With a variety of Jobs to try, players can find themselves swamped with alts. Since the full potential of many Jobs is only unlocked at level cap, While the main storyline provides plenty of EXP, it can be a little slow for players who have already seen it multiple times. Fortunately, there are plenty of other ways to level an alt from 80-90 fast.
Wondrous Tails
First off, Wondrous Tails can grant half a level from one completion, so remember to take care of those during a gap in other leveling methods. The best way to complete this book is to do all the extreme trial bosses, then reset with a second chance point and repeat until all stickers are completed. Doing all nine stickers won’t take longer than 10 minutes, which is not long for a total of half a level in EXP. Players should try and do this with their alt whenever they can.

Endwalker dungeons are also an awesome alt-leveling method. Players should stack as many EXP bonuses as they can, and if they can form a group with a tank or a healer (or even form a whole party) queue times can be very quick.
If you are a tank or a healer, dungeons are probably the fastest way to grind EXP. Queue times will be extremely quick, allowing players to complete many dungeons back-to-back. While this may get tedious for some, it is an extremely efficient method to hit level cap.

It is also an option to run dungeons using the Trust System to build a party of NPCs. This method is somewhat viable for DPS players facing long queue times for the Duty Finder or who have exhausted their Daily Roulettes, but it can grow tedious quickly. This can be a nice alternative method when players have grown tired of other methods or during slow times of the day.
Endwalker FATEs
Endwalker FATEs are a great way to level alts in FFXIV and are a solid method to grind Gil as well. They also give a lot more EXP than other expansions FATEs. Flying should be unlocked in areas that the player plans on grinding FATEs. The best leveling zones are Thavnair and Elpis. There are often high densities of players in these zones, which makes FATE grinding much faster. This means that more EXP can be farmed in less time, making it a very efficient method.

If the FATEs are currently scarce for the player, it is possible to just switch to another instance to check for availability. Player density can be different across instances and zones, and this method helps players maximize their efficiency.
Pixie tribe quests are a small and quick option. They take less than five minutes and grant 1 million EXP for flying across map, clicking on objectives, and occasionally fighting enemies. Only one can be completed per day, players can accept more than one at a time and complete both the next day. Guildship hunts can also be done this way. Shadowbringers’ FATEs should be prioritized over Guildship Hunts however, as they provide more EXP more efficiently. Players should just grab as many Guildship Hunts as they can, then complete whichever ones they run into on their way to FATEs in Shadowbringers’ zones.
Bozja and Zadnor Skirmishes are also solid ways to level alts. Each Skirmish completed grants 330,000 EXP and Critical Engagements grant 800,000. Both Skirmishes and Critical Engagements can be completed very quickly, making them an efficient method for grinding EXP. Another advantage to this method is that players won’t need any equipment beyond the basic vendor items. At the same time as they are grinding EXP, players can also seek out any of the Relic Weapons that they are currently missing, which is another plus when leveling alts.

Each method for fast leveling of alts takes roughly the same amount of time. This means that players can choose whichever path they prefer and still grind a substantial amount of EXP regardless of how they choose to approach the process. Players can choose to focus solely on one type of grinding to maximize the type of rewards they get alongside leveling, or they can use a mix of the different methods to provide some more engaging diversity to their EXP grinding.