’s fight is a real hassle. No matter what level you are, mechanics will need to be processed to a degree to keep the NPCs alive. Whatever you do, do not let them all die. If they’re all dead, Cuca Fera will stomp and instantly wipe the party. Adds must be immediately addressed as they target the NPCs. Some people will need to control the cannons. LV70s can actually put a dent into the Mini-boss directly, but it can take a while. With all BLU, use the cannons to damage the Mini-boss or adds with “Mighty Guard” on and heal occasionally. Things change if you have the power of BLU cheese. “Missile” and “Tail Screw” actually work here and will turn a normally annoying fight, even for an undersized LV70 party into a piece of cake. Wait for that Diamondback and unleash the “Missile” / “Tail Screw” apocalypse.
Learn time: Horde Armored Dragon: I wish you could speed this one up, but the boss is essentially on a track with timed add spawns. But the speed is quite a bit better than learning action from dungeons, especially LV50 dungeons unless it’s the first mini-boss of one and you have LV70s on your team. Cuca Fera: This one’s probably going to take a while no matter how strong your team is due to the length of the dungeon and the mechanics of Cuca Fera’s fight. There’s only so much you can do to speed it up with LV70s. But in a weird turnabout, BLUs will actually do way more work than the LV70s in massively expediting the battle with “Missile and “Tail Screw”. Try to stun his other Diamondback casts to limit his invincibility windows otherwise.
Requirements: Horde Armored Dragon: This trial is part of the quest “The Steps of Faith”. To begin the quest, you must speak to Marcelain in Coerthas Central Highlands (X18,Y14). You must have completed the main scenario quest “An Allied Perspective”. Cuca Fera: LV50 players need to talk to Faillicie in Revenant’s Toll, Mor Dhona (X21,Y8), to start the quest “Blood for Stone” to unlock Stone Vigil [Hard]That quest is available after the completion of the main scenario quest “The Ultimate Weapon”.
Notes: “Diamondback” might as well be a tank Limit Break. If you also have “Mighty Guard” on, enemies practically can’t hurt you at all except for some insta-wipe mechanics. While this has no CD timer to stop you from casting it back to back, the MP cost is high. This is crucial for doing dungeon speedruns with all BLU teams. You may need to “Swiftcast” it to get it off before the horde eats your face when they catch up during huge pulls. They will beat upon your invincible blue bubble while your team cleans up the mobs. The anti-knockback feature is very handy for Typhon’s trial and keeping you on the platform if timed right. It’s unfortunate that when you use this, you pretty much become a statue for a long time. You basically can’t die, but besides DoTs, you can’t kill anything either. Use it carefully as doing more damage or healing will be way more useful in most situations. This is crucial for surviving the Behemoth’s Ecliptic Meteor in the Masked Carnivale. It’s very handy for counteracting “Moon Flute’s” waning nocturne debuff. Use it when waxing norturne is close to running out to make the most of the buff it gives. This will chew up 10 seconds of the 15 second debuff timer.
No.30: Mighty Guard
Type: MagicAspect: NoneRank: ✮✮✮✮
Recommended: Wayward Gaheel Ja [NPC]
Location: Ul’dah- Steps of Thal (X12.5,Y12.9)
Soloable: Yes. As long as you go for 10 of the easier BLU actions to learn.
Action frequency: N/A
Fight difficulty: Depends on what 10 BLU actions you go for. Stick to the world map mobs as they’re much less hassle to get the required 10 from than dungeon only enemies.
Learn time: Instant
Requirements: This is a Totem action. Just need to learn 10 other BLU actions and collect your Mighty Guard Totem.
Notes: Essentially a Tank Stance for those who need a tank mage in their life. For people who wanted BLU to be a tank, here you go. Interesting action that shows how flexible BLU can be. Makes learning spells with BLU only parties and solo easier. However, while 40% constant damage reduction is great, the 70% reduction to your damage can make solo kills slow. Particularly useful combined with fixed damage attacks like “1000 Needles” or “Missile” as they don’t care at all about the damage reduction and will behave normally.
No.31: Sticky Tongue
Type: PhysicalDamage: BluntRank: ✮✮✮✮
Recommended: Toxic Toad LV14 (LV2 Cane Toads in the FATE “You call that a Toad” also use Sticky Tongue, if you find this take advantage of it)
Location: Central Thanalan- The Clutch- The Unholy Heir (X28,Y20) (You call that a Toad FATE- Lower La Noscea- Moraby Bay (X24,Y22)
Soloable: Yes. Though each Toad links to like every small mob in the area so crowd control and a good choco will help.
Action frequency: Toxic Toad and other Gigantoads that have Sticky Tongue will always use it as their first attack if aggroed outside of melee range to reel in their target. Anyone who’s traveled through areas like Mor Dhona and remember how absolutely annoying it was to get grabbed as you’re minding your own business can attest to this.
Fight difficulty: Not too hard, but you get ganged up on a lot so it slows things down if you don’t have sufficient help. With a farming party, they really shouldn’t pose a threat.
Learn time: Quite fast, especially since you can get them to use Sticky Tongue as their first action every time, though the linking mobs in the area can slow things down slightly.
Requirements: None
Notes: Now it’s our turn to annoy the crap out of enemies by yanking them all over the place. Compared to just attacking a target for aggro, the added stun to “Sticky Tongue” let’s you pull a target away from other non linking surrounding threats and get a free hit with an action of choice. Especially powerful if followed immediately with a “Sharpened Knife” during the stun. Though the stun really isn’t long enough for the same BLU to follow up with that more than a couple of times due to stun’s diminishing returns but in a party with other BLU it can be more handy. Very useful in Masked Carnivale stages that require moving mobs around. This and “Snort” are your best choice for that task. “Sticky Tongue” is more reliable as it’s much easier to control, but only works on one guy at a time so it can be slower.
No.32: Toad Oil
Type: MagicAspect: NoneRank: ✮✮✮
Recommended: Giggling Gigantoad LV24
Location: Western Thanalan (X15.5,Y6.5)
Soloable: Fairly easily if it’s 1 on 1 fights, Toads can become frustrating and dangerous in large numbers at lower levels.
Action frequency: Seems to favor its other two actions used in melee range but it should be used fairly shortly after the fight starts. Try to stay in close as being too far will trigger the use of Sticky Tongue instead. (Which you can also learn from them and the Laughing Gigantoad if you haven’t already.)
Fight difficulty: Not hard as long as you dodge AOE and don’t get really ganged up on. There’s a lot of Toads down here and they’re close together. If you aggro them from far away, they will grab you with Sticky Tongue and use an AOE. If you’re not also trying to learn that as well, this should be avoided.
Learn time: Pretty fast, they use Toad Oil a lot. Shouldn’t take more than a few minutes to get.
Requirements: None
Notes: The evasion buff you get from this lasts freaking forever. You should always try to have it on. It can help with tanking hits and in the Masked Carnivale on its own by letting you dodge attacks easier. Powering up “Self-Destruct” to near “Final Sting“ levels of power is pretty crazy. You can use it to wipe out mobs in a huge radius with that kind of blast after powering it up with some other damage boosting BLU actions like “Bristle”, “Moon Flute”, “Off-Guard”, and “Peculiar Light” if you don’t mind the occasional side effect of death.
No.33: The Ram’s Voice
Type: MagicAspect: IceRank: ✮✮
Recommended: Chimera LV38 [Dungeon Boss] (This is learnable from Masked Carnivale Chimera mobs)
Location: Cutter’s Cry- The Blue Sands (X7.8,Y6.8) [LV38 Dungeon]
Recommended: Dhorme Chimera LV?? [Trial Boss]
Location: A Relic Reborn: The Chimera- The Weeping Saint [LV50 Trial]
Soloable: Chimera: Highly discouraged, even at level 50. While it may be possible, it will be unbelievably slow and far harder. Dhorme Chimera: No. Each of his many heads will probably eat you for breakfast. A farming party is pretty much necessary.
Action frequency: Chimera: Uses The Ram’s Voice once HP drops below 85% and uses it throughout the fight. When about to use Ram’s Voice the text “Eyes burn Blue” will come up. A point blank ice AOE will go off with no ground indicator. Dhorme Chimera: Uses The Ram’s Voice once HP drops below 90% and uses it throughout the fight.
Fight difficulty: Chimera: Having to go through the entire dungeon every time, even with a full BLU party at LV50, is going to be slow. Especially since you’ll need to do this to learn two different actions. Mobs earlier in the dungeon are spread out pretty far so they need to be gathered or taken out individually. If done with LV70 people, it will speed things up, but the dungeon will have to be run twice as much for everyone to learn the actions if you’re planning on swapping roles after learning. The boss itself isn’t a problem as long as the attacks are dodged properly. You mostly need watch out and avoid the very attacks you’re trying to learn.The Dragon’s Voice and The Ram’s Voice have no ground indicators. Text indicating eye color will telegraph attacks. Blue is point blank ice The Ram’s Voice, Violet is donut lightning The Dragon’s Voice. If you do get hit, the status effects from those attacks can be really annoying. Dhorme Chimera: While this guy is far more powerful with a larger repertoire of dangerous moves than the “Cutter’s Cry” Chimera, you’ll have double the party manpower. With no dungeon in the way of your prize and using 4 LV70, kills will be incredibly fast and mechanics will not matter. With 8 BLU, it should be doable, but mechanics will have to considered. Kills will be fairly slower, but it will take half the kills to have everyone learn the actions. Someone will have to go Mighty Guard tank mage and hold his attention with help from “The Look” action if they have it. BLU has no reviving actions so people will need to be kept off of the floor with “White Wind”. [Mechanics of the fight and list of actions it uses can be found here:]
Learn time: Huge variability depending on method used. Fastest method would likely be using LV70 against the Dhorme Chimera and swapping after the BLU half of the party learns the abilities. Dhome Chimera likes using the necessary actions so there shouldn’t be much waiting for those.
Requirements: Chimera: LV38 or higher players need to talk toSibold in Ul’dah – Steps of Thal (x14,y10), to start the quest“Dishonor Before Death” to unlock the dungeon. Dhorme Chimera: This trial is unlocked during the “A Relic Reborn” quest. Yes this means that you will have to start an ARR relic weapon. Luckily it’s an easier very early step that shouldn’t take long to unlock this trial.[The steps needed:]
Notes: Ah, BLU’s pièce de résistance of crowd control. The crème de la crème of combining utility and damage. Whether you’re tanking or just near a mosh pit of mobs, “The Ram’s Voice” will put in work. Unlike most of the other crowd control options available to BLU which do a conical effect in front of you, this will hit everything in a fairly sizeable 360 degree AOE. Damage potency is good, on par with other crowd control spells like “Flame Thrower”, “The Look”, and “Plaincracker”. A must have spell that will probably be equipped most of the time. It’s “The Ram Voice’s” effect that makes it so special. Deep freeze will completely immobilize a group of mobs vulnerable to it with high accuracy. Unlike “Level 5 Petrify”, it is very consistent and will work on enemies of any level above yours as long as the hit lands and they’re vulnerable to the status. The status only lasts about half as long as petrification though. Compared to “Acorn Bomb”, you and the team can attack the frozen targets freely without making the status wear off (unless “The Dragon’s Voice” is used). Spamming this will incur diminishing returns, so other status inflicting crowd control spells like “Bad Breath”, “Mind Blast”, “Acorn Bomb”, or “Level 5 Petrify” will have to be considered. One of it’s best features is really jacking up the potency of “The Dragon’s Voice”, the other Chimera power. “The Ram’s Voice” doesn’t need “The Dragon’s Voice” to be effective and it can function fine on its own. Due to the opposite spacing requirements for the two spells, you will have to back way up after freezing the targets to put them in “The Dragon Voice’s” AOE hitbox. This isn’t as much of a problem with multiple BLU since they might already be in position.
No.34: The Dragon’s Voice
Type: MagicAspect: LightningRank: ✮✮
Recommended: Chimera LV38 [Dungeon Boss] (This is learnable from Masked Carnivale Chimera mobs)
Location: Cutter’s Cry- The Blue Sands (X7.8,Y6.8) [LV38 Dungeon]
Recommended: Dhorme Chimera LV?? [Trial Boss]
Location: A Relic Reborn: The Chimera- The Weeping Saint [LV50 Trial]
Soloable: Chimera: Highly discouraged, even at level 50. While it may be possible, it will be unbelievably slow and far harder. Dhorme Chimera: No. Each of his many heads will probably eat you for breakfast. A farming party is pretty much necessary.
Action frequency: Chimera: Uses The Dragon’s Voice once HP drops below 85% and uses it throughout the fight. When about to use The Dragon’s Voice the text “Eyes burn Violet” will come up. A huge lightning donut AOE will go off with no ground indicator.Dhorme Chimera: Uses The Dragon’s Voice once HP drops below 90% and uses it throughout the fight.
Fight difficulty: Chimera: Having to go through the entire dungeon every time, even with a full BLU party at LV50, is going to be slow. Especially since you’ll need to do this to learn two different actions. Mobs earlier in the dungeon are spread out pretty far so they need to be gathered or taken out individually. If done with LV70 people, it will speed things up, but the dungeon will have to be run twice as much for everyone to learn the actions if you’re planning on swapping roles after learning. The boss itself isn’t a problem as long as the attacks are dodged properly. You mostly need watch out and avoid the very attacks you’re trying to learn.The Dragon’s Voice and The Ram’s Voice have no ground indicators. Text indicating eye color will telegraph attacks. Blue is point blank ice The Ram’s Voice, Violet is donut lightning The Dragon’s Voice. If you do get hit, the status effects from those attacks can be really annoying. Dhorme Chimera: While this guy is far more powerful with a larger repertoire of dangerous moves than the “Cutter’s Cry” Chimera, you’ll have double the party manpower. With no dungeon in the way of your prize and using 4 LV70, kills will be incredibly fast and mechanics will not matter. With 8 BLU, it should be doable, but mechanics will have to considered. Kills will be fairly slower, but it will take half the kills to have everyone learn the actions. Someone will have to go Mighty Guard tank mage and hold his attention with help from “The Look” action if they have it. BLU has no reviving actions so people will need to be kept off of the floor with “White Wind”. [Mechanics of the fight and list of actions it uses can be found here:]
Learn time: Huge variability depending on method used. Fastest method would likely be using LV70 against the Dhorme Chimera and swapping after the BLU half of the party learns the abilities. Dhome Chimera likes using the necessary actions so there shouldn’t be much waiting for those.
Requirements: Chimera: LV38 or higher players need to talk toSibold in Ul’dah – Steps of Thal (x14,y10), to start the quest“Dishonor Before Death” to unlock the dungeon. Dhorme Chimera: This trial is unlocked during the “A Relic Reborn” quest. Yes this means that you will have to start an ARR relic weapon. Luckily it’s an easier very early step that shouldn’t take long to unlock this trial.[The steps needed:]
Notes: First of all I have to say that the size of the AOE this spell projects is absolutely freaking enormous. The camera can’t even zoom out far enough to see the entire scope of the collosal lightning donut. You need to go into “gpose” and pause the animation, then pan the view around to really see just how big “The Dragon’s Voice” is. Because “The Dragon’s Voice is a donut AOE with an 8y void between you and the spell’s hitbox, spacing is important. This requires a bit of guesswork to determine where the attack will land. Luckily the AOE is pretty thick so it shouldn’t be too hard to land on the intended target as long as you remember to back up after using “The Ram’s Voice” to inflict deep freeze. While the area that “The Dragon’s Voice” effects is huge, the damage it normally inflicts is lacking compared to the higher potency crowd control spells. When it hits an enemy with deep freeze the potency radically increases to be point of being comparable to the Primal Abilities. But like with “Drill Cannon” and petrify, the status gets stripped off after the hit. It would preferably be used near the end of the deep freeze duration to make the most of the time that the enemies are helpless. The chance to inflict paralysis can’t compare to the better options like “Mind Blast”, “Bad Breath” or “High Voltage”. You should rely on this spell primarily if targets have the deep freeze status or are spaced so far apart that it’s the most efficient way DPS.
No.35: Missile
Type: MagicAspect: NoneRank: ✮✮✮✮
Recommended: Enkidu LV50 [Trial Boss]
Location: Battle in the Big KeepAmdapor Keep- The Forecourt [LV50 Trial]
Soloable: No. As much as I’m sure Gilgamesh would love that, it would probably be best to have a person per each of his many arms.
Action frequency: Used during phase 1 with Enkidu. Keep damage low until the action casts. You’ll know for sure when he’s using Missile when a targeting reticule appears on someone. Only Enkidu has to die, the later Gilgamesh fight doesn’t matter. Important!: If someone dies during the fight, they can return to the start of the duty and revive there without needing a rez from a party member. As long as they’re alive again when Enkidu dies, they’ll still learn “Missile” with everyone else.
Fight difficulty: Varies greatly. For all BLU parties, you will probably need two Mighty Guard tank mages and hold aggro with help from “The Look” if they have it. Mechanics will still have to be processed for the most part to avoid excessive damage. Not too difficult mechanically, but it’s definitely far slower than utilizing LV70s. [Mechanics of the fight can be found here:](It says there that Missile is used by Gilgamesh, but this is incorrect)[Description of actions they use in the fight found here:] If done with 4 LV70s and 4 BLU all mechanics can be ignored besides maybe the chicken tornados (since chickens can’t attack anyway), so they can be burned down with absurd speed. Only make sure to let Missile go off once. Other than that, show no mercy.
Learn time: Not too long most of the time, if your luck is real bad it can take a could take a couple dozen runs.
Requirements: Enkidu’s trial, Battle in the Big Keep, must be unlocked through the “Her Last Vow” quest.
Notes: Wow this is a good spell. Part of the BLU cheese set of instant death type attacks. It has way higher accuracy compared to the other actions “Tail Screw” and “Doom” and will turn some encounters from difficult to a complete joke. Though you will either have to get it to land it twice or have the whole BLU crew spam it if you want to kill as fast. It’s sort of the polar opposite of “White Wind”, damaging half HP. Which is funny, cause Enkidu uses both of them. Since it scales with HP like how “White Wind” heals, this is literally always going to be useful if a target is vulnerable.
Location: Southern Thanalan – Broken Water (X20.5,Y10.0)[Won’t appear until Levequest is initiated]
Recommended: Sabotender Bailaor LV26
Location: Southern Thanalan – Burnt Lizard Creek (X15.0,Y15.0)
Soloable: Yes. Try to have a choco friend available for backup heals. Damage can be high.
Action frequency: Very often, you’ll be backing off a lot to avoid all the AOE, luckily it’s not too huge. Flowering Sabotender: Important!: If you do not learn the action, do not collect the reward. Instead, abandon the Leve in the menu. This will make it reappear in the list of available Leves. If you collect the reward, there’s a chance that the Leve will not be on the list so you will have to waste Allowances and time doing other Leves to get it to appear again.
Fight difficulty Make sure you dodge the AOE every time, though your choco will not like it. 1000 Needles will hurt a lot or just kill you at lower levels. Other than that, they’re not too powerful. Of course getting help from others will make it vastly easier to deal with burning them down quickly and safely.
Learn time: Shouldn’t take overly long if there’s others farming in the area you can join. By yourself will be fairly slower at lower levels and 1000 Needles is very hazardous.
Requirements: Flowering Sabotender: Levequest “Flower Power”. Requires a good stock of Leve Allowances. Doing this as a party will let you combine Allowances
Notes: The cast time on this is darn long. It can be mitigated with “Swiftcast”, but normally a bit impractical unless your other options are worse than casting different spells 3 times. If you can manage to learn this action early, the damage is absolutely ridiculous at lower levels. The prolonged cast time will make you a sitting duck, and enemies may have time to either move out of the way or use an AOE next to you. If you’re going to make excessive use of ”1000 Needles” you should always try to have “Mighty Guard” on as the 70% damage penalty does nothing to this spell’s potential. Due to the damage being split among all targets hit, pulls will have be made with only one or two enemies at a time for maximum effect at higher levels. “1000 Needles” will probably be your main source of damage to kill stronger mobs until LV50. At LV50 your massive jump in stats granted from access to iLV130 gear will finally let your other attacks start to outpace 1000 damage. As well as getting to taste that BLU cheese “Missile” and “Doom”. You might have “Tail Screw” already from the Stormblood scorpions, but if they’re not an option, you to get access to the ARR dungeon that teaches it at LV50.
No.37: Ink Jet
Type: MagicAspect: NoneRank: ✮✮✮
Recommended: Kraken LV50 [Dungeon Boss]
Location: Sastasha [Hard]- Mistbeard Cove- The Sultana’s Lap (X4.3,Y17.6) [LV50 Dungeon]
Soloable: With how dangerous the first Mini-boss is alone, going solo here will not end well. There’s parts of this dungeon later on where you get ganged up by far more guys than you could possibly handle alone, though I suppose you could try to Self-destruct your way through the pulls. But then you’d still have to deal with Kraken alone.
Action frequency: Far more straightforward than the first Mini-boss here. Kraken should use Ink Jet pretty soon after the fight starts. To be safe you can wait a little bit for it to go off and then burn him down as fast as possible. Especially if you’re using LV70s.
Fight difficulty: There are giant AOE everywhere. As long as you try to avoid as many as possible this fight isn’t really hard. There’s safe spots on the far corners near the far sides of Kraken’s face. You can mow the boss down quickly. If there’s LV70s, you’ll need to wait for Ink Jet to go off and then proceed to murder this fully grown Kraken in a few seconds.
Learn time: Man there’s a lot of enemies in this dungeon. They balance this out by making them not too strong, but having good crowd control is necessary to get through this place quickly. Being the last boss of this dungeon, means LV70s might be needed if you really want to power through or have had it with RNG and just need to get things moving. Overall shouldn’t take too, too long if your luck isn’t terrible.
Requirements: LV50 players need to talk to Bloezoeng in Revenant’s Toll, Mor Dhona (X22,Y8), to start the quest “It’s Definitely Pirates” to unlock Sastasha [Hard]That quest is available after the completion of the main scenario quest “The Ultimate Weapon”.
Notes: Honestly I don’t know why they made the damage on this weaker and gave it shorter range than other close range crowd control attacks like “Flame Thrower”, “Plaincracker”, or “Ram’s Voice”. It does inflict blind but it doesn’t seem overly useful compared to using “Bad Breath” and using a more powerful or longer range spell to attack with. The blind duration on this is quite long, but it has no Aspect to take advantage of any elemental weaknesses in the Masked Carnivale. I feel like this probably should have been water based or 130 potency so it would be more useful. Funny thing about “Ink Jet”, is that its best use is on yourself in the Masked Carnivale. In some of the stages enemies have gaze attacks that you become immune to when you’re blind. So you use this spell on a target with reflect to bounce it back at yourself. Of course this will hurt you in the process so you’ll have to heal afterwards. I suppose “Bad Breath” would also technically work in this case, but who the hell would want to hit themselves with that? We get enough from the Malboros already.
No.38: Fire Angon
Type: PhysicalDamage: Piercing/FireRank: ✮✮✮
Recommended: Frumious Koheel Ja LV50 [Dungeon Mini-boss]
Location: The Wanderer’s Palace [Hard]- The Silent Garden- Still Waters (X13.7,Y13.1) [LV50 Dungeon]
Soloable: Don’t think so. While you may be able to handle the random trash on the way to this guy, the mini-boss himself is going to be throwing out a lot of adds and damage while trying to knock you all over the place.
Action frequency: As soon as the fight starts he’ll only use Batterhorn and Fire Angon. Wait a few seconds until the action casts and you’ll be all set. Do not damage him at all until then as he’ll phase change, start using other attacks and spawning adds. You don’t want to kill too fast before he gets a cast off if using LV70s. Afterwards burn him down fast as possible.
Fight difficulty: Luckily it’s only the first Mini-boss in this dungeon so getting to him is darn quick and there’s not an excessive amount of mobs in the way. So you can pretty much just charge all the way through until a gate stops you and you clear out the mobs to open the way. Lv70s make this even easier to do. Though it should be possible with an all BLU setup you’ll need to be more careful with pulls which will slow things down. Frumious himself can hit hard if the spear adds aren’t addressed. With all BLU they’ll probably need to be taken out to avoid heavy excessive damage. He is vulnerable to “Missile” and the other BLU cheese, if you have it and spam after Fire Angon goes off, he will die incredibly fast. With LV70s, focus him down and it should be quick and easy.
Learn time: For a dungeon action, real quick. It’s the first Mini-boss and the path is pretty short without much resistance. Frumious himself isn’t too difficult and doesn’t have any outrageously dangerous attacks like Karlabos or Cuca Fera.
Requirements: LV50 players need to talk to Bloezoeng in Revenant’s Toll, Mor Dhona (X22,Y8), to start the quest “Not Easy Being Green” to unlock The Wanderer’s Palace [Hard]That quest is available after the completion of the main scenario quest “The Ultimate Weapon” as well as the side quest “Trauma Queen” and original The Wanderer’s Palace.
Notes: Fire Angon has great range. The damage for each hit is a bit on the weaker side, but it has a real short cast time and does AOE damage so it’s spammable. Who can honestly say they wouldn’t want to be able to launch really fast exploding fire spears from their hands.
No.39: Moon Flute
Type: MagicAspect: NoneRank: ✮
Recommended: Wayward Gaheel Ja [NPC]
Location: Ul’dah- Steps of Thal (X12.5,Y12.9)
Soloable: Yes. It has to be as the Masked Carnivale is a solo instance.
Requirements: This is a Totem action. Must clear 10 Stages in “The Masked Carnivale” and collect your Moon Flute totem.
Notes: “Moon Flute” is a high risk, high reward type spell. This is helpful for getting a lot of extra power or making a real quick getaway combined with “Sprint”. When using it along “Off-Guard” and “Peculiar Light” it gives a massive burst of power if you cast all the Primal Abilities back to back. It’s crucial for Masked Carnivale strategies using “Self-destruct” and “Final Sting” to get quick kills. “Diamondback” can essentially nullify the negative effect of waning nocturne for most of the time you would be inflicted with it if you can time the cast to go off when waxing nocturne has a second or two left on its duration. If you’re in a town it can also be handy to have when “Sprint” is on CD to move faster.
No.40: Tail Screw
Type: MagicAspect: NoneRank: ✮✮✮✮
Recommended: Crag Claw LV61
Location: The Peaks- Rustrock- The Wash (X27.0 ,Y7.6) (X24.3 ,Y10.7) (X22.4 ,Y16.4)
Soloable: Crag Claw: Yeah, I don’t think so. As you can probably guess by looking at this guys level, you shouldn’t be trying to solo something that strong. A duo with a LV70 will work fantastic. Karlabos: With how dangerous the first Mini-boss is alone, going solo here will not end well. Getting murdered by Tail Screw isn’t very helpful towards learning it. Even bringing one strong friend is dangerous due to Tail Screw erasing all but 1HP from the lower aggro targets. This will be a death sentence if you have a debuff and end your party if you don’t keep Tail Screw under control.
Action frequency: Crag Claw: It can take a little while to see Tail Screw, they seem to favor other actions. Luckily however you can actually dodge it this time compared to the fight with Karlabos. Karlabos: It’ll use Tail Screw fairly soon after the fight starts. Tail Screw is crazy dangerous, but it can be stunned. Of course you don’t want to do that for the first one since that’s the whole reason why you’re here in the first place. So the damage will have to be healed through. Be ready with the “White Wind”s or other healing / reviving moves if you’re using LV70s when his cast bar is close to full.
Fight difficulty: Crag Claw: With a LV70 buddy, this is stupid easy. LV70s now can pretty much one shot them if they wanted to. This version of Tail Screw has a ground indicator so you can actually dodge it. It’s great since it’s not hyper lethal like Karlabos’ version. Makes farming here with friends much faster with all of these scorpions around and completely safe (well as long as your BLUs don’t accidently back up into another Crag Claw while the party is preoccupied with the current one). Karlabos: For real, do not let Tail Screw go off more than once. As far as I can tell, you can’t dodge this version of Tail Screw. It’s not an AOE like the Crag Claw version. This one seems to always connect with the selected target no matter how far away you run. It will drop even LV70s if it’s not managed through stunning, healing, and avoiding the DoTs. After it does, burn it down as fast as humanly possible. Break out the tasty “Missile” BLU cheese seasoning for dinner time cause scorpion is on the menu and it will make a quick meal out of this guy.
Learn time: Crag Claw: With a strong buddy, fast and easy. There’s so many of these guys in the area that they usually respawn faster than they can all be killed off unless it’s crazy busy in that zone. Karlabos: At least much faster than “Ink Jet” from Kraken at the end of the dungeon, especially with help from “Missile”. Things will really slow down if the LV70s get offed by Tail Screw.
Requirements: Crag Claw: <Stormblood> This a Stormblood expansion area. You must own the Heavensward expansion and have cleared all its main scenario quests as well as own the current Stormblood expansion and progress far enough in it to be able to access this area. Karlabos: LV50 players need to talk to Bloezoeng in Revenant’s Toll, Mor Dhona (X22,Y8), to start the quest “It’s Definitely Pirates” to unlock Sastasha [Hard]That quest is available after the completion of the main scenario quest “The Ultimate Weapon”.
Notes: Part of the BLU cheese set of instant death type attacks. The chances of getting this to actually land are darn low. But if you have a whole team of BLU spamming it, especially if it’s a full team of 8, this will connect at least once pretty fast. And that’s all you will ever need on an enemy cause they’re already dead. Anything immune to “Missile” or “Doom”, will be immune to this too. Satisfying to pull of, this will work on a number of dungeon mini-bosses or those really strong FATEs that you usually need like 30 people for.
No.41: Mind Blast
Type: MagicAspect: NoneRank: ✮
Recommended: Galvanth the Dominator LV16 [Dungeon Boss]
Location: The Tam-Tara Deepcroft (X6.9,Y7.4)[LV16 Dungeon]
Soloable: Yes, but only advised at a much higher level. A team or a strong friend are recommended.
Action frequency: Scripted to immediately cast Mind Blast when his HP drops to about 45%. And then periodically through the rest of the fight. Should have no problem seeing it as long as you don’t kill it in one hit or before the cast goes off.
Fight difficulty: Not hard, though I don’t know what else you would expect from the 2nd dungeon in the game. The only problem is that Mind Blast is only used by the boss at the end of the dungeon. At much higher levels you can speedrun through all the mobs but the areas are gated off so time will be wasted opening the paths. While the paths are being opened the team can clean up the mobs that have followed until that point. Once you get to the big guy, give a light tickle until his HP drops below half and get rid of the tethered adds.
Learn time: A patch on (Jan. 24, 2019) has made it so “Mind Blast” is a 100% learn chance as long as Galvanth uses the action once. This is due to the spell being needed to progress through the BLU job quests. So gather up a 4 man BLU crew and make one run through the dungeon. Should take less than a half-hour.
Requirements: Must be least LV16 and complete the “Fire in the Gloom” main scenario quest to unlock Tam-Tara Deepcroft
Notes: Damage isn’t too great but this has half the cast time of other any crowd control AOE spell and a good sized effect radius. This might be the best spell to spread around paralysis, at least for being the most spammable and having such a long status duration. “High Voltage” will do a better job with damage and range, as well as being equal to the paralysis duration, but only if “Aqua Breath’s” dropsy debuff is in effect. “Mind Blast” is entirely self sufficient, so if you have one slot available or if you prefer the faster cast to really spam paralysis, this will be the better choice. Be aware of abusing too heavily as diminishing returns will incur.
No.42: Doom
Type: MagicAspect: NoneRank: ✮✮✮✮
Recommended: Wayward Gaheel Ja [NPC]
Location: Ul’dah- Steps of Thal (X12.5,Y12.9)
Soloable: Yes. It has to be as the Masked Carnivale is a solo instance.
Action frequency: N/A
Fight difficulty: This will greatly vary depending on the stages chosen to complete in the Masked Carnivale. The earlier stages on the list are typically easier. A powered up “Self-destruct” and “Final Sting” will go a long way to making the fights vastly easier. As those 2 will lop off most of a target’s HP or just kill them outright. As long as the objective targets are killed and perform no action after you die, it still counts as a win. Since “Doom” has a steep requirement compared to “Moon Flute” some of the harder stages will have to be dealt with, but the kamikaze strategy still holds. Even the hardest stages currently available will really feel the damage. There are in-depth dedicated guides from others to the Masked Carnivale:
Learn time: Instant
Requirements: This is a Totem action. Must clear 20 Stages in “The Masked Carnivale” and collect your Doom totem.
Notes: Part of the BLU cheese set of instant death type attacks. Not sure how its accuracy compares to “Tail Screw”. It’s been speculated that the accuracy is higher but it seems like it’s about the same or at least pretty similar. Not nearly as consistent as “Missile” but it pairs well with “Acorn Bomb” as it does not wake the target up until successful. “Doom” will work on most dungeon mini-bosses, enemies in the Masked Carnivale, and FATEs including really strong ones that usually require multiple parties to kill. Do your best Kenshiro impression for your enemies as they need to know they’re already dead.
No.43: Peculiar Light
Type: MagicAspect: NoneRank: ✮✮
Recommended: Lentic Mudpuppy LV45
Location: Mor Dhona (X12.9,Y10.5) (X14.2,Y11.5)
Soloable: Close to its level, sure. Though you need to watch out for the mobs on the way here. These are some of the stronger ARR world map enemies. This might be easier with less people around as some will just kill the mob the second it spawns.
Action frequency: Will always open with Bog Bomb first and then use Peculiar Light shortly after, around 15 seconds from when the fight started.
Fight difficulty: Not hard. Advisable to approach the farming area as a much higher leveled job so mobs don’t aggro on the way. These guys are pretty isolated from other mobs in the area. Just avoid the AOE and try not to kill it too fast before the action is cast.
Learn time: This should be fast, especially if you have help. They use Peculiar light pretty quickly and respawn fast, so there’s plenty of learning opportunities. People that camp spawns to take them out instantly will make learning take longer and more difficult than it has to be if there’s too many of them.
Requirements: None
Notes: Be aware that this is a pretty close range AOE around yourself. Unlike “Bristle” which only powers up Spells and not Abilities from the Primals, this will give a whole lot more power to those attacks. With the sole exception being “Mountain Buster” as it is the only physical based Ability. So before you fire off your hard earned Primal powers all at once always try to use this before with “Off-Guard” active. “Moon Flute” can also be used at the same time if you’re feeling daring. This spell and “Toad Oil” are the main boosting factors that can make “Self-Destruct” stronger than “Final Sting”. Enemies that are not immune to fire in the Masked Carnivale can be devastated, but due to the short range of “Peculiar Light” they will need to be kited together or grabbed with “Sticky Tongue” to be hit all at once.
Soloable: No. A duo with a LV70 partner will work, but it will be harder to take out Chirada and Suparna before their buffs become too powerful. The BLU is at a high risk of dying. A full farming team will be optimal.
Action frequency: This is another weird one. You won’t see Feather Rain on the battle log when it’s used. It’s as if it’s cast by the area itself rather than Garuda. You’ll see it whenever Garuda is scripted to fly up in the air, AOE ground markers appear in her wake, and feathers rain down after a few seconds. You will be able to see that this is indeed Feather Rain if you get hit and have the flying text enabled.
Fight difficulty: Since Garuda is scripted to fly up at certain points when her HP drops low enough which automatically triggers Feather Rain, you can burn her as fast as physically possible but stop right before 50%. The adds must die before Garuda’s HP drops below half or all the BLU will die. Adds are vulnerable to “Missile”, so use that to kill them very fast. You should be doing this with half the team at LV70 to ignore nearly all mechanics and to do this as fast and simple as possible. This fight is completely free if you have a LV70 shield healer. The only thing that can possibly kill the BLU with a shield up is if you don’t kill the adds in time before her HP drops too low and she tries to wipe the party.
Learn time: Each kill should only be a minute to a minute and a half at the most with LV70s. The learn chance of the 5 Star Primal actions is notoriously small. Clear your calendar cause on average they will take hours to get. They really should not have put the learn chance for these abilities so severely low, as the Primal actions are a crucial part of BLU’s potential.
Requirements: The Howling Eye [Extreme] is unlocked through the “Galeforce Warning” side quest.
Notes: Part of the 5 Star Primal / Eikon Ability set. Categorized as an Ability, not a Spell, and as such there is no cast time. “Bristle” will have no effect in boosting its power. Essentially BLU’s oGCD beefy attacks that can only be used once in awhile. It’s a pair with “Eruption” as the two share a CD. So when one is used, if you had the other equipped, it too would be sent into CD. Due to this, it’s not worth wasting a slot on both at the same time. These actions are very powerful, exceptionally so when powered up with “Off-Guard”, “Moon Flute”, and “Peculiar Light”. They will make every round in the Masked Carnivale or anything else you’re doing with BLU much easier. This pair has the shortest CD of the Primal powers at 30 seconds, but also the lowest potency of the Primal Ability set. It must be placed on the ground using a targeting reticle, so this can take extra time that needs to be accounted for when using. “Feather Rain’s” DoT only ticks twice so its potency still pretty much matches what “Eruption” does, but over a longer period of time. You would need to use “Feather Rain” instead in the Masked Carnivale to bring against enemies weak to wind or immune to fire as it is the only wind Aspect attack that BLU has that actually does damage. “Feather Rain” has the longest possible range of any Blue Magic.
No.45: Eruption
Type: MagicAspect: FireRank: ✮✮✮✮✮
Recommended: Ifrit LV50 [Hard Trial Boss](You can also learn Eruption from stronger versions of Ifrit, learn chance may be higher)
Location: The Bowl of Embers [LV50 Hard Trial]
Soloable: Not the LV50 versions. A duo with a LV70 friend will work, but they’ll need to be somewhat quick taking out the nails. A team might actually have a bit of a harder time if they get way too carried away and burn Ifrit too fast.
Action frequency: Eruption is used periodically through the fight. You shouldn’t have too much trouble seeing it, though you may have to wait once for a few seconds near the end if DPS was high. Without a shield healer the nails prevent you from killing him too fast before the cast, but he can stop Eruption’s cast if pushed hard enough.
Fight difficulty: If the damage gets too overzealous, Ifrit will kill all of the BLU without shields if the nails aren’t dealt with. If the party has a SCH or an AST, you can use shields to cheese the nail phase and keep the BLU alive (vastly easier on Hard compared to Extreme) while continuing to burn Ifrit’s HP.
Learn time: The nails can drag things out, but with LV70s each kill should be a few minutes. Cheesing the nails with shields will speed up kills by a large amount. The learn chance of the 5 Star Primal actions is notoriously small. Clear your calendar cause on average they will take hours to get, even with each Ifrit kill taking under a minute.They really should not have put the learn chance for these abilities so severely low, as the Primal actions are a crucial part of BLU’s potential.
Requirements: The Bowl of Embers [Hard] is unlocked through the “Ifrit Bleeds, We Can Kill It” side quest.That quest is available after the completion of the main scenario quest “The Ultimate Weapon” as well as the side quest “A Recurring Problem”
Notes: Part of the 5 Star Primal / Eikon Ability set. Categorized as an Ability, not a Spell, and as such there is no cast time. “Bristle” will have no effect in boosting its power. Essentially BLU’s oGCD beefy attacks that can only be used once in awhile. It’s a pair with “Feather Rain” as the two share a CD. So when one is used, if you had the other equipped, it too would be sent into CD. Due to this, it’s not worth wasting a slot on both at the same time. These actions are very powerful, exceptionally so when powered up with “Off-Guard”, “Moon Flute”, and “Peculiar Light”. They will make every round in the Masked Carnivale or anything else you’re doing with BLU much easier. This pair has the shortest CD of the Primal powers at 30 seconds, but also the lowest potency of the Primal Ability set. It must be placed on the ground using a targeting reticle, so this can take extra time that needs to be accounted for when using. Potency basically matches “Feather Rain, except that this Ability does all of its damage instantly. Outside of the Masked Carnivale “Eruption” may be preferable as it’s able to deploy all damage instantly, but it’s mainly up to the user. In the Carnivale, “Feather Rain” is used more as it’s your only source of wind damage and there’s a few other options for fire.
No.46: Mountain Buster
Type: PhysicalDamage: Blunt/EarthRank: ✮✮✮✮✮
Recommended: Titan LV50 [Hard Trial Boss](You can also learn Mountain Buster from stronger versions of Titan, learn chance may be higher)
Location: The Navel [LV50 Hard Trial]
Soloable: No. A duo with a LV70 can work but you need to be very careful of falling off and Landslide.
Action frequency: Uses Mountain Buster periodically through the fight. Seems to start using it when the Gaols show up. Titan can be burned at an absolute ridiculous speed with 4 LV70s on the team. Be careful killing it too fast.
Fight difficulty: This fight can be powered through at crazy speeds, but you need to still be very aware of falling off and Landslide. Landslide can be very lethal once the area shrinks. Do not get hit by it, cause you’re not coming back if you do. The battle only needs to last just long enough for Mountain Buster. The longer the fight, the more chances of people getting knocked off.
Learn time: One of the faster Primal fights, there will be plenty of learning opportunities in a short time. There’s little down time and no insta-wipe for pushing too hard. The learn chance of the 5 Star Primal actions is notoriously small. Clear your calendar cause on average they will take hours to get. They really should not have put the learn chance for these abilities so severely low, as the Primal actions are a crucial part of BLU’s potential. Important Warning: There are reports from players that if you are dead, you will not learn an action once the target dies. If you fall off, the instance will have to be restarted for you to have a chance.
Requirements: The Navel [Hard] is unlocked through the “In a Titan Spot” side quest.That quest is available after the completion of The Howling Eye [Hard] trial and speaking to Y’shtola in the Waking Sands to accept it.
Notes: Part of the 5 Star Primal / Eikon Ability set. Categorized as an Ability, not a Spell, and as such there is no cast time. “Bristle” will have no effect in boosting its power. Essentially BLU’s oGCD beefy attacks that can only be used once in awhile. It’s a pair with “Shock Strike” as the two share a CD. So when one is used, if you had the other equipped, it too would be sent into CD. Due to this, it’s not worth wasting a slot on both at the same time. This action is very powerful, exceptionally so when powered up with “Off-Guard” and “Moon Flute”. It is the only Primal Ability unaffected by “Peculiar Light’s” debuff on enemies due to being a physical Type. They will make every round in the Masked Carnivale or anything else you’re doing with BLU much easier. This pair’s CD time is in between the fastest and slowest Primal powers at 60 seconds. They have the highest base potency in one hit against a single target compared to any of BLU’s actions except “Drill Cannon” used on a Petrified enemy, “Self-destruct”, or “Final Sting”. I wish there wasn’t such a sharp drop off in damage when there’s a lot of enemies hit.Compared to “Shock Strike” its AOE profile is very different. Since it’s a close range cone care needs to be made to use it in the right position. With a minute long CD, this can’t afford to miss the required target. “Mountain Buster’s” AOE is a deal larger than its counterpart Ability so it will be able to hit large groups of multiple targets easier when in the right position. The lack of support from “Peculiar Light” and shorter range can really hurt so most of the time you’ll likely be packing “Shock Strike” instead. Though if you know you’re going to be fighting a ton of guys close together or are trying to do Masked Carnivale events asking for physical / earth damage, this will be preferable.
No.47: Shock Strike
Type: MagicAspect: LightningRank: ✮✮✮✮✮
Recommended: Ramuh LV50 [Hard Trial Boss](You can also learn Shock Strike from stronger versions of Ramuh, learn chance may be higher)
Location: The Striking Tree [LV50 Hard Trial]
Soloable: No, even a pain for a duo with a LV70. Of all the Primal fights, this one is by far the most annoying to do with an undersized party.
Action frequency: Uses Shock Strike occasionally through the fight. Fighting normally and trying to burn him down as fast as possible (not too fast though due to adds) will let you see the action just fine.
Fight difficulty: He really doesn’t like getting burned down too fast. Adds cannot be ignored must be eliminated before his HP drops below 50% or he’ll just kill everyone. No, not just the BLUs, freaking everyone. The adds are vulnerable to “Missile” (as well as “Tail Screw” and “Doom” but ”Missile” is by far the most reliable), and the BLU on the team can actually kill them even faster than the 70s by spamming it. His HP can only be depleted below half safely once he starts the cast for Judgement Bolt. Ramuh’s damage on Extreme is really high even for a LV70 tank if you don’t get 3 glowing obs to stop most of it.
Learn time: The add phases can really slow this fight down. It is way faster than Leviathan at least unless you have powerful burst damage for that fight. It’s going to be much slower if your parties can’t stop DPS in time to prevent insta-wipes too often. The learn chance of the 5 Star Primal actions is notoriously small, even with Ramuh’s fights taking between 45 seconds and a minute or so with 4 LV70s. Clear your calendar cause on average they will take hours to get. They really should not have put the learn chance for these abilities so severely low, as the Primal actions are a crucial part of BLU’s potential.
Requirements: The Striking Tree [Hard] is unlocked through the “ Levin an Impression” main scenario quest.That quest is available after the completion of the main scenario quest “True to Form” and accepting it from Papalymo in South Shroud (x23,y14)
Notes: Part of the 5 Star Primal / Eikon Ability set. Categorized as an Ability, not a Spell, and as such there is no cast time. “Bristle” will have no effect in boosting its power. Essentially BLU’s oGCD beefy attacks that can only be used once in awhile. It’s a pair with “Mountain Buster” as the two share a CD. So when one is used, if you had the other equipped, it too would be sent into CD. Due to this, it’s not worth wasting a slot on both at the same time. These actions are very powerful, exceptionally so when powered up with “Off-Guard”, “Moon Flute”, and “Peculiar Light”. They will make every round in the Masked Carnivale or anything else you’re doing with BLU much easier. This pair’s CD time is in between the fastest and slowest Primal powers at 60 seconds. They have the highest base potency in one hit against a single target compared to any of BLU’s actions except “Drill Cannon” used on a Petrified enemy, “Self-destruct”, or “Final Sting”. I wish there wasn’t such a sharp drop off in damage when there’s a lot of enemies hit. Compared to “Mountain Buster” its AOE profile is very different. Being a very long distance AOE with damage centered around the locked on target, hitting the desired enemy is pretty much idiot-proof. So there isn’t a problem with being in the wrong position or slightly out of range. Because the affected area is only about half the size of “Mountain Buster”, a group of enemies have to be very close together if you want to hit most of them. “Shock Strike” benefits greatly from “Peculiar Light”, has a more consistent casting method, and much longer range. Due to these factors you’ll likely be packing this most of the time instead. It will also come in handy in the Masked Carnivale if you need extra lightning damage. Even though there is already a large variety of lightning spells you could use, the extra damage from “Peculiar Light” will be more useful in most stages.
Soloable: No. You know when they said that BLU was going to be a solo type job, yeah I really don’t think they meant this. You are going to need help, either from a strong dedicated friend or a farming party. Especially with a duo, BLUs are at a high risk of dying.
Action frequency: Scripted to happen shortly after she enters Bow form in phase 3 after Diamond Dust. Of all the Primal fights, this takes by far the longest with 4 LV70s as she really makes you wait for Glass Dance to go off. You’ll only be able to see Glass Dance at the very end of the fight as her HP should be below 10% by that time.
Fight difficulty: This will vary wildly depending on team setup. The easiest way to beat her in a farm party will be to have 4 BLU and 4 LV70 people, then swap so the LV70 are now BLU so they can learn next. The party will have to learn the action 2 times, but she will go down far, far faster and mechanics can be almost completely ignored besides the adds and staying away from the wall in phase 3. Having a SCH or AST with shields make everything vastly easier as the BLU will rarely ever die as long as shields are up. She doesn’t punish you for burning her down too fast as long as the adds are checked so kills should be fast if you’re using LV70s. You will have to wait a few minutes for her to finally transition into her bow form to use Glass Dance. The BLU must be directly behind her during Glass Dance to avoid it even with shields, as it does incredibly high damage even to LV70 tanks with a tank stance on. Diamondback will block nearly all her damage when active and allow mechanic cheesing if timed right, though with a LV70 shield healer it shouldn’t be necessary.
Learn time: Definitely the slowest Primal fight with 4 LV70s. Since Shiva makes you wait so much for her to use Glass Dance, each fight will be between 2:30 – 2:45 minutes long. This can tack on a fair chunk of time to the already low learn chance if you get unlucky. The learn chance of the 5 Star Primal actions is notoriously small. Clear your calendar cause on average they will take hours to get. They really should not have put the learn chance for these abilities so severely low, as the Primal actions are a crucial part of BLU’s potential.
Requirements: Akh Afah Amphitheatre [Extreme] is unlocked through the “Drop Dead Shiva” side quest.
Notes: Part of the 5 Star Primal / Eikon Ability set. Categorized as an Ability, not a Spell, and as such there is no cast time. “Bristle” will have no effect in boosting its power. Essentially BLU’s oGCD beefy attacks that can only be used once in awhile. It’s a pair with “Veil of the Whorl” as the two share a CD. So when one is used, if you had the other equipped, it too would be sent into CD. Due to this, it’s not worth wasting a slot on both at the same time. These actions are very powerful, exceptionally so when powered up with “Off-Guard”, “Moon Flute”, and “Peculiar Light”. They will make every round in the Masked Carnivale or anything else you’re doing with BLU much easier. This pair’s CD time is the slowest of the Primal powers at 90 seconds. “Glass Dance” has lower potency than “Shock Strike” or “Mountain Buster” but vastly less damage drop off against multiple targets. In contrast to the other Primal Ability pairs’ near identical damage profile, “Glass Dance” and “Veil of the Whorl” behave extremely different with how they perform. This attack needs you to be positioned in a somewhat similar way to “Mountain Buster” though the range and width is far larger than that. “Glass Dance” is a gigantic 270 degree arc. Realistically, only enemies directly behind you won’t be hit. Still, while width is better than any other conical AOE crowd control attack, the range is shorter than it seems. Make sure to position close enough to have “Peculiar Light” land and secure the hit with “Glass Dance” as the CD is very long. Unless you know you’ll be tanking and getting hit a lot by multiple enemies, “Glass Dance” should be equipped instead of “Veil of the Whorl”.
No.49: Veil of the Whorl
Type: MagicAspect: WaterRank: ✮✮✮✮✮
Recommended: Leviathan LV50 [Hard Trial Boss](You can also learn Veil of the Whorl from stronger versions of Leviathan, learn chance may be higher)
Location: The Whorleater [LV50 Hard Trial]
Soloable: No. A duo with LV70 can work, but even with multiple LV70 this fight can cause issues if mechanics aren’t considered.
Action frequency: He’s scripted to always use Veil of the Whorl once HP drops below 90% after diving under the water and resurfacing with Body Slam. You’ll have no problem seeing the action by just burning him down as fast as you want.
Fight difficulty: You should be using LV70s to make this as painless as possible. Keep a close eye on those water geysers, and the Sahagin adds need to be taken out immediately. Sahagins can leave Hysteria puddles. No matter what difficulty you’re playing on it is very important to not forget to use the shield generator to avoid wiping out the BLU before he pulls all the might of the seas over the boat. If the party has LV70s with extremely high burst damage the mechanics of the fight can be completely ignored as Leviathan can be burned down as soon as it resurfaces with Body Slam followed by Veil of the Whorl. This can make the fight incredibly fast, but to do so requires somewhat decent party coordination. “Peculiar Light” can help a lot with this as it will give the LV70 mages a huge DPS boost. On Extreme, falling off is a critical hazard, even at LV70. If you fall off you can’t be resurrected. So pay attention to where geysers pop up and get to the opposite side of the boat before Body Slam tips it that way. Do not let Sahagin drop Hysteria puddles.
Learn time: The kills can be kind of slow for a Primal due to all the down time unless the party has that crazy high burst damage to cheese the whole fight. Normally, there’s large chunks of the fight where he’s untargetable or you’re busy killing adds. The learn chance of the 5 Star Primal actions is notoriously small. Clear your calendar cause on average they will take hours to get. They really should not have put the learn chance for these abilities so severely low, as the Primal actions are a crucial part of BLU’s potential. Important Warning: There are reports from players that if you are dead, you will not learn an action once the target dies. If you fall off on Extreme, the instance will have to be restarted for you to have a chance.
Requirements: The Whorleater [Hard] is unlocked through the “Lord of the Whorl” main scenario quest.That quest is available after the completion of the main scenario quest “Into the Heart of the Whorl” and accepting it from Eynzahr Slafyrsyn in Lower La Noscea (x24,y33)
Notes: Part of the 5 Star Primal / Eikon Ability set. Categorized as an Ability, not a Spell, and as such there is no cast time. “Bristle” will have no effect in boosting its power. Essentially BLU’s oGCD beefy attacks that can only be used once in awhile. It’s a pair with “Glass Dance” as the two share a CD. So when one is used, if you had the other equipped, it too would be sent into CD. Due to this, it’s not worth wasting a slot on both at the same time. These actions are very powerful, exceptionally so when powered up with “Off-Guard”, “Moon Flute”, and “Peculiar Light”. They will make every round in the Masked Carnivale or anything else you’re doing with BLU much easier. This pair’s CD time is the slowest of the Primal powers at 90 seconds. “Veil of the Whorl” has lowest potency per hit of any of the Primal Abilities. Instead it gives 30 second buff and the combined potency of all the counter damage will vary wildly. In contrast to the other Primal Ability pairs’ near identical damage profile, “Glass Dance” and “Veil of the Whorl” behave extremely different with how they perform. Essentially “Veil of the Whorl” is a really jacked up slow-less version of “Ice Spikes” with double the potency and duration, while being able to counter all damage rather than just physical. This makes it very potent combined with “Ice Spikes” as the two can stack their effects together and are typically used in the same scenarios. Their effect can persist while “Diamondback” is active. “Veil of the Whorl” is situational and should only be used over “Glass Dance” if you know you’ll be be tanking and getting hit a whole lot by a bunch of mobs. Even in rounds of the Masked Carnivale asking for water damage, “Glass Dance” would still do more work unless you’re really getting beat up and there’s other options for utilizing the water element.