This list is based on several different factors. I have placed each class by considering how it is ranked in the meta and how easy it is to consistently pick up and play well.
All jobs are viable, and all jobs can clear all contents in any combination. So if there’s someone you like more, don’t be afraid to play that job.
PALADIN (PLD) – S tier
First up, we have the paladin, which is the most well-rounded tank. It got a simple two-faced rotation with physical and magical damage, and the rotation is easy to recover from the few mess-ups.

It’s got a lot of defensive action that makes it very versatile and combat. They can block on command for even more medication on tank busters. They can self-heal. Their invulnerability is very good, has no downside aside from it. It has the longest cooldown, but its versatility means more buttons on the half part of an edge. Overall, the paladin is a very solid job.
WARRIOR (WAR) – A tier

The Warrior profession is a good choice for players who have tried a DPS FFXIV class and want to try tanking. To become a Warrior, you must first complete the Marauder basic class missions. Next is the warrior. Warriors have various self-healing skills, inflict good damage, and can effectively draw in hordes of foes.
It is good at both donjon and main tanking but not very strong overall. It’s boring to play until level 62, where they unlock their blood cage, but even after, their combo never really evolves past 1,2,3.

The Dark Knight wields the power of darkness and possesses the game’s most powerful damage mitigation ability. To be a competent Dark Knight, you must carefully control your mana and blood consumption, which might be tough to do in the heat of combat. The Dark Knight has no base class; however, you must be a Disciple of War or Magic at level 50 before you may test it out. Overall, the Dark Knight doesn’t stack up with the others.
Gun Breakers is indeed a game that followers of Squall from Final Fantasy 8 will like. The Gun breaker job features a simple playstyle and several powerful combinations that can enhance damage or build shields.
The Gun breaker, such as the Dark Knight, does not have a base class. However, you must be a Disciple of War or Magic at level 60 before taking on the mission.

Well, not a bad option by any means. I find the paladin and warrior a little bit better. So, it’s getting a B tier. If you want an army tank, it will probably switch place with a warrior, but we are going under the assumption that we are comparing the jobs for under the jobs with each other simultaneously.
MONK (MNK) – A tier
Overall, it’s a very powerful and satisfying class play. Monks do a lot of damage and may also boost the rest of the group.

To be an effective Monk, you must master your move rotation, but you may have some of the greatest DPS in the party with practice. It’s worth mentioning that with Patch 5.4, the Monk’s position will be revitalized. Overall, it’s a very satisfying class play.
DRAGOON (DRG) – A tier

Dragoons are noted for their spectacular leap attacks and for being flamboyant characters in general. They deal similar damage to most DPS classes; however, they are slower than other DPS professions. Dragoon is a challenging skill to learn, but you’ll look great jumping into combat. To become a Dragoon, you must first complete the Lancer basic class missions.
NINJA (NIN) – A tier

Ninjas employ ninjutsu to execute rapid and devastating combinations. They may also apply a variety of debuffs on foes, increasing the damage output of the group. However, because the Ninja relies on debuffs, they deal less damage than other occupations if overused. It’s worth mentioning that, due to some Ninja techniques’ fast speed, playing with high latency may be a little tougher than with other classes.
SAMURAI (SAM) – S tier
The Samurai has the greatest DPS in the game but no supporting quirks to aid the group in battle. It’s tough to keep a Samurai alive without the assistance of a group.

Thus solo questing might be challenging. The Samurai has no prerequisite classes. However, you must be a Disciple of War or Magic at level 50 to try it out. With its high damage, it gets an S tier.
BARD (BRD) – C tier
With the power of the song, the Bard supports the group with damage boosts and dispels enemy debuffs on players.

Although Bard’s damage output is minimal, his ability to enhance the party’s strength makes him a valuable tool in difficult situations. It is doesn’t feel that great to play, and it doesn’t bring as much to the table as the Dancer does.
The Machinist holds a gun and employs turrets to annihilate his foes. To play the Machinist effectively, you must efficiently fill the Heat and Battery gauges to do massive damage.

The Machinist has no foundation class; however, you must be a Disciple of War or Magic at level 50 before you may try it out.
DANCER (DNC) – A tier
The Dancer is a DPS and support role that is well-balanced.

If you’re interested in dancing about the field and cheering on your teammates, we have a complete FFXIV Dancer profession guide to help you out. The Dancer has no base class; nevertheless, to test it out, you must have been a Disciple of War or Magic at level 60.
Like the White Mage is a healing fixture throughout the Final Fantasy series, Black Mages are recognized for becoming powerful elemental casters.

The Black Mages in Final Fantasy XIV have a lot of damage potential, and while learning the basics is simple, mastering them is difficult.
The Summoner can summon one of three battle-pets to help them in combat, including some extremely adorable Carbuncle from earlier Final Fantasy games.

Summoners may do significant damage to single targets, while battle-pets can aid friends by buffing them. During combat, the Summoner can also revive fallen companions if necessary.
RED MAGE (RDM) – B tier
The Red Mage is one of the most well-balanced occupations in Final Fantasy XIV, with the ability to efficiently wield both black and white spells and weaponry.

Due to their long casting time, they deal less damage than other DPS classes, but flexibility makes up for it. The other tube magic DPS jobs are just objectively better, which I why it’s sitting at B tier.
When you picture a healer in Final Fantasy, the White Mage is usually the first job that springs to mind.

They have incredible restorative abilities as well as some fantastic regeneration spells that last for a long time. The White Mage profession is reasonably simple to learn and can assist with DPS if necessary. It’s a very powerful healing job, so it’s getting an S tier.
SCHOLAR (SCH) – B tier
The Scholar calls fairies to assist in healing and providing shields to the group.

When it comes to mastering the Scholar job, looking for yourself and a fairy might make for a more challenging learning curve. Still, they can do good damage while recovering and are vital squad members when handled appropriately.
The Astrologian heals and shields the group with magic and buffs teammates using cards. This character has two postures, one for party shielding and quick healing.