What to Know Beforehand
- You only need to complete the first fisher job quest to unlock
- Can register to board for 15 minutes every 2 hours
- No specific level or stats are required
How to Unlock the Quest
After the first fisher job quest, talk to Fhilsnoe and get the “All the Fish in the Sea quest.”

It will take you to the pier in Limsa Lominsa. Talk to Foerzagyl to complete the quest.

After a short cutscene explaining the lore of Ocean Fishing, it will be unlocked, and a warning that says Quest Complete Ocean Fishing Unlocked will appear.
Preparing for the Voyage
Before your voyage, buy some ragworm, plump worm, and krill from the nearby merchant.

You will also want to clear out your inventory before you set sail because you will need a lot of space. Each voyage has three stops. You can see them, and future voyages, by talking to Dryskthota. The routes cycle daily, so if a route you want is not available when you’re on, try the next day.

Joining the Voyage
When the Quest Icon (Exclamation Point) is over Dryskthota’s head, it means that you can register for an Ocean Fishing voyage. You can join a voyage by talking to Dryskthota and selecting Register to Board. You will automatically be queued with other fishers from your Data Center.

Get Ready for Fishing!
When 24 people are queued or 15 minutes after the hour, the queue will pop.
Once everyone has commenced, you will go into a short cutscene before your first stop.

Set your bait; any will do. If you still need bait or to sell stuff, there is a merchant on board. Cast your rod out, and you are ready to fish.
Here are the things your need to know while fishing:
- Every fish has points tied to it. High-quality fish are worth double points.
- Each stop has a “spectral fish” that, when caught, might trigger a spectral current.
- Spectral currents have a unique pool of fish, which are generally worth more points.
- You can still use ragworm, plump worm, or krill ocean fishing baits for spectral currents.
- Spectral currents last 2 minutes or 3 minutes if the previous stop didn’t have a current.
Returning from the Voyage
After the three stops, you’ll return to the pier in Limsa Lominsa. Before you get there, though, all the points you earned are added up, and bonuses are applied. Bonuses modify your score and experience gained based on a bunch of conditions.

Good luck and happy Ocean Fishing!