The first level 80 dungeon in Shadowbringers is Amaurot. This three-boss dungeon was quite difficult at release and still provides a solid challenge.
The First Beast
The first boss of Amaurot uses a variety of AoE attacks in its encounter.
Venomous Breath: The First Beast casts a cone-shaped AoE directly in front of itself. Tanks should always face the Beast away from the party.

Earthquake: A close-ranged, circular AoE that the boss casts around itself.

Meteor Rain: This mechanic targets three players with enormous AoE markers. Players need to spread out to avoid stacking the damage. After the initial hit, Meteor Rain deals with a proximity blast and fires AoE damage circles in straight lines. Once Meteor Rain has finished, meteors will be left on the arena floor. These will be used to deal with The Final Sky when the boss casts it.

The Falling Sky: This ability creates large AoE markers that players should avoid.

The Final Sky: The boss does area-wide damage after a short cast time. Players should stand behind one of the meteors left behind by Meteor Rain. This is followed by a large, square AoE marker with a safe zone on the side of the arena furthest from the boss.

The Burning Sky: The Burning Sky targets all players with AoE markers. Players should spread to avoid stacking damage.

Terminus Bellwether
A fairly simple boss, Terminus Bellwether is the second encounter in Amaurot.
Shrill Shriek: This mechanic does light party-wide damage and summons a group of enemies. Tanks should face these enemies away from the group and dodge AoE markers. Some of these enemies will focus on random players and need to be killed quickly to not take out any of the DPS or healer. Focus on the tethered mobs first.

Burst: This mechanic is a slow cast that will wipe the party if allowed to complete. DPS players will need to burn the boss down before it finishes the cast.

Chthonic Riddle, Therion
The final boss of Amaurot is fought on a floating platform that players can fall off. As the fight progresses, the platform available to stand on decreases.
Shadow Wreck: This ability does unavoidable party-wide damage. Every time cast, it also covers the zone behind Therion in fire, so players should never stand behind it. Tanks and healers should shield and heal through it.

Apokalypsis: The boss fires a massive line AoE of damage across the arena. Players should avoid this by moving to the small outcroppings on the sides of the platform. Once Therion has reached the last bit of platform, Apokalypsis will destroy those outcroppings with each cast, so it must be killed quickly at that point.

Therion Charge will leap forward a certain distance and deal proximity damage. Players should run away to avoid the damage and quickly return to the boss whenever this happens.

Deathly Ray: This mechanic comprises two attacks coming from three different sources. Floating skulls will appear outside the platform and fire AoE beams that damage any players in them. This occurs twice, one after the other on opposite sides of the platform. Therion can also fire a line of AoE beams on its own.