Let’s start with the new anima relic weapon questline.
You need to finish heavensward’s 3.0 primary story mission before you get to this point. Now the first quest you want is from Rowena here in Idyllshire. Once you get your quest from her, the weapon questline kicks off immediately. Let’s go to the next part.

After Rowena, you’ll be sent to a slot where you can talk to the NPC Ardashir, which allows you to hand in a quest and officially begin the anima weapon questline. Asura will then immediately give you another quest which will be the first one.
First quest
The first quest you’ll be looking at is a soul without a life at NPC Ardashir. Once you accept that quest and talk to this NPC as a ninja or monk, it’ll give you your ninja or your monk weapon. On top of that, you can only progress on one job with this quest at a time upon completing it. However, the quest immediately becomes available again, and you can accept it on another level 60 job. So theoretically, you could be working on step one of your anima relic weapons. At the same time, you’re working on step two of another weapon and so on.
Now once you’re in mordona, you’re going to have to speak to an NPC called Syndony for one of the several quests that you’re going to accept now.

When you right-click her name, she gives you a few options. Now, these options only become available after you’ve spoken to her. The first time awkwardly enough, it sends people back to Gerolt with a quest completed icon when your quest isn’t completed until you’ve obtained two Noah jewels from this NPC in astral and an umbral Noah jewel.
Getting Noah jewels
There are two ways of getting these Noah jewels – one is to offer Zeta a zodiac weapon. Skip it; you don’t have to do the luminous crystals aspect of this quest if you have a Zeta for this part now.
First, it’ll take less time for you to get the luminous crystals if you’ve no progress on the relic. If you are on your zodiac or close to your Zeta, finish it because those final steps for the zodiac and zodiac Zeta have been nerfed into the ground.
If you don’t have a Zeta, they need to offer her luminous crystals. Now, luminous crystals act as the new Atmos. They’re pretty much equivalent to the 2.3 drop rates for Atmos, which are close to 5 to 10 percent, although, of course, outliers happen.

Now you need 3 from each of the 6 new zones in heavenward. So it’ll give you a list of the quest itself. You just have to follow those until you’ve three from each zone. Once you’ve got the 3 from each zone, you return and hand in those luminous crystals to get the astral and umbral Noah jewels.
Finish the first quest
Farm fates in each zone until you get the lumnious crystals. You will receive a notification once you get a crystal. This will be grindy.

After you get the Noah jewels, you come back and tray them to artists here to finish your first quest. By finishing this first quest, you’ll be rewarded with an animated copy of the esoterics weapon, which is item level 170.

After finishing that first quest, it becomes repeatable from this NPC. So, you can complete it as many times as you want for as many different jobs as you want.
The second quest
The second quest is called toughening up. With that new weapon equipped, you’ve got to do a total of ten dungeons. Look in your party list. Start with Snowcloak and go down in the list.

You can do this now by going over to your duty finder options. You can do these first six dungeons undersize. This means you can do them with a party of four level 60s and complete them in anywhere from four to six minutes.
Once you get to the 7th dungeon, it’ll be dusk vigil, followed by Sohn Al, The Aery and finally The Vault.

These can’t be undersized. So, if you put together a party of two tanks of DPS and a healer from the beginning to the end, this could take you anywhere from 2-2.5 hours.
After completing those ten dungeons and going back and handing in that quest, you’ll come to the final step for this first part of the anima relic weapon questline almost done. This final step will give you finished one to ten and will completely change the name in the model.
Third quest

This final quest is an extremely long grind. So, now that you’ve accepted the third quest, you’ll be sent to this NPC and Cristiana. Upon talking to her, she’ll again do that same thing that happened with the first quest.

She’ll talk to you, and then you’ll get like a finished quest icon. Ignore the finished quest icon because you’re far from done with this one.
Talk to her after the little quest symbol disappears above her head. She will talk to you about anima relic weapon materials. When you talk to her further, you’ll notice that she has four items. You can trade in for one enchanted rubber, one fast-drying carbon coat, one divine-water, and one fast-acting allagan catalyst. Now to get these items, you need twenty unidentifiable bones, shells, ores, and seeds, and for atom HD adamantite, you need titanium alloy mirrors, arrows, and kingcake.
Getting bones or shells

To get unidentifiable bones or shells, you can either buy them with 680 Poetics, use the Emote vendor using 13 emulsion tokens, or the tsagaan vendor with 13 sahjan tokens. Keep in mind that these tribe tokens can only be availed of from the rank 3 beast tribe quests. So, if you don’t have those ranks available, this isn’t a viable option unless you want to start grinding those out.

You can also do Alexander normal getting 10 precision Gordian bolts from a1 for the bone or 10 precision Gordian lens from a2. That means 10 kills equals 1 unidentifiable item. You can also trade in 1,000 allied seals, which are the hunt seals from the old world content or a heavenward treasure map. If you don’t have the rep for the other beast tribe quests, you can always do Rubys tribe quest regardless of the rank. But you’ll need 18 tokens instead of 13. Now for the unidentifiable ores and seeds, instead of Poetics, it’s 680 law and the cobalt and silk vendors.
Fill in the other slots – a 3 and a 4. Fill in for the ore and seed, respectively. If you’re to put this into perspective, it makes it sound a lot worse than it really is. For example, you are only doing Alexander and trading in law tomestones whenever viable nets you 616 normal Alexander kills. The cost has split across one, two, three, and four, depending on how many you need for each one while also spending the law.
This is something you should approach in a casual way as you’ll likely burn out if you go too hard as it’ll take several weeks to complete.
Spending Allagan Tomestones
Now at the NPC Auriana, go to Allagan Tomestones of Poetics (other). These are where you can exchange the items you get from Alexander normal to get bone shells, ores, and seeds.

For the law tomestones its a similar process, go to Hismena, Allagan tomestones of law (other).

Mind the drop rates
You could also get about 54,000 combined poetics and law about 27,000 each or 1040 beast tribe quests. The treasure maps also can drop them, which could save you some time. So, if you have a gatherer, do it, but their drop rates seem to be about 5% on getting these items. You also have to keep in mind that the items drop to the entire party. So unless you’re doing the solo maps, make sure you’re doing them with people you trust. You get ninja D for one of your anima relic weapon items, also allied seals. If you’re going to do the hunt, you’ll get law and hunt seals from it as well.
Other items to complete the quest
Now on top of those items, you also need some high-quality crafted items. You’ll need four of each of them. At least each one of these has at least one item that is gotten from the diadem. This is probably going to be the tougher part for a lot of people since these items are definitely going to be selling high on the market boards, at least for the first week.

Check the beast tribe quests
Remember, only the rank 3 or higher quest for the old world beast drives will work, while any of the vath beast tribe quests will work and give you an option. So, upon taking the level 48 quests that you’ll get from these beast tribes, you’ll be given a choice after completing them of doing a venture or getting one of the new token items – in this case, a Suffolk gold leaf. But you can then use it to buy more ore shells or other items. All you’ve to do is eventually take them to the silk vendor (gold leaf exchange) and exchange the gold leaf for unidentifiable seeds.
Check other items
There’s a bunch of other stuff here as well. But this is what you’ll be looking at 13 of them for one quest. It’ll take you at least five days to get one of them. But for every one of these seeds, you get ten fewer allocator normal runs. You got to do or 680 less law that you got to get and the final NPC. You’ll be looking for in case you happen to have any allies. Heals is your good old hunt bill master. Go to allied’s twin adder. Check the other tab; scroll down. At the very bottom, you’ll be able to find items to trade for one thousand allied seals. If you recall, that only works for the unidentifiable bone and seeds.
The heavenward treasure maps have a low percentage chance of dropping these items as well. So, gather those maps in the new areas. That will take enough time for completion. It’ll probably go a whole lot faster and generate a lot better memories than if you were to just grind it all out in a twelve-hour session. You also don’t have to do the job you’re doing the anima relic weapon for. You can do this step on any job that you want to do if it’s faster for you to start gathering the items you need. That’s all.