You Reached Level 80 In FFXIV – What You Should Do Now?
Welcome to another guide aimed at people that have reached level 80 or, in other words, end game content and don’t have any clue what to do next.
Complete MSQ: Shadowbringers
First and foremost, I cannot recommend anything more than completing the MSQ before doing anything else. But maybe not yet in this whole entirety but at least until you have finished the one called Shadowbringers, which will complete the baseline plot of the recent expansion Shadowbringers.

Even if you are not interested in the story, nearly every form of content is locked behind the MSQ. Completing it is rather mandatory to start into other sections of the game. At least when you have already reached level 80, which is a requirement for the last part of the Shadowbringer’s questline like the dungeon and trial, make sure to finish this quest before doing anything else where equipment doesn’t matter much yet.
After you complete that, I highly advise you to either continue with the MSQ until you have completed it for its available part or take just a very brief break to gear up your character. You will always know when you cannot continue anymore.
Gearing Up
Gearing Up – The No Gil No Frill Way
On this road, our goal is to get all sorts of item-level requirements checked without spending any Gil at all, which is my favorite way of enjoying the character and gear development aspect of the game. Because by taking the other route, you can buy out all the gear you need and then finish your best and slot stuff with the highest form of end game content for which you may or may not need it.

But that would be half the fun, so my advice and not spending any Gil except for materia melding is to grind down these Allagan Tomestone of Allegory, which can be received by participating in all sorts of end-game content. Then you can hunt down all kinds of end game dungeons, mainly the one featured in the last steps of the Shadowbringer’s MSQ and two other low- item-level ones.
By grinding these tomestones, you will receive item level 490 gear which can also be upgraded to 500. And by increasing your item level, you unlock new content like the 24 man-raid or the Eden 8 man-raid and get the latest gear from there. Or venture into your duty roulettes with friends or free company members where you also get tons of tomestones.
Gearing Up – Catch Up As Fast As Possible
The second route is more likely the I want to play recent content as fast as possible. On this path, you are hunting down and crafting Exarchic gear or also the augmented version by trading in the market board Exarchic gear together with Tomestone of Allegory into the 520 upgraded augmented version.

This kind of final fantasy’s catch-up mechanic is super effective and may bring you up to an item level 520 in no time. However, it may cost a lot of Gil, and you may lose some motivation to hop into the casual parts of recent content because your equipment is already stronger or at Ieast on par with it.
Recent Content – MSQ
After or in between your diligent gearing-up process, you should start with some recent content or, in the best case to complete the MSQ. During this process, you will also receive some more equipment pieces in recent dungeons, and you will need to complete the MSQ anyways. Otherwise, you cannot start the next expansion, or some dungeons or trials are locked behind its completion.
Join End-game Raids – Eden’s Raid/YoRha Raid
You should start with Eden’s raid by starting the quest “In The Middle of Nowhere” by talking to the Anxious Crystarium Guard in Crystarium if you’re interested in starting the 8-man raid series, which in its savage version is considered as the recent end-game. But of course, before trying off these modified difficulties, you should first clear the whole series on its story mode.

Another alternative is the 24-man YoRha raid, where the exact starting point is a bit difficult to distinguish because you need some prerequisite side quests completed.
My tip is to teleport to Tomra and complete anything with a blue question mark that sooner or later will lead you to the quest “On the threshold”-starting the series and granting you access to the first 24-man raid. Leading up to a sum of three raid parts that you can hunt down.

Trial-style End-game
And besides big raids, you can hunt down the trial-style end game by starting some trials apart from those unlocked through the MSQ by looking for the quest “Old Enemies, New Threats” that will lead you to a Final Fantasy classic of bosses and a true fan service of trial encounters. Note that this demands you to complete the MSQ even further.

The Bozjan Southern Front
Apart from the raid content with set party sizes and encounter mechanics, you can start your journey into The Bozjan Southern Front. This requires you to have completed the raid series from Stormblood, leading you to receive your artifact gear featured in the recent expansion.

Unlike other forms of content, Bozjan will let you enter a new version of battle content, syncing down your equipment onto a certain item level and requiring you to complete a vast selection of tasks. This can range from completing fate events, big critical engagements like mini raid bosses, or the big raids Iike Castrum Lacus Litore or DeIubrum Reginae.
PvP Content – Grand Company HQ
Check out PvP action starting at your grand company‘s headquarters battle feeds/formats with different sets of rules and mechanics while offering a somewhat watered-down combat system that is more straightforward to keep track of while fighting off your enemies. But no matter what content you’re aiming for, I highly advise checking out all the requirements and prerequisites for that.

Crafting Leveling 1-80
Suppose you’re more like a crafter-focused person. In that case, you should visit the tribe in Rak’tika and venture back to Ishgard for unlocking Ishgard restoration.

This is super helpful to level up crafter jobs that will come in handy in crafting some equipment or earn some Gil with good market board strategies.
True End-game – Glamour/Style Gear Farming
You can start your journey into the true end game, which is Glamour-ranging from farming old content relic weapons like the Anima, Zodiac, or elemental weapons from the past expansions.
Or by looking up all sorts of info websites or the amazing Eorzea Collection, where a whole universe of creative people is coming together to help you out with all sorts of glamour ideas for your character.