The trash mobs in this first part of the instance are pretty generic and relatively easy. You’ll have to kill each pack before the instance allows you to progress to the next section.
The 1st Boss – Einhander
Einhander – a strange bird that likes weapons and explosives. It can be used as explosives and crates. Throughout the battle, the Boss will soar into the air to swap weapons and scatter explosive canisters. These tiny canisters will ultimately explode, causing AoE damage in a very limited region. These large canisters will inflict a lot more raid-wide damage, so healers should watch out for the glow.
The Boss’ mechanics may ignite containers they strike. Once lit, a canister glows pink and cannot be moved. The simplest method to win this battle is to punch all the tiny canisters away from the group and ignore them.

The Boss also has different abilities based on what weapon he is currently holding. The machine gun will make a long column attack that is easy to dodge.

The stick thing will pull in everyone and every small canister to him. Knock these away, or if they are lit up, be sure to move away from them as multiple hits can be spicy.
Up next, we face some interesting trash mobs.

These colossi are trapped in their prisons until you destroy the magitek terminals. Until they’re freed, they will throw long column attacks on the group. After they’re free, they’ll continue throwing larger column attacks. This will drop the key you need to progress.

The 2nd Boss – Magitek Gunship
The next Boss is the Magitek Gunship. It has a frontal cone flamethrower that is deceivingly very long. Tanks, be sure not to run back into the fire death too soon.

Periodically the gunship will target a random player with this reticle and then fly in their direction, dropping giant fire on the way.

These last for some time and take up a large portion of the platform, so be careful not to trap yourself on the wrong side of the fire. A good tip is to bait him to the outer edge of the room so that he don’t get too much in your way.

Gunship will also throw large AoE circles on random players. Dodge these as necessary. As the fight progresses, he will start to target and drop more fire poo on random targets, and dodging can get hectic. Gunship will also spawn ads throughout the fight, but these are
quickly picked up and destroyed.
Next, on the last set of trash, be sure to avoid the AoE from the stray airship on your way up to the Final Boss.
The Final Boss – Midgardsormr
The last Boss is Midgardsormr. You’ll notice two suspiciously dead dragons on the platform; these will come into play soon. Midgardsormr has several AoE abilities with super-obvious Telegraph’s, so dodge everything. Moments after starting the encounter, he will go immune and revive the orange dragon, which should be grabbed by the tank as soon as possible.

The Dragons have a massive frontal cone and should never be turned towards the center of the platform. Tanks should pull this dragon to the back of the arena. You’ll notice that the dragon may get a buff if he’s too close to Midgardsormr.

The Boss will continuously cast his AoE while the group burns down the dragon. After some time, he will spawn an ad that will drop a magitek field generator upon its death.

Midgardsormr will begin to cast a room-wide blast called an Animadversion that will destroy anything on the platform. As soon as this cast goes out, click on the field generator to create a bubble that will grant anyone underneath it immunity.

Use it to survive the cast, reposition and continue destroying the dragon. When the dragon is killed, Midgardsormr will take a massive chunk of damage himself. You’ll be able to damage him for a little while until he revives the next dragon and goes immune again.

This dragon must be tanked closer to Midgardsormr to avoid its buff. A ton of AoE spawn in this phase. The spiciest being the fire puddle that drops beneath a random player and then grows to monstrous proportions. To dodge it, that player needs to start running as soon as it drops beneath them.
This phase is all about dancing around the air wheeze while destroying the second dragon. Depending on your DPS, you may or may not spawn another ad that will drop a field generator again. If the Boss begins to cast his ultimate, click on the field, stand underneath and carry on. after the second dragon is killed, Midgardsormr will be left with only 4%, allowing you to finish him off.