Millions of gamers have fallen in love with Final Fantasy XIV. More and more gamers have made Eorzea their home in the virtual world and live double lives in the game’s virtual world.
Are you more interested in amassing a collection of cute and awesome mounts that you can ride and flaunt in front of your peers? Fortunately, Final Fantasy XIV features a plethora of items to acquire.
There are so many impressive mounts in this game, but we’re going to focus on some of the cutest ones today.
1. Starlight Bear
It’s only this bear, dressed as Santa with no beard, that makes him truly unique.

Try to picture a bear that has grown a beard. It would be best if you didn’t mess with him, even though he’s adorable.
How to get it: There are two ways to get this mount. Alternatively, you can purchase this for $12 from the Mog Station or go back in time to participate in the Starlight Celebration.
2. Marid
Marid is a giant tusker. On the other hand, Riding elephants is a fantasy trope par excellence.

Wait until you hear this next bit if you’re still not convinced. Marid can fly!
Okay, so every mount in FFXIV is capable of flying, right? But elephants aren’t the only option for a mount. Taking to the sky on your flying elephant will make you feel like a real king or queen of Eorzea. Also, he’s adorably adorable.
How to get it: Getting Marid will take some effort. With the Ananta Beast Tribe, you’ll need to achieve rank 7 before you can buy him for 18 Ananta Dreamstaff.
3. Fat Moogle
In the Final Fantasy series, Moogles have been around for quite some time, and they’re among the first examples of the kawaii style in the series.

There is a flowery bench hanging from the Chubby Moogle, which looks like it’s stuffed with love and affection. With a companion, you can ride this mount.
Two Moogles whirl around with instruments, serenading you as you make your way to your final destination.
How to get it: The FFXIV Online Store sells the Fat Moogle Bugle for $29.99.
4. Carbuncle
Carbuncle has through numerous transformations in the Final Fantasy series before settling on this cute fusion of a fox, a dog, a cat, and the mythical Japanese nine-tailed Kyuubi.

The only thing that has lasted is the exquisite jewel between the eyes. Cat-like paws, wide-eyed curiosity, and a gleaming body radiance make Carbuncle a charming companion.
This mount appears to be ideal for night riding.
The Carbuncle has long been linked with the Summoner, yet anyone with the appropriate skillsets may train it. Choose from Aquamarine, Rubellite, or Citrine to get the one that’s right for you!
How to get it: It costs $24 for each color Carbuncle Whistle at the FFXIV Online Store.
5. Portly Porxie
Portly Porxie is what you’d get if Dumbo the elephant were a pig. When you see Porxie, you can’t help but feel awful for riding it about because of his cute beady eyes, stumpy feet, and laid-back personality!

On the other hand, big floppy ears are more than capable of withstanding the pressure. It would appear that this young porker likes to eat a lot.
How to get it: Obtaining the Portly Porxie Horn costs 18 Fae Fancy and may be obtained by joining the Pixie beast tribe at Rank 7 (Sworn).
6. Battle Panther
Final Fantasy XIV has a few different mounts that may be obtained similarly, and they’re all cool.
The warrior of Light, the Battle Panther, is a force to reckon. In other words, it’s a panther that’s ready to go to war!
This may seem apparent, but you’ll have to fight your way through hordes of other players to get your hands on this mount. Then he’ll stay by your side and fight alongside you, shedding his blood in the process.
On the other hand, the Battle Panther has a futuristic appearance, as if he were armored from head to toe. He stands out even more because he’s dressed in crimson.
How to get it: All of these dungeons, trials, and leveling tasks must be completed as a Dark Knight if you want to get the Battle Panther.
7. Midgardsormr
You don’t just get to ride about on Midgardsormr; you get to be part of the story. Indeed not his adult stature, which is enormous.
Midgardsormr is another one of the game’s more appealing dragons. Midgardsormr City when Heavensward was first released, and everyone was riding around on their fancy new dragon mount.
How to get it: Midgardsormr is one of the more straightforward options on this list when it comes to obtaining a mount. They will deliver this cute mount to you at the very end of the Heavensward tale quests. Terrific!
8. Demonic Lanner
The Demonic Lanner has crimson feathers strewn throughout its black plumage, giving it a menacing appearance.
The Final Fantasy XIV mythology has it that you should avoid seeing this bird. God Zurvan supposedly sent this bird to warn opponents they were about to die.
How to get it: If you beat Zurvan in the Containment Bay Z1T1, you might get lucky and receive the Demonic Lanner (Extreme). To obtain the Demonic Lanner Whistle, you must defeat him 99 times.