Leveling is a test of endurance, and varying your approach can help you reach your objective faster than doing the same thing over and over again. Regardless, I’ll rank all potential ways from best to worst, from most fun to least entertaining.
Starting off with some preparation before hopping in.
EXP Buffs

Armory Bonus
Beginning with the greatest boost possible when your primary job or class is at least one level ahead of the job or class you’re leveling. This results in a 100% armory boost for all exp rewards. This benefit is decreased to 50 when you reach Shadowbringer’s levels. Notably, this is the only boost that works for fates or leaf quests.
Expansion Earrings
Any expansion earrings will be a huge benefit. The Menphina earring is the newest one available with the Endwalker pre-order and gives a +30% exp bonus. But you may also utilize the Aetheryte or Ala Mhigan Earrings, in which the latter is the most powerful until level 30.Â

Novice Hall Feature
It will allow you to take part in beginning trials where you may learn the game’s fundamentals and earn prizes leading to the new set including the new ring. It gives you an extra 30 kill exp till level 30.
Food and Meals
The standard 3 boosts to kill exp gained from any meal you can acquire. Just purchase a 99 stack of cooked eggs and you’ll always have 3% extra exp.
Rested Bonus
While this adds an incredible 50 more exps, you will quickly exhaust this.
Because these levels are grinded quickly, concentrate on vendor gear for the first 20 levels. Take whatever the merchants sell in advance and change it every two or three levels. Weapons are the most important improvement, although you won’t notice much change.
Level 1 – 15
Acquire your first job objective, go outside the job’s main starting city, and start killing opponents with your one ability.
Hunting Logs
Job quests at these levels will greatly decrease your total completion time and should not be included. Nonetheless, you should complete them to unlock class features and the job your class gets at level 30.

When completing the first quest, which involves killing creatures, you should concentrate on the hunting log. This is a list of foes who surround your beginning capital city that you must kill a specific number of, which will give you a significant amount of experience based on their level.
This essentially gives you all the exp you need until level 10 when you start performing quests and fates. When it comes to lower levels, killing opponents and getting fate rewards may gain you a full level. Fates are quite helpful and an excellent combination with your hunting log, sometimes even including objectives for your log.

By level 10, you’ve probably finished the first half of your hunting log and improved some gear. Pick up your job’s mission and go into your hunt journal. Leading to higher-level opponents in the starting zones and another follow-up area with monsters up to level 20. Of course, you should start with the opponents in low-level regions, then go on to the following zone with hunting targets around 15 and higher. Take up the challenge and defeat targets two or three levels above your own level even if you’re not a tank or have a Chocobo.
Level 16 – 30
Duty Roulette: Leveling and Dungeons
I strongly advise you to halt at level 16 and even earlier at level 15 to choose another path, especially your Duty Roulette: Leveling.

You may also use the more fun dungeons like Tam-tara Deepcroft and Sastasha to gain levels if you haven’t unlocked the Copperbell mine by level 17. So essentially complete them once or twice to level 20 or just finish your hunting log and prepare for the next leveling step.
Palace of the Dead
The Palace of the Dead is a great method that starts at level 17 in New Gridania.

By using this deep dungeon type leveling technique, you get access to your class and job skills as well as your class and job abilities.Â
AI Squadron or Command Missions
For this one, you need to be a second lieutenant in your grand company. After enabling command missions, you may enter most dungeons up to level 60 with an AI-based squad.

For DPS jobs, this is very helpful since you can enter dungeons anytime you want and have the company seals pay for it. Send them on squadron missions to acquire your stacks of squadron combat manuals and level them up while you’re away.
Adamantoise Tears
Is a leaf quest at camp tranquil in south shroud where your daily leaf quest allowances renew. Only do this if you have a lot of allowances piled and no plans to level crafters or gatherers soon.Â

In the latter stages, focus on dungeons and squadron dungeons, or the Palace of the Dead, and when you reach level 30, complete all of your class missions to become the respective job while unlocking new powers and skills that are essential for the journey ahead.