In Final Fantasy XIV, you will find out that each nation has a Grand Company and players. May choose to join any of them.
Ul’Dah has the Immortal Flames, Gridania has the Twin Adders, and Limsa Lominsa has the Maelstrom.
While your starting class determines your starting city, this does not determine your Grand Company. Those who start as gladiators can seamlessly join the Maelstrom or the Twin Adders without going through the Immortal Flames. This is the same for all classes.
Privileges of Grand companies
There are a lot of in-game items exclusive to Grand Company members. The mount and subsequent adventure companion, the Chocobo, is received through a license in your Grand Company.
In addition, Grand Companies offer activities for your gathering and crafting classes. Some recipes and gathering points are unlocked in the Grand Company headquarters. You can check the remaining items and their availability in the Timer option of your menu.
A new Hunting Log will also be added when you join the Grand Company. While your other Hunting Logs are class-specific, the Grand Company Log is the same as any class. You will also find a new set of Levequests exclusive to Grand Company members.

Currency In the Grand Companies
The payment for these activities is Company Seals. These seals are a type of currency, and a figure will appear in your coin purse or the “Currency” tab on your character. These grand company seals are obtained by participating in FATEs, completing your hunting log and duty roulettes also gets you seals. Later on you can also do turn-ins for seals, but that is once you have ranked up.

Once you join a Grand Company, all participation in FATEs is accompanied by a reward in stamps based on the FATE level is completed and your ranking in it. In addition, once you are in a Grand Company you can earn stamps as you level up alternate classes! The good news is that this also applies to newbie FATEs in the starting zones.
How to get Company seals and rise the rank
Each of the Grand Companies offers numerous ranks, like an organization or an army. You can increase your rank by performing quests and events that offer Company Seals. In addition, these stamps can be exchanged for equipment or materials.
You can check the number of Company Seals you have from the Currency window (Ctrl + C).
It is also important to point out that you will have access to a new Hunting Log when you access a Big Company. This Hunting Log will not give you Giles or experience, but it will provide you with a lot of Company Seals. In addition, to ascend in certain levels in the organization, it will ask you to have completed the required level of this Hunting Log. Another important thing is that this Hunting Log is at an account level. You will not have to repeat it if you decide to upgrade to a new class (as it happens with the regular Hunting Logs).
When you get the rank of Sergeant Second Class, you will donate equipment to the Grand Company. The equipment you get in the dungeons and do not use will be the equipment you will give, and in return, you will be given Company Seals. The higher the level of the donating equipment, the more stamps you will get. The NPC who exchanges equipment for stamps is the Personnel Officer in the Expert Delivery tab.
In addition, the Personnel Officer gives you the possibility to get Stamps with the professions of making items in the Supply tab and gathering in the Provisioning tab. The NPC each day will ask you for an exact amount of some manufactured or collected items. By delivering them and getting Stamps, you will gain experience to raise the profession of the items you are delivering. As a bonus, if the manufactured items are high quality, you will get more experience and stamps. It is an activity that resets daily.
As you rank up, you can spend your seals on additional items, through the quartermaster such as glamour prisms.

Grand Company Ranks
To promote in rank in the Grand Company as a general rule you will have to deliver seals to the Personnel Officer through the option Apply for a promotion.
There will be ranks to promote, in addition to delivering the necessary stamps, you will have to have completed the level of Hunting Log of the Grand Company that the Personnel Officer asks for. Likewise, to promote the last two ranks in the Grand Company, you will need help from your Squadron. The maximum rank that can be reached is Captain.