Basics about Gold Saucer
You unlock the gold saucer in Uldah right outside the Aetheryte Plaza.

Then once you’ve talked to the well-heeled youth

and have got the quest to unlock Gold Saucer, you’ll then turn left from him and go around the corner to take the lift down to the airship dock. choose airship landing.

This will allow you to gain access to the Gold Saucer. Once you’re at the Gold Saucer, you can be presented with a quest. It’s worth taking and going to be a basic tour of the Gold Saucer itself.

The Gold Saucer tour
You’ll speak to various people of interest around the Gold Saucer before returning to the front desk for a nice reward. Next to the front desk, you’ll find a lift that goes up to the Chocobo racing area as well as the Vermillion area. Don’t forget to grab the Aetheryte to come back here as well as all eight shards to make getting around that much easier.

The main Aetheryte is in the center of the Gold Saucer. To the bottom left on the map, you’ll locate the entrance and main counter as well as the card square. This is where you’ll find most of the traders to spend your MGB which is the currency that they use. To the bottom-right of the Aetheryte is Wonder Square with the dome and mahjong as well as the fashion report.

Get up to the left of the Aetheryte to find the round Square. It houses some gates that you can play through. Up to the right on the map, you’ll find the event square where you can find the Jumbo Cactpot Board. Up the left, you’ll find the Chocobo square for racing and breeding Chocobos as well as the lord of verminion for battling minions.
Once you’ve unlocked them, you can view them all from your character menu at any time under the Gold Saucer listing. You’ve your card list of unlocked cards as well as decks that you can set and build your racing Chocobo in its stats for minion standings. Plus, you’ve tournament details as well as Doman mahjong standings.

Let’s start at the main counter
Here, you can find the MGP exchange. If you’re just starting out or if you’ve spent all your MGP, you can get a bit. But it’s limited to buying 500 MGP. If you’ve more than that, you can’t get any. And it’ll cost you 5,000 Gil for that 500 MGP. This is also the primary prize claim area for spending your MGP on things like gear(mainly for glamour), emotes, hairstyles, and various other items.

You’ll also find the mini Cactpot here that you can play for some quick MGP. As with most areas, there’s also Meandering. Next to them, you’ll find a card vendor to buy and sell cards. If you make your way over the Jumbo Cactpot, it’s very much a lottery. You pick your numbers and there’s a drawing once a week. It can net a ton of MGP if you guess right.

You can also count towards a challenge log if you’ve unlocked that. It gives bonus MGP rewards each week. There are mini-games that can give much higher MGP rewards depending on how well you do. As opposed to the smaller arcade games, you can queue up for these in advance by talking to a gatekeeper there.

Let’s look at the fashion report
There are many resources out there on the fashion report itself. Standing next to Mastro is a boutique vendor. Their boutique contains several dyes as well as a couple of other items. Once you unlock it, you get to talk to Mastro and they’ll tell you what they’re looking for in the most basic sense possible.

Then you’ve to come back wearing the appropriate attire and have them judge you. One of the things that you can do with Mastro is you may confirm the theme for the week.
Triple Triad
There’s also the triple triad which is the card game inside Final Fantasy 14. It’s based on a prior Final Fantasy games card game.

While you can get cards all throughout the world, you can also get them from playing the triple triad game as well as buying them at the Gold Saucer and in various other places. Now this one will definitely require going more in-depth. However, if you like, you can try out a few basic matches inside the Gold Saucer at the main counter for the triple triad.
All about mahjong
Yet another one that requires full in-depth knowledge is mahjong. It requires a lot of practice and a lot of memorization. It also involves a little bit of luck. Now you’ll see that there are three tables for the different levels of mahjong. So, you should be at a higher level to go.
Start with the novice table and play with the help tips turned on so that you can get a good idea of how to play before you start trying to do it all on your own or maybe even jumping into some tournaments. Now it seems like every game has this; everyone collects minions anyway. So, here comes the Final Fantasy 4 team quote-unquote Pokemon game – the lord of verminion.
The minion game
It’s here you can take all of the various minions that you’ve gathered throughout the world or that you can buy in the minion trader shop here. You’re able to battle them now. It’s not a standard straightforward face-to-face battle.
This is a tower defense strategy game and it does take some thinking. It’s pretty simplistic and easy to get into, but it does require a lot of strategies once you start getting the tournaments for it. Now there are four different types of minions to use. Three of them are set up in a rock-paper-scissors type situation with the fourth one being neutral. Now you’ll see that each of the minions has their particular type assigned to it in a symbol.
However, if you click on a minion from the minion Hotbar enter, you’ll be able to see not just what type of minion they’re but also their attack HP defense and other stats as well as whatever their special action happens to be and their area of effect. This is another one that you can go in and try out a trial run in the Gold Saucer. You’ll be able to walk through just a basic overview of what a match plays like.
The next one on the list – Chocobo racing
It requires a little bit more work than the rest of them. In the case of cards, you can go in and buy cards or you can earn them throughout the world by defeating certain bosses – things like that. With Chocobo racing, you’ve to unlock the Chocobo racing. You’ve to go through and register your Chocobo and everything else. Then you’ve to train the Chocobo. You’ve to level up or rank up the Chocobo and train it constantly with manuals and feed and everything else.
This one is going to be super in-depth. The feed can cost Gil and some of the other manuals. Things like that will cost MGP. However, if you want to just come through and look and see what’s available, there’s no harm in just looking at what’s available. As far as racing the Chocobo (once you’ve unlocked it) goes, you can race around a starter track that’s just you by yourself.
Tips on Chocobo race
You’re not racing anybody else. It’ll walk you through the basics of what’s involved with the Chocobo race, including some of the buffs that you can find on a track as well as different items that you can pick up and use to either help or hinder yourself or your opponents.
It also walks you through the stamina bar and how that all works. When you get into racing, you’ll notice that depending on where your standing is at the end of the race. Obviously, the higher you get, the better you get rewards. There’s also going to be a random reward. That’s assigned to anyone who was not in the first place.
One important thing worth noting is you can access a lot of these things through the duty finder just like you would with any dungeons or trials that you’ve already unlocked. There is going to be a separate Gold Saucer section. It’ll open up once you unlock all of these things.
Here, you can go ahead and join a lord of verminion match or a Chocobo race or even a mahjong match directly from the duty finder. Now this will allow you to queue up to go and pick what you want. To queue up for, tell it to join, and then it will pop a commencement screen for you to click on.
Final words
That’s it for the overview of the Gold Saucer array you made it. If you’re tired of staring at dragon butts and dungeons and trying to play mechanics, give the Gold Saucer a try. Go check it even for a few minutes and maybe try out a few of the arcade games. It never hurts to go relax in the Gold Saucer for a little while. When you’re hanging out in an arcade, you tend to forget about what time it is. So, have fun exploring Gold Saucer.