Limit breaks are bonuses given in the game to unleash an ultimate ability depending on the player’s role. This can only be activated when there are at least 4 members in a party. The bar on the top left corner will continue to fill whenever they fight enemies. The limit breaks are essential when a party wants to clear a dungeon or defeat a high-level boss.
Types of Limit Breaks
There is a total of 4 limit breaks in this game. The type of ability that a player can cast when the limit break is full will depend on his role. Each game character is categorized into one of these limit break groups:

Single Target Damage: The characters included in this group are those that give melee damage. These are short-range damage dealers like Pugilists, Dragoons, and Lancers.
Cure: Characters possessing a support ability will fall on this group. Some examples include White Mages, Archers, and Conjurers.
Protection: Characters who have tank abilities are included in this group. These include Paladins, Warriors, Gladiators, and Marauders.
Area of Effect Damage: Characters who can create long-range damage to multiple enemies simultaneously fall within this group. Examples of these characters are Black Mages and Arcanists.
How to Use It
Before you can use the limit break, you need to assign a hotkey for it. To do so, you can go to the Actions and Traits UI and assign any key that you like. You know when it will be ready for use when the top left bar is already full. When it is ready, you need to press the key to unleash the new ability.
Limit breaks can come in three levels, depending on the difficulty or danger of the quests or dungeons that the party is into. All of the level 1 will make no difference to the battle because it only has a tiny percentage to deal damage, cure, or protect. Level 2 has a fair amount of percentage that can help the party turn the battle around. Level 3 is ideal to use because this has the ultimate damage, protection, or cure that a role can do to the enemy. However, this level won’t always appear. This is only usually seen when there is imminent danger.
How to Build Limit Breaks
This remains a mystery because limit breaks not only fill when you deal damage to monsters. Some damage that the party receives from the enemies can also add to it. In addition, when a character is on the brink of death, this can fill up the bar quickly, specifically for the Gladiators. Each character class has their criteria on how much they can add to the points of the limit break.
When To Use It
Filling up the bar for limit breaks is a team effort. When this fills, only one player can use it before it can reset back to zero. Because of this, the party must decide which role will use it at the given time. They need to assess the situation well and determine whether they need healing or deal tremendous damage to the enemy.
The question of when to use this ability is always raised because in dealing with defeating difficult bosses, timing is everything. As a general rule, it is a must that the party uses limit breaks as much as they can. If they wait too long, it might reset in the next boss level, and it will be a waste of additional ability.
Another advice in using this ability is to wait for it to reach at least level 2. This is because level 1 abilities may not help much. After all, they only offer a low percentage of the ability. Frequent use of level 1 limit breaks will also be a wasted effort of killing small monsters before reaching the boss. When your bar has reached level 3, and it’s only a few monsters left before the boss, save this ability to be used against it. This will help the team kill the boss easily or even be their lifeline when most have received life-threatening damage.