Pandaemonium is the primary raid in the Final Fantasy 14 Endwalker. There are 4 circles of Asphodelos and today we will learn how to defeat the boss in the third circle raid.
How to unlock
Once you defeated Zenos, visit Nemjiji on Old Sharlayan. Nest you will be asked to go to Aporia to meet Claudien. Once done visit Crystarium and go to Ocular to meet the gatekeeper there. Use the portal to teleport to a new area and meet Themis. Then you will complete the “The crystal from beyond” quest. The raid will become available through the duty finder. All party members need to have atleast item level 565 and level 90 to participate in this raid.
The Phoinix – Phase 1
This is a feathered dragon that you need to fight in 3 phases and remember not to step outside of the arena, but you will die.
- Experimental fireplume – There are 2 fireball mechanics to this. The first one is a large fireball that will appear in the middle indicating a massive AOE attack in the center. The player will need to move to the edge to avoid damage. The second one is multiple small fireballs surrounding the boss, indicating that a rain of AOE will be hitting the outer side. Players need to stay in the center and move to the safe spot on the outside once a few AOE have hit to avoid damage.

- Scorched exaltation – Raid-wide damage to the whole party. Heal and shield as necessary.

- Heat of condemnation – Double tank buster that will target the 2 primary tanks. Spread out to avoid overlapping damage, heal and shield cool down as necessary.

- Darkened fire – Four adds will appear in the middle and start casting darkened blaze. Expect a wipe if one or more goes off. It is immune to player damage.

- Brightened fire – Four players are marked from 1 to 4 by the boss and these players need to position according to the number assigned to cast AOE damage and kill the darkened fire.

- Left/right cinderwing – Wide cleave damage on either right or left will be, and players need to move to the opposite side to avoid damage.

- Trail of condemnation – The boss will fly to the edge and unleashes a blast of fire. Players need to move to a safe spot to avoid damage.

Phase 2
- Phoinix fire – 4 sunbird adds will spawn and you need to kill them before its gauge hits 100%. These adds cannot be overlapped, so spread before killing it.

- Flames of undeath – Deal damage to the whole party and the dead sunbird will be resurrected as sparkfledged.
- Sparkfledged adds – This reborn sunbird will deal massive damage to the tanks. Healer be ready to heal and cooldown shields.

Phase 3
- Fledging flight – Sparkfledged appears around the boss in random order and sends wide fontal cleave damage. Players need to avoid as necessary.

- Experimental charplume – Targets all players with AOE circles. Spread out to avoid overlapping damage.

- Devouring brand – 4 fire lines will appear from the edge to the center and explode. There will be 4 safe quadrants created for you to avoid damage.

- Searing breeze – circular AOE pattern will appear under the players. Avoid it to minimize the damage. All these mechanics will repeat and overlap until the boss is down.