Some of Final Fantasy XIV‘s most challenging endgame content is extreme trials available to layers at level cap. Extreme trials put players against much harder versions of bosses they’ve faced in the raids for that expansion, with fantastic rewards for defeating them.
One of the rewards for clearing this difficult, challenging content is mounts dropped from the enemies slain in the trials. However, the drop chance for these mounts is quite low, so players should expect to make multiple clears before getting their hands on these unique mounts.
However, there is another option if the mount fails to drop even after many clears. Extreme trial enemies drop 1 totem or token unique to that trial every time they are cleared. 99 of each token type can be exchanged for the mount that drops from that specific extreme trial.
Each expansion in Final Fantasy XIV brings new extreme trials with new mount rewards. Players are free to return to older content and grind out the mounts from previous trials so long as they meet the requirements for that extreme trial.
Final Fantasy XIV’s Heavenward expansion brings 7 extreme trials to the game. These extreme trials can be unlocked at level 60 once the main scenario quest A Litany of Peace has been completed, and players must complete further quests to open these trials.
Two quest-givers can help unlock these trials: Alys in Mor Dhona and Unukalhai at The Rising Stones. Heavensward is an expansion with the most complex unlock requirements, with multi-step quests featuring often. The good news is that these sorts of multi-step unlock quests are largely done away with in later expansions, so the unlock process will be much faster in all expansions past Heavensward.
Dark Lanner
This legendary bird has a chance of dropping from Nidhogg in the trial The Minstrel’s Ballad: Nidhogg’s Rage. Alternatively, it can be purchased from Bertana for 99 Horde totems. Players need to speak with Alys and accept their quest, Nidhogg’s Rage to access this trial. This sends the player to speak with the Wandering Minstrel, who unlocks the extreme trial.

Demonic Lanner
The Demonic Lanner has a chance to drop from Zurvan in the Containment Bay Z1T9 trial, or it can be bought from Bertana for 99 Demon Totems. To unlock this extreme trial, players will need to speak with Unukalhai and take a Demonic Duplicate quest. This will send you on a journey to take a tomestone to the Flagship. This will unlock the extreme trial.

Rose Lanner
This mount has a chance to drop from Ravana in Thok ast Thok. If players are unlucky with drops, it can also be purchased with 99 Hive Totems from Bertana. Players will need to speak to Unkalhai and take Thok Around the Clock to unlock this trial. Unukalhai gives the players a gemstone and will send them to a Vath elder, who directs them to a sacred cave. Players can unlock the extreme trial by smashing the gemstone in this cave.

Round Lanner
The Round Lanner is a possible drop from King Thordan in The Minstrel’s Ballad trial: Thordran’s Reign. In can also be purchased from Bertana for 99 Heaven’s Ward Helm Fragments. To unlock this trial, speak with Alys in Mor Dhona and accept Thordan’s Reign quest. This will send players to speak with the Wandering Minstrel, who unlocks the extreme trial.

Sophic Lanner
The mount drops from Sophia, found in the Containment Bay P1T6 trial. Alternatively, it can be bought for 99 Goddess Totems from Bertana. This trial is unlocked by speaking to Unukalhai and taking a Deific Simulacrum quest. This requires players to present an Allagan tomestone of divinity to the verification node on the Flagship. This unlocks the extreme trial.

Warring Lanner
The Warring Lanner is dropped by Sephirot in Containment Bay P1T6 or bought from Bertana for 99 Fiend Totems. To unlock this trial, players must accept the quest A Fiendish Likeness from Unukalhai. Players will then present the Allagan tomestone of Theology to the verification node in the Flagship, which unlocks the extreme trial.

White Lanner
This mount has a chance of dropping from Bismarck in The Limitless Blue. If players are unlucky with the drop rate, it can also be purchased from Bertana for 99 Expanse Totems. Players can unlock the trial by speaking with Unukalhai and taking the Diabolical Bismarck quest. This requires players to attune the Weeping Eye of the Manakmanai with the aetheryte at the Whale’s Crown, which unlocks the extreme trial.

This unique avian is earned by completing the short Fiery Wing, Fiery Hearts quest that becomes available after the player has collected all other Lanner mounts.

Final Fantasy XIV’s Stormblood expansion brings 8 extreme trials to the game. These extreme trials can be unlocked at level 80 once the main scenario quest has been completed. All of them are unlocked by completing the quest Songs in the Key of Kugane, which is accepted and completed by talking to the Wandering Minstrel in Kugane.
Trials drop 1 token per kill. 99 of these can be exchanged for the same mount that drops from the trial from Eschina in Rhalgr’s Reach.
Auspicious Kamuy
This mount is dropped by Byakko in The Jade Stoa or bought from Eschina for 99 Byakko Totems. To unlock this trial, complete the quest Songs in the Key of Kugane, which is both accepted and completed by talking to the Wandering Minstrel in Kugane.

Blissful Kamuy
This wolf-like mount has a chance of dropping from Lakshmi in the extreme trial Emanation. To unlock this trial, complete the quest Songs in the Key of Kugane, which is both accepted and completed by talking to the Wandering Minstrel in Kugane. Alternatively, it can be purchased from Eschina for 99 Bliss tokens.

Euphonious Kamuy
This Kamuy drops from Susazku in Hells’ Kier, or if players are unlucky with the drop, can be bought from eschina for 99 Suzaku Totems. To unlock this trial, complete the quest Songs in the Key of Kugane, which is both accepted and completed by talking to the Wandering Minstrel in Kugane.

Hallowed Kamuy
The Hallowed Kamuy has a chance of dropping from Seiryu in the Wreath of Snakes trial. To unlock this trial, complete the quest Songs in the Key of Kugane, which is both accepted and completed by talking to the Wandering Minstrel in Kugane. It can also be bought from Eschina for 99 Seiryu Totems.

Legendary Kamuy
This mount is dropped by Shinryu In The Minstrel’s Ballad: Shinryu’s Domain or purchased from Eschina for 99 Shinryu Totems. To unlock this trial, complete the quest Songs in the Key of Kugane, which is both accepted and completed by talking to the Wandering Minstrel in Kugane.

Lunar Kamuy
This Kamuy has a chance of dropping from Tsukuyomi in The Minstrel’s Ballad: Tsukuyomi’s Pain. Alternatively, it can be purchased from Eschina for 99 Lunar Totems. To unlock this trial, complete the quest Songs in the Key of Kugane, which is both accepted and completed by talking to the Wandering Minstrel in Kugane.

Reveling Kamuy
The Reveling Kamuy is dropped by Susano in The Pool of Tribute or bought from Eschina for 99 Revel Totems. To unlock this trial, complete the quest Songs in the Key of Kugane, which is both accepted and completed by talking to the Wandering Minstrel in Kugane.

Fabled Kamuy
This final Kamuy is earned by completing the quest A Lone Wold No More, available to players who have obtained all the other Kamuys. To unlock this trial, complete the quest Songs in the Key of Kugane, which is both accepted and completed by talking to the Wandering Minstrel in Kugane.

This draconic mount is a drop from The Great Hunt. It can also be bought from Smithy in Kugane for 50 Rathalos Scale+. The quest is accepted and completed by speaking with the questgiver, making this a quick unlock. This extreme trial is easy to unlock; all the player needs is speak with the Hearty Hunter in Kugane.

Shadowbringers has 8 extreme trials, although only 7 of them drop mounts. These extreme trials are unlocked by completing two quests from two different questgivers, Minstreling Wanderer at The Crystalarium and Warmachina Fanatic in the Lochs.
Diamond Gwiber
This Gwiber is dropped by The Diamond Weapon in the Cloud Deck extreme trial. Those who have been unlucky with the drop rate can also be purchased from C’intana for 99 Diamond Totems. This trial in unlocked by speaking to the Warmachina Fanatic at The Lochs.

Emerald Gwiber
The Emerald Gwiber drops from The Emerald Weapon in Castrum Marinum. Alternatively, it can be bought from C’intana for 99 Emerald Totems. This trial in unlocked by speaking to the Warmachina Fanatic at The Lochs.

Fae Gwiber
This mount has a chance of dropping from Titania in The Dancing Plague or can be bought from Fathard for 99 King Totems. This trial is unlocked by completing the Minstrel from Another Mother quest, accepted and completed by talking to the Minstreling Wander in The Crystalarium.

Shadow Gwiber
This mount can drop from The Minstrel’s Ballad: Hade’s Elegy or purchased from C’intana for 99 Totems. This trial is unlocked by completing the Minstrel from Another Mother quest, accepted and completed by talking to the Minstreling Wander in The Crystalarium.

Gwiber of Light
The Gwiber of Light can drop from The Seat of Sacrifice. Alternatively, it can be purchased for 99 Totems from Fathard. This trial is unlocked by completing the Minstrel from Another Mother quest, accepted and completed by talking to the Minstreling Wander in The Crystalarium.

Ruby Gwiber
This Gwiber drops from The Ruby Weapon in Cinder Drift. It can also be bought from C’intana for 99 Ruby Totems. This trial in unlocked by speaking to the Warmachina Fanatic at The Lochs.

Innocent Gwiber
This Gwiber drops from Innocence in The Crown of the Immaculate or purchased 99 Immaculate Totems from Fathard. This trial is unlocked by completing the Minstrel from Another Mother quest, accepted and completed by talking to the Minstreling Wander in The Crystalarium.

After players have collected all the above Gwiber mounts, the quest, The Dragon Made, becomes available to them. Completing it will earn them the Landerwaffe mount.

Endwalker currently only has two Extreme trial mounts for players to earn, becoming unlockable at level 90. Trials drop 1 token per kill. 99 of these can be exchanged for the same mount that drops from the trial from Nesvaaz in Radz-at-Han.
Lynx of Divine Light
This cat-like mount is dropped by Hydaelyn from the trial The Minstrel’s Ballad: Hydaelyn’s Call. This trial is unlocked by completing the I Wandered Sharlayan as a Minstrel quest, accepted and completed by speaking to the Wandering Minstrel in Old Sharlayan. If players are unlucky with the drop chance, this mount can also be bought for 99 Astral Totems from Nesvaaz.

Lynx of Eternal Darkness
The Lynx of Eternal Darkness has a chance of dropping from Zodiark in the trial The Minstrel’s Ballad: Zodiark’s Fall or can be bought from Nesvaaz for 99 Umbral Totems. This trial is unlocked by completing the I Wandered Sharlayan as a Minstrel quest, accepted and completed by speaking to the Wandering Minstrel in Old Sharlayan.

While there are currently only two extreme trial mounts in Endwalker, both are worth picking up, and there will likely be more in the future!
These extreme trial mounts will take a good bit of grinding to get. The drop chances for all of them are quite low, and all players in the party will be allowed to roll for them if they do drop. In addition, it can take up to 15 hours to collect 99 totems to buy the mounts instead of waiting for them to drop! However, if players wish to, they can choose not to sync and run older extreme trials solo, meaning that if the mount drops, it is theirs to claim.
However, this isn’t an option for the two new extreme trial mounts found in Endwalker. Getting ahold of these two cat-like steeds will be quite the achievement, considering they are current content!