Akadaemia Anyder is a level 80 dungeon in Final Fantasy 14 Shadowbringers which was included in patch 5.0. In this mission, you need to fight through the derelict library of the Ancient Ones. To unlock this you need to accept the Akadaemia Anyder side quest from NPC Overwrought Ondo in Eulmore. There will be a lot of monsters that you can pull together before killing them and going to the 3 bosses that are waiting.
Cladoselache and Doliodus
Protolithic puncture – A high damage tank buster targeted at the primary tank target. Cool down and heal as necessary.
Tidal guillotine – Large point-blank AOE attack around the boss. Move out to a safe spot to avoid damage.
Pelagic cleaver – Cladoselache will jump into the water and Doliodus will jump into the arena to cast a large frontal cone AOE. Move away to a safe spot to avoid damage.
Swimming guillotine – A frontal AOE attack on the platform in front of the swimming boss. Move away to a safe spot to avoid damage.
Shark swap – Both bosses will alternate between platform and water to create damage to the players.
Aquatic lance – A random player will be targeted with a circle AOE marker. Spread away from other party members as this marker will change to a water puddle to give high damage to that random player.
Swimming cleaver – AOE attack in the platform in front of the swimming boss. Move to the side of the swimming boss to avoid damage. Both the boss will alternately move into the water and platform until you kill one of them.
Marine mayhem – The boss will cast a group-wide AOE blast to all the party members. Healers be ready to heal as necessary. These mechanics will repeat until the boss is destroyed.Â
Marquis Morbol
Sap shower – All players will be marked up with large AOE circles. Spread out to avoid overlapping damage.
Arbor storm – This is a group-wide AOE attack that targets all the party members. Healer be ready to heal as necessary.
Extensible tendrils – The boss will pick up his tendrils and slam at the platform to give damage to players. The boss will also move around to slam in different areas. Move between the tentacles as necessary
Bile vomit – This will be cast immediately after the extensible tendrils. Stay on her side to avoid damage.
Blossom – Specific flowers will spawn in the arena which is an AOE attack. Stay out of these areas to avoid damage. All these mechanics will repeat and overlap until the boss is down.
Noahionto – Before you reach the final boss, you will fight with some monster that will cast a group-wide AOE blast. This cast can be interrupted so use your skill wisely
Shockbolt – A tank buster targeted at the primary target. Heal and cool down as necessary.
Thunderbolt – Group-wide AOE blast that targets all the party members. Healers be ready to heal as necessary.
Thunderstorm – Ground AOE circle will appear with an AOE marker on all the players. Spread out to avoid overlapping damage.
Damage + orbs – Will spawn purple color orbs on the platform. Steal as much as you can because it will grant damage up buff.
Shocking plumage – Will create four conal AOE attacks around the boss. Run to a safe spot to avoid damage.
Winding current – Several orbs will spawn in the platform and the boss will cast a knockback. As soon as this is done, run to the hitbox near the boss to avoid the AOE attack from the growing orbs. These mechanics will repeat until the boss is down.