Pandaemonium is the primary raid in the Final Fantasy 14 Endwalker. There are 4 circles of Asphodelos and today we will learn how to defeat the boss in the first circle raid.
How to unlock
Once you defeated Zenos, visit Nemjiji on Old Sharlayan. Nest you will be asked to go to Aporia to meet Claudien. Once done visit Crystarium and go to Ocular to meet the gatekeeper there. Use the portal to teleport to a new area and meet Themis. Then you will complete the “The crystal from beyond” quest. The raid will become available through the duty finder. All party members need to be at item level 565 and level 90 to participate in this raid.
This is a fully armored boss that swings the flail to bring damage to players. The area outside the arena is deadly so never step your foot there.

- Gaelor’s flail – The boss will swing his flail on either side of his body. The player must move to the opposite side to avoid damage from the swing of the flail.

- Warden’s wrath – This will deal a high raid-wide blast to all the members of the party. Healer be ready to heal and shield as necessary.

- Pitiless flail – Will target a random player with line AOE. The targeted player will be knocked back so this player must go as close as he can to the boss to avoid being knocked off the arena or use knockback immunity to minimize the knockback

- True holy – The targeted player then will be marked for stack-up immediately after the pitless flail mechanic. All players must group together to spread the damage.

- Heavy hand – A powerful tank buster that will target the primary tank target. Healers must heal and cool down as necessary.

- Intemperance – All players will be marked with cold or hot debuff spells. The arena will be separated into four quadrants with each pillar having 3 segments of hot or cold tiles. When the mechanic is cast, it will explode one segment of the pillar to give high damage and debuff players with the same mark-up spell. Players need to move into the quadrant of the opposite spell to avoid damage.

- Once all have exploded, the arena will be back to normal with another raid-wide AOE blast and tank buster.
The continuation
- Shining cells – This will change the arena to a circular area with blue and red wedges like a dartboard. This will damage the players and be followed up by multiple uses of aetherchain.

- Aetherchain – At this moment the boss will be orbited by red or blue colored orbs. Once cast, either all the red sections or the blue section will explode. Look at the orbiting orbs carefully and stand on the opposite color of the section to avoid damage.

- Aetherflail + chain – The will still have the orbiting orbs but this time will swing the flail. Players need to go to the opposite side of the swing and stand on the opposite section of the colored orb.

- Slam shut – High raid-wide damage will be cast to all the members of the party and the platform will get back to normal. Heal as necessary. All these mechanics will repeat until the boss is down.