The Mothercrystal is a level 89 trial introduced in update 6.0 with Endwalker.
We’ll go through each mechanic separately, and I’ll explain how you can resolve each one.
Hydaelyn Abilities and Mechanics
Hero’s Radiance
Raid-wide AoE, healers be ready.

Dawn Mantle
This will change depending on what weapon Hydaelyn is holding.
- If she is holding the chakrams it will be a donut AoE, move in towards her
- If she is holding the green lance you want to move out away from her
- If she is holding the sword and shield you want to move intercardinal relative to the boss(lying midway between the cardinal points), shown in the picture below:

Mousa’s Scorn
The tank and off-tank needs to move into the marker, while the rest of the party should be outside

Mago’s Radiance
It’s just another raid-wide AoE.

Add Phase
Destroy all of the crystals. It also deals with the mechanics around you during the add phase. Keep an eye out for whatever weapon Hydaelyn is holding, and crystallize will spawn an area marker on each player after the Dawn Mantle cast is completed.

Just don’t step on anyone’s feet because crystalline stone three is a stack, and crystalline Blizzard three is a spread. There is a conviction gauge, and if it reaches 100 before you destroy all the crystals, you will be wiped. At the end of the add phase, there will be a massive raid-wide ability called Exodus.

Crystallize and Dawn Mantle
Hydaelyn will cast Crystallize followed by Dawn Mantle. Dawn Mantle does the same as before. Crystallize will spawn markers on each player, run away from everyone else to avoid overlapping the AoE markers.

After that Hydaelyn will cast Magos’ Radiance, the raid-wide AoE, again.
Parhelion, Subparhelion and Radiant Halo
The cast of Parhelion is simply an AoE marker.

It is followed by Subparhelion, a classic case of moving from one AoE marker to another immediately after it resolves not to take any damage. Just stand right next to the AoE marker, to make it in time to move to the zone where she just cast the previous AoE as fast as possible, which is the new safespot.

After that Hydaelyn will cast Radiant Halo, a raid-wide AoE.
Parhelic Circle
Stand on the short lines on the outside of the arena.

The Lightwave cast spawns these areas on the outskirts of the arena, which then travel through the arena slowly.

This only becomes difficult if you need to stack for any other mechanics, such as dawn mantle, because you may have to immediately make a run on the edge of the platform.
As you can see on the arena, these will give you a clearer picture of whether you’re standing inside of them or not, and touching a wave will not instantly kill you. But you’ll take a lot of damage over time, so be careful as 2-4 hits might wipe you out. This is the end of the fight.
The mechanics are simple once you understand the dawn mantle and have memorized the various weapons and have good timing.