A Sage job in FFXIV is a much different take on a job we have seen in previous games; rather than inflicting status hindering attacks or using white and black magic, a Sage is a barrier healer, similar to a Scholar. You start at level 70 as a Sage.
In this guide for beginners, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about the Sage, including how to unlock it and use its abilities to heal and protect your allies.
How To Unlock Sage
To begin playing as the Sage, you have to own the Endwalker expansion and have one of the Disciplines of Magic or War at level 70. After these prerequisites are met, go to the Limsa Lominsa Lower Deck so you can talk to Sharlayan Maiden and get a quest ‘Sage’s Path’. Then you’ll speak to an NPC Lalah Jinjahl who needs the guide familiar with Eorzea, and she’ll teach you the ways of a sage.
Sage Skills
The role of the Sage is to prevent damage, and use direct heals while the player is in danger. The Sages have 3 types of healing: Off-global cooldown skills, global cooldown healing skills, and global cooldown barrier and healing skills. They also have magic attacks that heal other players. Below are a couple of useful skills Sage has.
If you are looking for a rotation, please see our Sage Rotation Guide

This is the first skill you have to use, It’s one of the most important skills in your toolkit. Once activated, you grant a Kardia effect to yourself and a Kardion effect to a target player the same way a Dancer class selects the partner. After using Kardia on somebody, each magic attack you use can heal them. This means that dealing damage as the Sage can also be the source of sustained healing to your allies.
Apply Kardion on the main tank before an encounter. Soteria buffs Kardion healing by 50%.
DPS Spells
Dosis is your main DPS magic attack; You also have Phlegma as a DPS ability and Toxikon. There’s also an AoE ability Dyskrasia. Finally, at level 90 you unlock Pneuma, which is a laser beam attack that simultaneously heals your allies.
Heal & Utility

This is another important ability in Sage’s kit. Using Eukrasia can transform 3 skills, the Eukrasian Dosis, Eukrasian Prognosis, and Eukrasian Diagnosis, which have different effects. The Eukrasian Dosis deals a damage-over-time instead of direct damage. Also, Eukrasia must be activated whenever you’d like to use the Eukrasian skills.
Prognosis, Diagnosis

Prognosis provides the area-of-effect healing, and diagnosis is the single-target healing spell.

Single target shield
The Addersting Trait
This ability is quite similar to an Addersgall trait, but Addersting stacks begin accumulating after a barrier granted by the Eukrasian Diagnosis is completely absorbed. Addersting stacks can be used to cast Toxicon, the magic attack that damages a target as well as surrounding enemies, and heals a player affected by the Kardion.
After you have mastered these 3 major aspects of a Sage job and get more comfortable with the gameplay, you can start incorporating additional skills, like a reviving skill Egeiro, and the buffs that improve the healing potency. The Sages also have other skills that can grant barriers to the players, like Haima, which is especially useful during continuous damage, or Physis. This skill can grant regen to your party.