This is the second new raid made available by patch 6.01 in the Final Fantasy 14 Endwalker. In this second circle, we dive into the secrets of Elpis where the mighty jail of Pandaemonium lies. Here you will be fighting Hippokampos in a squared arena with raised platforms and gates. When the fight starts the outer edge of the arena becomes a blue zone and if you touch it, will kill you instantly.
Phase one
Murky Deaths – Will deal high raid-wide damage so shield and heal as necessary.
Doubled impact – This is a shared tankbuster that the primary tank can be immune through or should be shared by both tanks with a cooldown.
Spoken cataract – In this encounter, the boss will leap into the center of the platform. Its body and head will separate and will randomly cast this spell. A red arrow indicator will form in the direction the head is pointing and a yellow arrow indicator will form in the direction the body is pointing. The yellow indicator will be an incoming wide line attack through the boss’s body. The red arrow shows a frontal attack in front of the boss’s head. Both attacks will go off at the same time so position your player in a safe zone. Look out for the arrow always because both these attacks will be random.
Sewage deluge – Water that debuffs players will cover the whole arena except for the raised platform. So stand on this platform and keep attacking.
Phase two
Tainted floods – A large AOE circle will target all the players. Players need to spread to avoid overlap.
Predatory sight – This cast will mark all players with a triangle and they need to stack with at least one other player to minimize damage.
Shockwave – Will have a knockback indicator marked on one of the raised platforms. Players can use knockback immunity or position themself properly to avoid getting knocked into the water.
Phase three
Dissociation – The boss’s head will fly off and park at the outer edge of the arena. After a while, the head will fire a huge line AOE inside the arena and players need to go to the other side to avoid damage.
Coherance – The tank will be marked with a flare proximity marker and the rest of the party with a lineup marker. The tank has to stay away from the boss using cooldowns at this time and let the rest of the party take damage.
Sewage eruption – Ground AOE attack under the players and you need to move as necessary to avoid damage. At this time dissociation and shockwave can overlap. another overlapping combo would be dissociation and sewage eruption. All these mechanics will repeat until the boss is down.