How to Start with Ishgard Restoration
The quest starts in the foundation, literally next to Aetheryte in Ishgard, and you can’t go wrong from there. After the cutscenes, you get access to the firmament, which is essentially the big district added to Ishgard that you’re rebuilding, giving back places to live for both the lords and the ladies, rich and poor are going to live side by side, and you’re going to make it all happen.

Take the quest Towards the Firmament to start.

Skybuilder’s Board
The way this works is, you have the Skybuilder’s board, which is essentially a way of tracking concerted efforts, the general progression of the overall restoration of each particular part.

In the end, each of the bars goes black and will allow you to do these fate-style events.
Collectible Appraisers
If you’re a crafter or a gatherer, there are a ton of new items and recipes.

You can access these under the crafting log, and if you go down, for example, on carpentry, you’ll see Ishgard restoration, and then there are tons of items. To check which ones are required, I believe this is each day; go over to the collectible appraiser to the right side of the area of the Ishgard restoration, and you’ll see what gives you the most of these Skybuilder’s scripts.
Skybuilder Scripts
These scripts are essentially the reward, and you can exchange them for several really exciting items at a nearby vendor.

If we come just upwards from the appraiser, you will find that he has everything from the new mount, new minions, stuff tabletop items, the glamour, everything you can imagine that was in the patch notes is pretty much from these scripts. So if you want to get all of these items in the game, you have to participate in the Ishgard restoration or at least the collectible turn-ins section of it.
Old Diadem Items
You can exchange the old Diadem items as well, including the Pegasus mount and minion. So if you were worried about going back to do old Diadem to try and get those spoils to get things, you could straight up buy them with these new scripts.
That covers you fairly thoroughly, including some of the minions and the fates, which is a very interesting concept and a wonderful way to provide people access to items that aren’t particularly tough to get.
Gathering Materials
Switch to your gatherer and go out there and try to find these materials.

For example, I want to make a bed today with my carpenter, so I’ll need the wood for that amongst the other materials, and it says that the material is White Ash Logs that can be acquired in the Rak’tika Greatwood. So go over there and gather to your heart’s content.
We’re going to be turning in many of these to maximize the number of scripts and get the rewards as fast as possible. This is a bit of a grind. If you’re obsessing over crafting and gathering, this is really going to be up your alley for sure.