In Final fantasy, crafting leveling can be quite a task for any player. Besides the difficulty, you may end up denting your budget on leveling up your class crafters. The situation could be worse if you’re a beginner player. So, is there a way to resolve the problem? Yes, sure! Let’s go! The following guide will show you how to level up your crafters to level 80 fast and cheap.
Tips to level up your crafters in FFXLV
Many players flub their way through their first crafter and spend way too much money and through the course of leveling all of the crafters up to 80. It’s better to figure out where all the guides are, strategies, and the cheapest ways to do everything. For some reason, all the guides have strange and confusing wording. If that was at all perplexing to you, stay tuned to get everything cheap and even make some money doing it along the way.
Before you start crafting
Before you start, pick up all the jobs and have those available at level one. You’ll learn where to get your tools and everything like that later. For now, let’s go over the EXP boost that can help you out a little bit during this process and save you some money. Go to your grand company and talk to the quartermaster. They’ll sell you manuals for seals. You can get seals in a variety of ways – through expert deliveries or just through your daily roulettes.
So, pick up a few of these seals. You won’t need too many, but if you’re leveling up all your jobs at once, pick up a fair bit. Once you’ve your EXP buffs, you want to unlock the firmament if you didn’t unlock it. The firmament provides awesome leveling for gatherers as well. But you must make some Gil and get bucket loads of experience easily.
Crafting leveling 1-21
The first part is the most straightforward. It’s called the quick synthesis stage. This just requires buying materials from the guild vendor. With each of the guilds you pick up, you’ll be able to trade somebody there for simple materials. Also, you can level yourself quickly using that from level 1 to level 21. That shouldn’t cost more than a few thousand Gil. If you want to level it fast, use love quests. Love quests are a way to hand in low-level items and get a lot of EXP for them.

So, that’s the first step; you don’t need any specific gear. If you picked up the quest but lost your tools, don’t worry. There is a guild supplier—Press n to pull up the crafting manual and head over to goldsmithing. You’ll see the things that you can make up here. You can buy tools – see copper ore just for two. It’s only two, only 20.

Once you get the materials, you’ve to craft it manually the first time using the synthesize option. When your EXP starts getting slow, simply move on to the next step. This next part sounds pretty daunting, but it’s easy. You’ll be crafting a full set of level 21 crafters gear you want to use this. So, you’ll be able to create the level 20 recipes for the Ishgard restoration, and it’s tremendously worth it.
Don’t rush for the level 41
This is the cheapest way to level up. Don’t be too quick to 40, as you’ll miss out on a lot of free guilds. So, craft all this gear. Since all your gatherers or crafters will now be at level 21, you can craft easily.
You can also buy this off the market board or ask one of your crafter friends to make it for you. But they all need to be high quality. However, it’s advised to level your crafters up doing the method explained earlier.

Craft it yourself. It’s really easy. Go through the gear that you need to do that. First, make the initiate’s headgear – get leather iron ingots and iron rivets, the cotton doublet vest. Other options for crafting include the initiate gloves, goatskin tool belt, cotton breeches, initiate die boots, awesome fang earrings, the brass choker, brass wristlets, and two brass rings.

Focus on quality to stay ahead
For making this level 21 gear, head to iron thunder and get your disciple of the land gear – the non-HD HQ versions. You can use that to give you the extra craftsmanship you need in high quality. So, if you’ve reached level 21 and are a little bit behind on the stats, go pick up this quest in central highlands.
Pick up material melding that allows you to affix material onto your gear. If you’re 10 or 20, 30 points behind, put the material on your gear to make up that extra little step. That way, you don’t need high-quality crafts on all your items.
It won’t be high quality if you’re new to crafting and increasing your progress to 100 before finishing the recipe. So, use things like basic touch inner quiet. It’s a combo action. You can increase your progress and craft your gear when you get this up to 100 (it’ll take a bit longer). That should be way cheaper than buying it on the market board.
Crafting leveling 21-41
Once you’ve got the full set of gear, move on to the next step. Here, you’ve got the option to use the firmament gathering to gather all the materials. Keep the option for later levels.
For these lower levels, go for five or six Gil. So, you won’t have to spend that much money at all if you just pick it up off the market board. For example, if you head to the market board, you’ll grab the carpenter needs and all the recipes alongside the macros that you’ll use. So, they need a grade four.

Make sure you buy the grade four ones. You’d buy 125 of these. It only costs you about 7k, and you need fruit as well now. These are a little expensive, but that’s still a pretty good price. Leveling into 40 will only cost you 30 or 40k, and you’ll probably make that back on the Koopa fortune, which you’ll see in a moment.

Go into your level-based recipes – the carpenter one and press n to pull up your crafting. Log again; go to your Ishgard restoration four, and you’ll see the recipe right there.
Make the macro right here or craft it quickly. Give it a little crafter icon and copy and paste the macro. You can use this for all your crafters at this level. So, you can call it like Ishgard level 20.

Don’t compromise on gear quality
You must have high-quality blood bouillabaisse soup when crafting this stuff. So, if you’re below the required quota for crafting, pick up some of that soup and circuit back.
This part is the really fun part. Here, you get to gamble and make a bunch of money. Next, hop over to Genova. You’ll want to head to the foundation Etherite, right-click it, and teleport it to the firmament.

Let’s head over here to see the crafters. Now talk to Popkin, and you’ll be able to donate. Get to a Kupo stand. When you finish five of your Koopa vouchers, you can talk to Elizabeth here and play the Kupo of Fortune to get awesome gear.
See Elsa Vargo gear that isn’t worth a lot, but you get to pick one to scratch nice materials. Now, you’ve to craft 25 of each of those items and hand them in to get all of your crafters up to level 41. Once you do that, you’ll have what is that 25 times eight divided by five
Preparation before moving ahead
You’re making a set of gear, crafting the materials using the macros provided, and then crafting a new set of gear. When you reach level 41, you’ve to make a new set of gear – blood bouillabaisse soup to ensure you’ve the control. So, make those and then craft your level 40 Ishgard restoration recipes similar to the way you crafted the level 20 ones.
At any point, if the material starts to get a little expensive, feel free to hop into the firmament and level up some of your gatherers getting some of those materials. That’s level 41.
Crafting leveling 41-71
You should be able to craft that gear and then craft your level 40 recipes. It’s 20 of each craft, and that’ll bring you all the way to level 53. At level 53, you’ve to craft a new gear set because the level 41 gear only gives you partial completion of the quality. So, you don’t get the full bang for your buck XP.
Once level 60 upgrade your gear:

Upgrade your gear again. If you can find it for cheap, get it on the market board. But it’s always cheaper to craft it yourself. This is 35 crafts to get to level 63.
At this point, you may want to head back to central highlands if you haven’t picked up all the quests. Pick up the material over melding. Why? For the level 63 gear, you’ll have to over-meld.
So, when you craft this gear again, you may want to meld it with the craftsman’s cunning material, which will give you a total of 414 cp with no food or potions. You need that before crafting. There’s also a different place where you get your tools. Head to the Etherite and talk to Shichiho at x12 y12. They’ll sell you the tools that you need at this level. All that gear assembles to level 71.
Crafting leveling 71-80
At 71, you’ve another choice if you’d like. You’ve even the level 63 gear. It should work for most of us. If you don’t want to do this, do your crystarium deliveries in bringers that give millions and millions of experience for high-quality crafts. You could easily level a job from 70 to 80.
Now there’s a crossover if you do. Plus, you get free EXP again. They even give you the crystals back. The method is the dwarf dailies. If you move near the Ostel Imperative in Lakeland, you can do three dwarf quests at age. It gives you a few millions to level all your crafters up to 80 as well. So, with those two methods, you shouldn’t have to go to Ishgard at all to level up.
There’s one more method to push all your crafters up to 80. The last method ends up being a lot cheaper than the methods for Ishgard restoration. You can also get around getting gear because you can just buy these off the market board if they’re cheap enough. Head over to love quests for the next step. You can do chores for your trade jobs as well to bring them up to 80. Again, you can get the free EXP from the dwarf quest.