Joining a Grand Company helps you gain organization and army ranks, which you can use to purchase items, earn reputation, and level up your class. However, being just a member of a Grand Company brings you no major benefits. You have to start ranking up to get the perks this feature provides. Here are a few tips on how to rank up in a Grand Company.
How to rank up?
If you want to get your rank higher, you have to go to the Personnel Officer and click “Apply for Promotion”. Then, a list will pop up with the requirements you need to follow. There are several activities to do to rank up in a Grand Company. They include getting GC seals, completing Hunting Log tasks, and taking on additional quests.
In the Hunting Log, you will have to get involved in tasks provided to you by the Grand Company’s superiors. The successful completion of them comes with motivating rewards and gets you closer to getting ranked up. Seals are also crucial to obtaining a promotion. Find below the best methods of getting Seals.

How to get Seals?
One of the obvious ways of ranking up in a Grand Company is to take on full active time events, where you have to fight off different monsters and earn seals for it.

In each FATE, there may be a special type of monster to challenge you, so it’s good to develop a diverse set of combat skills to ensure you get as many seals as possible. You can turn in the earned seals to receive XP, which is essential in helping you rank up.
Duty Roulettes
Roulettes are also a source of Seals.

Make sure you join the right roulettes if you focus on ranking up in Grand Company, as there are only two of them that grant seals – Leveling Roulettes and Guildhests Roulettes. You will get the chance to play roulette once a day. But, if you play as an Adventurer in Need, you can gamble an infinite number of times.
Supply Missions
Gathering and crafting jobs can earn Seals by completing daily supply and provision missions.
You will have to hunt for resources, craft armors, or cook certain food, later exchanged for indispensable XP and seals for ranking up.
Expert Delivery
Doing Expert Deliveries can help increase your rank quickly, but the trick is this feature isn’t available at the beginning of your Grand Company journey. You have to reach the Seargent Second Class to unlock Expert Deliveries.

That’s why you have to work with the previously mentioned methods until you get to this one. During an Expert Delivery, you bring valuable items to the Grand Company and sell them to an in-house vendor in exchange for seals. Acceptable items are those whose names are colored in pink, blue or green. Yellow gear is not accepted. You can repeatedly deliver items you have earned from dungeons and trials. The exception is weapons and armor that have been obtained from job missions.

Why rank up in Grand Company?
There are two main motivations to rank up in GC. The first one is access to a lot of loot. The higher your rank, the more items get unlocked and are ready to serve you, including crafting materials, armor, weapons, glamour items like Glamour Prisms that find their use in your cosmetics and can be obtained in exchange for seals.
The second motivation for ranking up is Squadrons. You can use a Squadron in many ways. You can take it with you when traveling to dungeons and on Command Missions. After putting it together and training it, you can send it on individual missions to explore the area and collect items for you. Moreover, each quest they complete earns them experience, which helps them rank up and become more skilled.
Grand Company is an adventure that is worth giving a try. It can provide you with a lot of experience and gear you can use to improve your class. But to get access to all these goodies, you have to rank up. Make sure you follow the methods mentioned above to guarantee permanent and quick progress in your Grand Company.