Burner mission guide
Major update 21.08.2019 check Introduction for details
by Jori McKie and Chainsaw Plankton
Burner Succubus – Sansha Agent
Burner Daredevil – Serpentis Agent
Burner Vengeance – Amarrian Agent
Burner Escort Dramiel – Angel Base
List of all Burner layouts sorted by Burner Ship
- Read the Introduction first, if you are new, can’t stress this enough! Familiar with Burner Mission and just want to check for fits jump here List of all Burner layouts sorted by Burner Ship
Advice and fair warning
- New to Burner Missions and never did them before? Then i strongly recommend to run them on the Testserver (Singularity) first until you are familiar with them.
- Don’t blame anyone when your ship pops it’s usually your fault. Basic Rules tl:dr don’t get cocky when dealing with Burner. Burner missions are not your usual LvL 4 missions they are far more challenging. You’ll need rather good skills, sometimes pimped layouts and over-heating.
- Many of you won’t have all V skills then stick with the more expansive pimped layouts until you know what you do.
Major update 21.08.2019
- Introduction of the Nergal, the one to rule them all (almost). The Nergal is extremely versatile because of its natural resistance and ramp up DPS but the ramp up is also the downside because killing more than one target costs time. In principle the Nergal can do any Frigate class Burner Mission but i will only post layouts in which it is faster than the current option. Bonus it is a unified layout always the same rigs but different setups so you need only one Nergal.
- Nergal usage
Burner Daredevil – Serpentis Agent
- Introduction of pimped layouts for a some ships. Pimped layouts offer fastest finishing but are very expansive. Use them at your own risk.
Important Links
- NPC stats: All Burner
- Damage application
- To get an idea Burner Video Playlist by Anize Oramara and Anize Oramara guide
- Old data but still useful Rudimentary guide how to blitz LvL 4 missions More information
- Cap stable layouts by Zarek Kree and Zekir Shardani
General Notes
- All layouts were made with Pyfa and an all V character designed for fastest possible finishing the missions. No Implants are needed, no booster or drugs were used.
- The calculated possible incoming damage of Burner is not always the actual damage. The damage of Burner depends on your range, speed, sig etc. That means in some cases you have to perma tank the damage in some not.
- To optimize your kill speed or in case you can’t match the minimum tank use drugs to boost your tank and DPS
- Don’t ask for Drone ship layouts, the AI likes Drones very much and on top of that is more or less erratic.
Downgrading modules and modules comparison
- Be aware that most pimped layouts increase your margin of error a lot and allow for some minor mistakes. Downgrading layouts work most of the time but you also reduce your margin of error. Downgrading is useful in lowsec and nullsec and might be necessary in the face of ganking.
- In pimped layouts with expansive damage mods/rigs you can always switch for cheaper ones. Sometimes you need to fix your CPU then via Implantat or CPU mod/rig.
- This is only for professionals who know exactly how to use EFT:
In pimped layouts with expansive armor tank modules you can most times switch for cheaper ones but in addition you have to replace damage mods with extra tank mods.
In pimped layouts with expansive shield tank mods you can very rarely switch to cheap ones.
Make sure after you switched modules that your tank is sufficient and you still have enough DPS to break the Burner tank. Use EFT to compare the layouts.
Unified Daredevil
- Unified Daredevil is a layout that shares always the same rigs but different modules and can be used vs 4 different Burner including 2 of the Team Burner. The advantage of the Unified Daredevil layout you don’t need resistance rigs with speed penalties, very important as you are under web and need to overheat your AB to get in range.
Pirate Burner
- To optimize your kill speed or in case you can’t match the minimum tank use drugs to boost your tank and DPS
- Overheat your guns always at optimal.
Burner Dramiel – Angel Agent
- EFT damage profile: EM 32% – Thermal 0% – Kinetic 12% – Explosive 56%
- Incoming possible damage with the above Profile 171 DPS.
- Signature 11m
- Warning extrem small signature and high speed. Easy to kill with 2x 90% webs but with 3x 60% webs you will have problems especially in combination with Rockets.
Burner Dramiel – Daredevil
[Daredevil, Burner Dramiel – Daredevil Unified]Corpii A-Type Small Armor RepairerCore B-Type Armor EM HardenerMagnetic Field Stabilizer IICore B-Type Armor Explosive HardenerStasis Webifier IISmall Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 400Stasis Webifier IILight Neutron Blaster II, Void S[empty high slot]Light Neutron Blaster II, Void SSmall Auxiliary Nano Pump IISmall Auxiliary Nano Pump ISmall Nanobot Accelerator I |
Time to kill: ~45sec
- OH both hardeners while in warp.You may have to OH your repair module.
- DPS: 361 Void+hot ~2:30min
- Tank: vs Dramiel damage profile
138 EHP/s
179 EHP/s ~3:20min Hardener OH
222 EHP/s ~1:12min Full OH
Burner Dramiel – Daredevil Cheap Alternative
[Daredevil, Burner Dramiel – Daredevil Cheap Alternative]Shadow Serpentis Armor Explosive HardenerShadow Serpentis Armor EM HardenerSmall Armor Repairer IIArmor Explosive Hardener IIStasis Webifier IISmall Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 400Stasis Webifier IILight Neutron Blaster II, Void S[empty high slot]Light Neutron Blaster II, Void SSmall Auxiliary Nano Pump IISmall Auxiliary Nano Pump ISmall Nanobot Accelerator I |
Time to kill: <1 min
- OH both explosive hardeners while in warp.You may have to OH all hardeners and your repair module.
- DPS: 294 Void+hot ~2:30min
- Tank: vs Dramiel damage profile
122 EHP/s
146 EHP/s ~3:20min explosive Hardener OH
197 EHP/s ~50s Full OH
Burner Dramiel – Succubus Alternative
[Succubus, Burner Dramiel – Succubus Alternative]Heat Sink IIHeat Sink IIImperial Navy Heat SinkGistii C-Type 1MN AfterburnerPithi A-Type Small Shield BoosterGistum A-Type Explosive Deflection AmplifierKhanid Navy Stasis WebifierSmall Focused Pulse Laser II, Conflagration SSmall Energy Nosferatu IISmall Focused Pulse Laser II, Conflagration SSmall Anti-Explosive Screen Reinforcer IISmall Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer IISmall Capacitor Control Circuit II |
Time to kill: < 1min
- On landing align away from the Dramiel, web it and start your AB adjust your speed so that you are always in gun optimal below 7km range.
- DPS: 339 Conflag+hot ~2.19 min
- Tank: vs Dramiel damage profile
115 EHP/s
145 EHP/s ~3:21min Full OH
Burner Succubus – Sansha Agent
- EFT damage profile: EM 82% – Thermal 18% – Kinetic 0% – Explosive 0%
- Incoming possible damage with the above Profile 165 DPS.
- Signature 30m
- Easy to kill
Burner Succubus – Daredevil
[Daredevil, Burner Succubus – Daredevil Unified]Corpii A-Type Small Armor RepairerMagnetic Field Stabilizer IIMagnetic Field Stabilizer IICore B-Type Armor EM HardenerCoreli A-Type 1MN AfterburnerSmall Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 400Federation Navy Stasis WebifierLight Neutron Blaster II, Null S[empty high slot]Light Neutron Blaster II, Null SSmall Auxiliary Nano Pump IISmall Auxiliary Nano Pump ISmall Nanobot Accelerator I |
Time to kill: ~1:17min
- You need a web that has 16 km range with OH.
- OH your hardener while in warp. On landing OH your web and OH your AB, close the distance.
- DPS: 432 Void+hot ~2:30min
- Tank: vs Succubus damage profile
168 EHP/s
203 EHP/s ~5:20min Hardener OH
252 EHP/s ~1:36min Full OH
Burner Succubus – Daredevil Cheap Alternative
[Daredevil, Burner Succubus – Daredevil Cheap Alternative]Shadow Serpentis Armor EM HardenerArmor EM Hardener IIMagnetic Field Stabilizer IISmall Armor Repairer II1MN Afterburner IISmall Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 400Federation Navy Stasis WebifierLight Neutron Blaster II, Void S[empty high slot]Light Neutron Blaster II, Void SSmall Auxiliary Nano Pump IISmall Auxiliary Nano Pump ISmall Nanobot Accelerator I |
Time to kill: < 2min
- You need a web that has 16 km range with OH.
- OH both hardeners while in warp. On landing OH your web and OH your AB, while closing in you have to OH your repair module.
- DPS: 361 Void+hot ~2:30min
- Tank: vs Succubus damage profile
152 EHP/s
183 EHP/s ~3:20min Hardener OH
227 EHP/s ~1:00min Full OH
Burner Succubus – Wolf Cap Stable Cheap Alternative
[Wolf, huehue cap build sansha]Gyrostabilizer IIGyrostabilizer IITracking Enhancer IITracking Enhancer IICoreli A-Type Small Armor RepairerSmall Compact Pb-Acid Cap BatteryTracking Computer II, Optimal Range Script200mm AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet EMP S200mm AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet EMP S[empty high slot]200mm AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet EMP S200mm AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet EMP SSmall Capacitor Control Circuit ISmall Projectile Collision Accelerator II |
Time to kill: < 2min Credit on fit to Lynsey
- Turn on your rep, warp in, and start shooting
- This fit uses the same rigs and rep as the cap stable wolf fit used vs the Blood Cruor
- DPS: 284 Republic Fleet EMP up to 327 hot
- Tank: vs Succubus damage profile
189 EHP/s
245 EHP/s ~2:00min OH
Burner Worm – Gurista Agent
- EFT damage profile: EM 0% – Thermal 0% – Kinetic 100% – Explosive 0%
- Incoming possible damage with the above Profile 228 DPS.
- Signature 70m
- Very dangerous because of it’s high alpha (shoot every 10s) and while you approach you may get 2x volleys at once.
Burner Worm – Daredevil pimped
[Daredevil, Burner Worm pimped]Corpii A-Type Small Armor RepairerFederation Navy Magnetic Field StabilizerFederation Navy Magnetic Field StabilizerCorpus X-Type Armor Kinetic HardenerCoreli A-Type 5MN MicrowarpdriveSmall Capacitor Booster IIFederation Navy Stasis WebifierLight Neutron Blaster II[Empty High slot]Light Neutron Blaster IISmall Auxiliary Thrusters IISmall Auxiliary Thrusters ISmall Ancillary Current Router I |
Time to kill: ~1:30min.
- Use this layout only if you know what you are doing otherwise you are dead.
Burner Worm – Daredevil
[Daredevil, Burner Worm – Daredevil]Corpii A-Type Small Armor RepairerShadow Serpentis Armor Kinetic HardenerMagnetic Field Stabilizer IICore B-Type Armor Kinetic HardenerCoreli A-Type 1MN MicrowarpdriveSmall Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 400Faint Epsilon Scoped Warp Scrambler ILight Neutron Blaster II, Void S[empty high slot]Light Neutron Blaster II, Void SSmall Auxiliary Thrusters IISmall Auxiliary Thrusters ISmall Ancillary Current Router I |
Time to kill: ~1:58min
- You may use a scram (reduces Burner Worm’s speed to ~???) with more range or use a 60% web to reduce Burner Worm’s speed to ~360m/s.
- OH both hardeners while in warp. On landing align for 2s and then start your MWD, OH your MWD in the 2nd cycle. Be very careful while closing in you have to OH your repair module. Shut down your MWD after the 2nd cycle and scram or web the Burner Worm. After your are in optimal adjust your speed +10% to the Burner Worm and keep at range in optimal.
- DPS: 361 Void+hot ~2:30min
- Tank: vs Worm damage profile
218 EHP/s
378 EHP/s ~3:20min Hardener OH
490 EHP/s ~1:00min Full OH
- Speed: 4641m/s, hot 6683m/s
Burner Worm – Daredevil Cheap Alternative
[Daredevil, Burner Worm – Daredevil Cheap Alternative]Shadow Serpentis Armor Kinetic HardenerSmall Armor Repairer IISmall Ancillary Armor Repairer, Nanite Repair PasteArmor Kinetic Hardener II5MN Y-T8 Compact MicrowarpdriveSmall Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 400Faint Epsilon Scoped Warp ScramblerLight Ion Blaster II, Void S[empty high slot]Light Neutron Blaster II, Void SSmall Auxiliary Thrusters IISmall Auxiliary Thrusters ISmall Ancillary Current Router I |
Time to kill: < 3min
- Warning use this layout at your own risk. You need very good cap and heat management skills. If you don’t like the mixed guns use 2x Light Ion Blaster II.
- You may use a scram (reduces Burner Worm’s speed to ~???) with more range or use a 60% web to reduce Burner Worm’s speed to ~360m/s.
- OH both hardeners while in warp. On landing align for 2s and then start your MWD, OH your MWD in the 2nd cycle. Be very careful while closing in you have to OH your Small Ancillary Armor Repairer and run your repair module. Shut down your MWD after the 2nd cycle and scram or web the Burner Worm. After your are in optimal adjust your speed +10% to the Burner Worm and keep at range in optimal.
- DPS: 285 Void+hot ~2:30min
- Tank: vs Worm damage profile
428 EHP/s OH Small Ancillary Armor Repairer
693 EHP/s ~1:49min Hardener OH + OH Small Ancillary Armor Repairer
217 EHP/s ~2:40min Hardener OH – shutted down Small Ancillary Armor Repairer
- Speed: 4538m/s, hot 6529m/s
Burner Cruor – Blood Agent
- EFT damage profile: EM 50% – Thermal 50% – Kinetic 0% – Explosive 0%
- Incoming possible damage with the above Profile 180 DPS.
- Signature 18m
- Easy to kill although the Cruor is heavy neuting
Burner Cruor – Nergal pimped
[Nergal, Burner Cruor]Centii A-Type Small Armor RepairerEntropic Radiation Sink IIEntropic Radiation Sink IICorpus X-Type Armor EM HardenerStasis Webifier IIThukker Small Cap BatterySmall Capacitor Booster IILight Entropic Disintegrator II, Occult S[Empty High slot]Small Nanobot Accelerator IISmall Auxiliary Nano Pump IIHornet II x5 |
Time to kill: ~1:52min
- Set range to 6000m because better safe than sorry. Drones are very rarely targeted.
- Overheating the Light Entropic Disintegrator II does not change the rate of fire so no faster DPS ramp up
Burner Cruor – Wolf
[Wolf, Burner Cruor – Wolf]Gyrostabilizer IIRepublic Fleet GyrostabilizerRepublic Fleet GyrostabilizerCorpii A-Type Thermal PlatingCorpii A-Type Small Armor RepairerStasis Webifier IISmall Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 400200mm AutoCannon II, Hail S200mm AutoCannon II, Hail SRocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Nova Rocket200mm AutoCannon II, Hail S200mm AutoCannon II, Hail SSmall Anti-Thermal Pump IISmall Projectile Collision Accelerator II |
Time to kill: ~3:15min
- Get rid of the Rocket Launcher II and switch to T2 damage mods and you have a cheap version.
- The time to kill difference between using Fusion or Hail is negligible. Fusion has little more falloff and better tracking. Hail the better DPS
- Slow boat straight away and a webbed Cruor should stay at ~3.7km, best DPS is always in 1/3 of falloff adjust you Ammo/layout to that. OH your repair module while you have cap. You may have to OH your cap booster.
- DPS: 371 Fusion+hot ~1:05min, 414 Hail+hot ~1:05min
- Tank: vs Cruor damage profile while you have cap
265 EHP/s
343 EHP/s ~2:20min Full OH
Burner Cruor – Wolf cap stable Alternative
[Wolf, Burner Cruor – Wolf cap stable Alternative]Gyrostabilizer IIGyrostabilizer IICoreli A-Type Thermal PlatingMicro Auxiliary Power Core IICoreli A-Type Small Armor Repairer’Censer’ Medium Cap BatteryStasis Webifier II200mm AutoCannon II, Hail S200mm AutoCannon II, Hail SRocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Nova Rocket200mm AutoCannon II, Hail S200mm AutoCannon II, Hail SSmall Capacitor Control Circuit ISmall Projectile Collision Accelerator II |
Time to kill: < 4min.
- The time to kill difference between using Fusion or Hail is negligible. Fusion has little more falloff and better tracking. Hail the better DPS
- Slow boat straight away and a webbed Cruor should stay at ~3.7km, best DPS is always in 1/3 of falloff adjust you Ammo/layout to that
- DPS: 345 Fusion+hot ~1:05min, 383 Hail+hot ~1:05min
- Tank: vs Cruor damage profile while you have cap
189 EHP/s
245 EHP/s ~2:20min Full OH
Burner Daredevil – Serpentis Agent
- EFT damage profile: EM 0% – Thermal 42% – Kinetic 58% – Explosive 0%
- Incoming possible damage with the above Profile 264 DPS with 12km optimal + 15km falloff.
- Signature 18m
- Easy to kill
Burner Daredevil – Nergal pimped
[Nergal, Burner Daredevil]Centii A-Type Small Armor RepairerEntropic Radiation Sink IIEntropic Radiation Sink IICorpus X-Type Armor Kinetic HardenerFederation Navy Stasis WebifierFederation Navy Stasis WebifierSmall Capacitor Booster IILight Entropic Disintegrator II, Baryon Exotic Plasma S[Empty High slot]Small Nanobot Accelerator IISmall Auxiliary Nano Pump IIWarrior II x5 |
Time to kill: ~0:54min
- Set orbit to 11km, straight forward kill it. Drones are very rarely targeted.
- Overheating the Light Entropic Disintegrator II does not change the rate of fire so no faster DPS ramp up
Burner Daredevil – Hawk
[Hawk, Burner Daredevil – Hawk]Caldari Navy Ballistic Control SystemBallistic Control System IIPithum C-Type Medium Shield BoosterSmall Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 400Caldari Navy Stasis Webifier1MN Y-S8 Compact AfterburnerCaldari Navy Stasis WebifierRocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge RocketRocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Rocket280mm Howitzer Artillery II, Republic Fleet FusionRocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge RocketRocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge RocketSmall Warhead Calefaction Catalyst IISmall Warhead Rigor Catalyst I |
Time to kill: ~1:06min
- After extensive testing a third Caldari Navy Stasis Webifier is completely useless with all relevant skills at lvl 4 you won’t get more DPS but if your skills are subpar you will still need a third web.
- You have to OH your shield booster from time to time and make sure you have at least 11.5km range with your rockets
- You may switch the webs for cheaper 55% or expansive 60% webs but make sure you have enough range 12km without overheat. There is a good reason to use 15km webs as you can orbit at 13-14km and reduce damage.
- Small Warhead Calefaction Catalyst II vs Small Bay Loading Accelerator II, 4 DPS difference is negligible but with a WCC you need less Rockets. You may want to use a mobile depot and switch 1x web for an AB or 2x webs for a MWD to get the loot faster.
- Alternative hawk layout with T2 rockets read this old post and adapt the layout
- DPS: 289 Caldari Navy Scourge Rocket+hot ~54s with 12.75 explo radius and 15.2km range + 13 DPS 250mm Light ‘Scout’ Artillery I
Real DPS on the Burner Daredevil ~115 DPS
- Tank: vs Daredevil damage profile
314 EHP/s
399 EHP/s ~4:30min Full OH
Burner Daredevil – Hawk cap stable Alternative
[Hawk, Burner Daredevil – Hawk cap stable Alternative]Caldari Navy Ballistic Control SystemBallistic Control System IIPithi A-Type Small Shield BoosterGistum C-Type Kinetic Deflection AmplifierCaldari Navy Stasis WebifierCaldari Navy Stasis WebifierCaldari Navy Stasis WebifierRocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge RocketRocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Rocket250mm Light ‘Scout’ Artillery I, Republic Fleet Titanium Sabot SRocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge RocketRocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge RocketSmall Capacitor Control Circuit IISmall Capacitor Control Circuit II |
Time to kill: < 1:30min
- Make sure you have at least 11.5km range with your rockets
- You may switch the webs for cheaper 55% or expansive 60% webs but make sure you have enough range 12km without overheat. There is a good reason to use 15km webs as you can orbit at 13-14km and reduce damage.
- You may want to use a mobile depot and switch 1x web for an AB or 2x webs for a MWD to get the loot faster.
- DPS: 262 Caldari Navy Scourge Rocket+hot ~54s with 15 explo radius and 15.2km range + 13 DPS 250mm Light ‘Scout’ Artillery I
Real DPS on the Burner Daredevil ~110 DPS
- Tank: vs Daredevil damage profile
343 EHP/s
434 EHP/s ~4:06min Full OH
Team Burner
- To optimize your kill speed or in case you can’t match the minimum tank use drugs to boost your tank and DPS
- Overheat your guns always at optimal.
- All Burner warp in at 40km, all Burner Logis and Burner Assault Ships have standard ingame resistance profiles. Always and i mean always kill at least 1x Logi Burner first.
- Using a brawling setup AB+web is mandatory, make sure your webbed+heated AB speed is at least +200 m/s faster than a webbed Burner Logi. In case you can’t match the Burner speed with your AB use a T2 speed rig or an A-Type AB or speed imps like Zor’s Hype
- Using Kiting setup special advise.
Be advised one mistake in range control aka getting webbed (web range is ~13km) by Team Burner Assault Ships = instant death, no escape.
All Team Burner
- This are two layouts for the Unified Garmur. The Garmur is a pure kiting setup and has to be treated as such. Be advised one mistake in range control aka getting webbed (web range is ~13km) by Team Burner Assault Ships = instant death, no escape..
All Team Burner – Garmur
[Garmur, All Team Burner – Garmur]Caldari Navy Ballistic Control SystemCaldari Navy Ballistic Control SystemCaldari Navy Ballistic Control SystemMissile Guidance Computer II, Missile Range ScriptMissile Guidance Computer II, Missile Range Script5MN Y-T8 Compact MicrowarpdrivePhased Scoped Target PainterPolarized Rocket Launcher, Caldari Navy Nova RocketPolarized Rocket Launcher, Caldari Navy Nova RocketPolarized Rocket Launcher, Caldari Navy Nova RocketSmall Hydraulic Bay Thrusters IISmall Rocket Fuel Cache Partition IISmall Warhead Flare Catalyst I |
Time to kill: Depends from 1:30min to 2:45min
- Works vs every Team Burner
- Make sure your orbit is at least 20km and vs Burner Jaguar 30km because of the very rare wrecking shots. Use Javelins and switch a MGC for a Sebo for the Jaguar.
- Missile range with standard faction is 29.7km in case you need more use T2 Javelins against Logis or against the Jaguar
- Missile usage:
Mjolnir vs Hawk, Bantam, Burst
Nova vs Enyo, Navitas, Inquisitor
Inferno vs Vengeance
Scourge vs Jaguar
- DPS: 321+hot ~1:11min
- Tank: not available
All Team Burner – Garmur Cheap
[Garmur, All Team Burner – Garmur Cheap]Ballistic Control System IIBallistic Control System IICo-Processor IIMissile Guidance Computer II, Missile Range ScriptPhased Scoped Target Painter5MN Y-T8 Compact MicrowarpdriveMissile Guidance Computer II, Missile Range ScriptPolarized Rocket Launcher, Caldari Navy Nova RocketPolarized Rocket Launcher, Caldari Navy Nova RocketPolarized Rocket Launcher, Caldari Navy Nova RocketSmall Rocket Fuel Cache Partition IISmall Hydraulic Bay Thrusters IISmall Warhead Flare Catalyst I |
Time to kill: not available
- Works vs every Team Burner
- Make sure your orbit is at least 20km and vs Burner Jaguar 30km because of the very rare wrecking shots. Use Javelins and switch a MGC for a Sebo for the Jaguar.
- Missile range with standard faction is 29.7km in case you need more use T2 Javelins against Logis or against the Jaguar
- Missile usage:
Mjolnir vs Hawk, Bantam, Burst
Nova vs Enyo, Navitas, Inquisitor
Inferno vs Vengeance
Scourge vs Jaguar
- DPS: 270+hot ~1:11min
- Tank: not available
All Team Burner – Compact Garmur
[Garmur, All Team Burner – Compact Edition]Crosslink Compact Ballistic Control SystemCrosslink Compact Ballistic Control SystemCrosslink Compact Ballistic Control System5MN Cold-Gas Enduring MicrowarpdrivePeripheral Compact Target PainterAstro-Inertial Compact Missile Guidance Computer, Missile Range ScriptAstro-Inertial Compact Missile Guidance Computer, Missile Range ScriptPolarized Rocket Launcher, Caldari Navy Mjolnir RocketPolarized Rocket Launcher, Caldari Navy Mjolnir RocketPolarized Rocket Launcher, Caldari Navy Mjolnir RocketSmall Rocket Fuel Cache Partition IISmall Hydraulic Bay Thrusters IISmall Warhead Flare Catalyst I |
Time to kill: not available
- Works vs every Team Burner
- Make sure your orbit is at least 20km and vs Burner Jaguar 30km because of the very rare wrecking shots. Use Javelins and switch a MGC for a Sebo for the Jaguar.
- Missile range with standard faction is 28.1km in case you need more use T2 Javelins against Logis or against the Jaguar
- Antipharmakon Toxot Is also useful for a bit more range
- Missile usage:
Mjolnir vs Hawk, Bantam, Burst
Nova vs Enyo, Navitas, Inquisitor
Inferno vs Vengeance
Scourge vs Jaguar
- DPS: 282+hot ~1:11min
- Tank: not available
Burner Hawk – Caldari Agent
- EFT damage profile: EM 0% – Thermal 0% – Kinetic 100% – Explosive 0%
- Incoming possible damage with the above Profile 247 DPS.
- Signature 48m
- Logi speed: 1016m/s with 60% web = 406m/s; with 90% = 102m/s
- Logi weak resistance = EM/Thermal
- Burner Hawk weak resistance = EM
Burner Hawk – Daredevil
[Daredevil, Burner Hawk – Daredevil Unified]Core B-Type Armor Kinetic HardenerMagnetic Field Stabilizer IICorpii A-Type Small Armor RepairerShadow Serpentis Armor Kinetic HardenerCoreli A-Type 1MN AfterburnerSmall Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 400Federation Navy Stasis WebifierLight Neutron Blaster II, Void S[empty high slot]Light Neutron Blaster II, Void SSmall Auxiliary Nano Pump IISmall Auxiliary Nano Pump ISmall Nanobot Accelerator I |
Time to kill: ~3:22min
- On landing no OH needed, log the closest Logi and burn to it with OH AB when in range OH web. Same with the 2nd Logi or kill the Hawk.
- DPS: 361 Void+hot ~2:30min
- Tank: vs Hawk damage profile
348 EHP/s
493 EHP/s ~5:20min 1x Hardener OH
- Speed: 1573m/s, hot 2118m/s; under web 629m/s, hot 847m/s
Burner Vengeance – Amarrian Agent
- EFT damage profile: EM 100% – Thermal 0% – Kinetic 0% – Explosive 0%
- Incoming possible damage with the above Profile 232 DPS.
- Signature 37m
- Logi speed: 920m/s with 60% web = 368m/s; with 90% = 92m/s
- Logi weak resistance = Explosive/Kinetic
- Burner Hawk weak resistance = Thermal/EM
Burner Vengeance – Daredevil
[Daredevil, Burner Vengeance – Daredevil Unified]Core B-Type Armor EM HardenerMagnetic Field Stabilizer IIMagnetic Field Stabilizer IICorpii A-Type Small Armor RepairerCoreli A-Type 1MN AfterburnerSmall Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 400Federation Navy Stasis WebifierLight Neutron Blaster II, Void S[empty high slot]Light Neutron Blaster II, Void SSmall Auxiliary Nano Pump IISmall Auxiliary Nano Pump ISmall Nanobot Accelerator I |
Time to kill: ~2:20min
- On landing OH 1x Hardener, log the closest Logi and burn to it with OH AB when in range OH web. Kill the Vengeance next no need to kill the 2nd Logi.
- DPS: 432 Void+hot ~2:30min
- Tank: vs Vengeance damage profile
236 EHP/s
335 EHP/s ~5:20min 1x Hardener OH
- Speed: 1573m/s, hot 2118m/s; under web 629m/s, hot 847m/s
Burner Enyo – Gallente Agent
- EFT damage profile: EM 0% – Thermal 50% – Kinetic 50% – Explosive 0%
- Incoming possible damage with the above Profile 294 DPS.
- Signature 37m
- Logi speed: 870m/s with 60% web = 348m/s; with 90% = 87m/s
- Logi weak resistance = Explosive/Kinetic
- Burner Hawk weak resistance = Explosive
Burner Enyo – Nergal pimped
[Nergal, Burner Enyo]Centii A-Type Small Armor RepairerEntropic Radiation Sink IIEntropic Radiation Sink IICorpus X-Type Armor Kinetic HardenerCoreli A-Type 1MN AfterburnerSmall Capacitor Booster IIFederation Navy Stasis WebifierLight Entropic Disintegrator II, Occult S[Empty High slot]Small Nanobot Accelerator IISmall Auxiliary Nano Pump IIWarrior II x5 |
Time to kill: ~1:17 min
- Before using the acceleration gate > Pre OH your AB and web; set Keep at range 6000m; while in warp start your Hardener.
- After landing burn with OH AB using your Keep at range towards the Enyo and most important OH your Hardener and start your Rep (no OH needed). Web the Enyo asap it is in range; Ignore the Logis. After the Enyo is webbed stop OH your AB and web immediately.
- Put DPS on and then launch your Drones; Drones are very rarely targeted.
- Overheating the Light Entropic Disintegrator II does not change the rate of fire so no faster DPS ramp up
Burner Enyo – Enyo
[Enyo, Burner Enyo – Enyo]Core A-Type Armor Kinetic HardenerMagnetic Field Stabilizer IICorpii A-Type Small Armor RepairerCore A-Type Armor Thermal HardenerCoreli A-Type 1MN AfterburnerSmall Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 400Federation Navy Stasis WebifierLight Neutron Blaster II, Void SLight Neutron Blaster II, Void S[empty high slot]Light Neutron Blaster II, Void SLight Neutron Blaster II, Void SSmall Auxiliary Thrusters IISmall Auxiliary Thrusters IIWarrior II x1 |
Time to kill: ~3:28min
- On landing no OH needed, log the closest Logi and burn to it with OH AB when in range OH web. Use your Drone. Kill the the 2nd Logi or kill the Enyo.
- DPS: 377 Void+hot ~1:23min
- Tank: vs Enyo damage profile
377 EHP/s
475 EHP/s ~4:40min both Hardener OH
- Speed: 1178m/s, hot 1556m/s; under web 471m/s, hot 622m/s
Burner Jaguar – Matari Agent
- EFT damage profile: EM 13% – Thermal 0% – Kinetic 18% – Explosive 68%
- Incoming possible damage with the above Profile 268 DPS. Not so Rare wrecking shot with 1683 hp damage. Player reported the occasional wrecking shot from the Jaguar.
- Signature 42m
- Logi speed: 1174m/s with 60% web = 470m/s; with 90% = 117m/s
- Logi weak resistance = EM/Thermal
- Burner Hawk weak resistance = Kinetic/Explosive
Burner Jaguar – Nergal pimped
[Nergal, Burner Enyo]Centii A-Type Small Armor RepairerEntropic Radiation Sink IIEntropic Radiation Sink IICorpus X-Type Armor Explosive HardenerCoreli A-Type 1MN AfterburnerSmall Capacitor Booster IIFederation Navy Stasis WebifierLight Entropic Disintegrator II, Occult S[Empty High slot]Small Nanobot Accelerator IISmall Auxiliary Nano Pump IIWarrior II x5 |
Time to kill: ~1:35 min
- Before using the acceleration gate > Pre OH your AB and web; set Keep at range 6000m; while in warp start your Hardener.
- After landing burn with OH AB using your Keep at range towards the Jaguar and most important OH your Hardener and start your Rep (no OH needed). Web the Jaguar asap it is in range; Ignore the Logis. After the Jaguar is webbed stop OH your AB and web immediately.
- Put DPS on and then launch your Drones; Drones are very rarely targeted.
- Overheating the Light Entropic Disintegrator II does not change the rate of fire so no faster DPS ramp up
Burner Jaguar – Retribution
[Retribution, Burner Jaguar – Retribution]Shadow Serpentis Armor Kinetic HardenerCorpii A-Type Small Armor RepairerImperial Navy Heat SinkHeat Sink IICore B-Type Armor Explosive HardenerSmall Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 400Khanid Navy Stasis WebifierSmall Focused Pulse Laser II, Scorch SSmall Focused Pulse Laser II, Scorch S[empty high slot]Small Focused Pulse Laser II, Scorch SSmall Focused Pulse Laser II, Scorch SSmall Auxiliary Nano Pump IISmall Energy Locus Coordinator II |
Time to kill: < 4min
- DPS: Tank: vs Jaguar damage profile
EHP/s ~min Hardener OH
EHP/s ~min Full OH
- Speed:
Burner Jaguar – Ecm Harpy
[Harpy, 150mm 3 ECM]Magnetic Field Stabilizer IITracking Enhancer IICo-Processor IIHalting Compact Ladar ECMCoreli A-Type 5MN MicrowarpdriveHalting Compact Ladar ECMHalting Compact Ladar ECM150mm Railgun II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S150mm Railgun II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S[empty high slot]150mm Railgun II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S150mm Railgun II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge SSmall Hybrid Collision Accelerator IISmall Hybrid Locus Coordinator I |
Time to kill: Variable depending on ECM chances
- On landing align out away from the burner, lock all three targets and try to jam the logi. Let the Jaguar get within 28km then activate MWD and match speed, once both logi are jammed turn off ECM and start shooting the Jaguar. The fit is far from cap stable so stagger ECM to reduce chances of wasting cap. Also heat is useful on the ECM, need to watch it so you don’t accidentally burn out your MWD.
- DPS: 225 CN antimatter+hot ~1:11min
- Tank: N/A
- Speed: 2267/s
Base Burner
General advice
- To optimize your kill speed or in case you can’t match the minimum tank use drugs to boost your tank and DPS
- Overheat your guns always at optimal.
Burner Ashimmu
- CCP changed the Ashimmu it hits now up to +70km and the Sentinels go 4.4000m/s at max, kiting is not possible without the same tank as with brawling, so brawling it is.
- Warp in is at 55km and Drone AI is still weird and erratic.
- Turret ships aren’t an option only for pure masochists because Sentinels use TD.
Burner Talos
- 3x Talos with rails at different ranges between 175km and 200km. Initial DPS after warp in is rather high, it calms down when you have speed. Do not approach any Talos directly, always use a zig-zag course to get close to ~60km then get into orbit.
- Drones will be targeted by all Talos and because of rails you will lose one or two occasionally even light Drones
- Heavy dampening makes it impossible to kite the Talos additional there is a grid of sentries with approximation trigger, just ignore them.
- Low sig and high speed is the best approach to get this done.
Burner Escort Dramiel
- 4x Burner Escort Dramiel are attacking you, initial DPS to tank is ~450 without using sacrificial Drones. Each Dramiel does ~112 DPS after you killed the first one, tanking is easy. Using sacrificial Drones you don’t need tank at all but i won’t recommend that.
- Small Drones will be targeted immediately, you can use TI Drones (Hornets) as sacrifice to lower the DPS on you or Acolyte to do extra DPS. Medium Drones are useless they don’t hit the Dramiel even with 2x 90% webs on them that means a serious low sig.
- Double or triple web with your 90% webs one Dramiel and use keep at range at optimal DPS.
Burner Ashimmu – Blood Base
- EFT damage profile: EM 72% – Thermal 28% – Kinetic 0% – Explosive 0%
- Incoming possible damage with the above Profile 360 DPS.
- Signature 120m
- EFT damage profile: EM 0% – Thermal 42% – Kinetic 58% – Explosive 0%
- Incoming possible damage from 2x Sentinels with the above Profile 330 DPS.
- Signature 50m
- Combined EFT damage profile: EM 38% – Thermal 14% – Kinetic 26% – Explosive 21%
- The tank calculation is tricky because Ashimmu and Sentinel have a different DPS Profile. These are minimum numbers and work only if you kill the Sentinels first and fast.
X-Large ASB + minimum 48k EHP better 52k EHP vs Ashimmu profile with a large shield buffer
X-Large ASB + minimum 38k EHP better 42k EHP vs Combined Profile with a large shield buffer
Burner Ashimmu – Gila
[Gila, Burner Ashimmu – Gila]Caldari Navy Ballistic Control SystemImperial Navy Drone Damage AmplifierImperial Navy Drone Damage AmplifierOmnidirectional Tracking Link II, Tracking Speed ScriptPithum B-Type EM Ward AmplifierPithum B-Type EM Ward AmplifierLarge Shield Extender IILarge Shield Extender IILarge Shield Extender IIRapid Light Missile Launcher II, Scourge Fury Light MissileRapid Light Missile Launcher II, Scourge Fury Light MissileSmall Tractor Beam IIRapid Light Missile Launcher II, Scourge Fury Light MissileRapid Light Missile Launcher II, Scourge Fury Light MissileMedium Core Defense Field Purger IIMedium Core Defense Field Purger IIMedium Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer IIVespa I x10 |
Time to kill: ~3:30min
- After warp in align away from the Ashimmu to buy time, kill the Sentinels first. This setup works only because Drones will be targeted and DPS taken away from your Gila. Be warned if the Drone AI changes you might lose this Gila setup because tank isn’t sustainable.
- Best way to deal with the Drone AI : Shot 1x Sentinel with your RLMLs until you have aggro from all ships then launch Drones and/or use a Target Painter instead of Omni Tracking Link. Sometimes it works and Drones won’t be the AI’s primary sometimes not. T1 Drones are sacrificial in this setup so T2 Drones are neither cost nor time efficient. T2 Drones have to be babysit and recalled that costs you micromanagement and DPS. Just use your T1 Drones as fire and forget, if one is killed launch a new one. Put some extra Drones in your cargo and use the mobile depot just in case.
- You may want to use a mobile depot and start with 2x DDA and 1x BCS when you are in reload switch to 3x DDA and if needed fill up your Drone Bay. Switch to a MWD after if you want to loot.
- You don’t have to avoid the NOS/Neut on the Ashimmu as your Omnidirectional Tracking Link II only need 0.1 cap, you can always switch it back on
- Cheap version just switch the damage mods and both EM Ward Amplifier to T2.
- Cargo Bay:
Mobile Depot
1x DDA
Extra Vespa I
1x Target Painter
1x MWD
- DPS:
403 with Vespa I + 229 (with reloads 157) Caldari Navy Inferno Light Missile vs Sentinel
403 with Vespa I + 280 (with reloads 192) Scourge Fury Light Missile vs Ashimmu
- Tank:
64.7k EHP vs Ashimmu DPS
260 EHP/s at peak recharge vs Ashimmu DPS
Tank works only because Drones are targeted
- Speed 244m/s
Burner Ashimmu – Orthrus Alternative
[Orthrus, Burner Ashimmu – Orthrus Alternative]Damage Control IICaldari Navy Ballistic Control SystemCaldari Navy Ballistic Control SystemCaldari Navy Ballistic Control SystemX-Large Ancillary Shield Booster, Cap Booster 400Pithum B-Type EM Ward AmplifierPithum B-Type EM Ward AmplifierCaldari Navy Large Shield ExtenderCaldari Navy Large Shield ExtenderRapid Light Missile Launcher II, Scourge Fury Light MissileRapid Light Missile Launcher II, Scourge Fury Light MissileRapid Light Missile Launcher II, Scourge Fury Light MissileSmall Tractor Beam IRapid Light Missile Launcher II, Scourge Fury Light MissileRapid Light Missile Launcher II, Scourge Fury Light MissileMedium Core Defense Field Extender IIMedium Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer IIMedium Processor Overclocking Unit IHornet I x5 |
Time to kill: < 4:30min
- After warp in align away from the Ashimmu to buy time, kill the Sentinels first.
- The tank calculation is tricky because Ashimmu and Sentinel have a different DPS Profile. These are minimum numbers and work only if you kill the Sentinels first and fast.
X-Large ASB + minimum 48k EHP better 52k EHP vs Ashimmu profile with a large shield buffer
X-Large ASB + minimum 38k EHP better 42k EHP vs Combined Profile with a large shield buffer
If you don’t have these tank numbers with your skills the setup do not work as you won’t survive the ASB reload. Always OH your ASB and make sure your shield is as close to 100% as possible when you used your last ASB charge so you will survive the reload.
- Always kill the Sentinels first and OH your RLML, launch your Drones after you are aggroed by the Ashimmu+Sentinel. Make sure that the 1st Sentinel dies with the 20 charges on your RLML + Drones, if not you won’t survive the reload as the DPS is too high.
- Try to orbit the Ashimmu as good as possible.
- DPS:
466 (with reloads 302) Caldari Navy Inferno Light Missile vs Sentinel + 70 Hornet I
569 (with reloads 369) Scourge Fury Light Missile vs Ashimmu + 70 Hornet I
- Tank:
59.2k EHP vs Ashimmu DPS
37.7k EHP vs Sentinel DPS
45.4k EHP vs combined and 764 EHP/s OH shield boost
- Speed 306m/s
Burner Ashimmu – Cerberus Alternative
[Cerberus, Burner Ashimmu – Cerberus Alternative]Damage Control IICaldari Navy Ballistic Control SystemCaldari Navy Ballistic Control SystemCaldari Navy Ballistic Control SystemX-Large Ancillary Shield Booster, Navy Cap Booster 400Pithum B-Type EM Ward AmplifierPithum B-Type EM Ward AmplifierCaldari Navy Large Shield ExtenderCaldari Navy Large Shield ExtenderRapid Light Missile Launcher II, Scourge Fury Light MissileRapid Light Missile Launcher II, Scourge Fury Light MissileRapid Light Missile Launcher II, Scourge Fury Light MissileRapid Light Missile Launcher II, Scourge Fury Light MissileRapid Light Missile Launcher II, Scourge Fury Light MissileRapid Light Missile Launcher II, Scourge Fury Light MissileMedium Warhead Rigor Catalyst IIMedium Ancillary Current Router IIHornet I x3 |
Time to kill: < 4:30min
- After warp in align away from the Ashimmu to buy time, kill the Sentinels first.
- The tank calculation is tricky because Ashimmu and Sentinel have a different DPS Profile. These are minimum numbers and work only if you kill the Sentinels first and fast.
X-Large ASB + minimum 48k EHP better 52k EHP vs Ashimmu profile with a large shield buffer
X-Large ASB + minimum 38k EHP better 42k EHP vs Combined Profile with a large shield buffer
If you don’t have these tank numbers with your skills the setup do not work as you won’t survive the ASB reload. Always OH your ASB and make sure your shield is as close to 100% as possible when you used your last ASB charge so you will survive the reload.
- Always kill the Sentinels first and OH your RLML, launch your Drones after you are aggroed by the Ashimmu+Sentinel. Make sure that the 1st Sentinel dies with the 20 charges on your RLML + Drones, if not you won’t survive the reload as the DPS is too high.
- Try to orbit the Ashimmu as good as possible.
- Very safe version switch Medium Warhead Rigor Catalyst II to Medium Core Defense Field Extender II
- DPS:
532 (with reloads 309) Caldari Navy Scourge Light Missile with 24 explo radius vs Sentinel + 42 Hornet I
650 (with reloads 378) Scourge Fury Light Missile with 41.4 explo radius vs Ashimmu + 42 Hornet I
- Tank:
56.5k EHP vs Ashimmu DPS
33.1k EHP vs Sentinel DPS
42.9k EHP vs combined and 1045 EHP/s OH shield boost
- Speed 275m/s
Burner Ashimmu – Cerberus Cheap Alternative
[Cerberus, Burner Ashimmu – Cerberus Cheap Alternative]Damage Control IIReactor Control Unit IIBallistic Control System IIBallistic Control System IIX-Large Ancillary Shield Booster, Navy Cap Booster 400EM Ward Amplifier IIEM Ward Amplifier IILarge F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield ExtenderLarge F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield ExtenderRapid Light Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Light MissileRapid Light Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Light MissileRapid Light Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Light MissileRapid Light Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Light MissileRapid Light Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Light MissileRapid Light Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Light MissileMedium Core Defense Field Extender IIMedium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer IIHornet I x3 |
Time to kill: < 5:30min
- After warp in align away from the Ashimmu to buy time, kill the Sentinels first.
- The tank calculation is tricky because Ashimmu and Sentinel have a different DPS Profile. These are minimum numbers and work only if you kill the Sentinels first and fast.
X-Large ASB + minimum 48k EHP better 52k EHP vs Ashimmu profile with a large shield buffer
X-Large ASB + minimum 38k EHP better 42k EHP vs Combined Profile with a large shield buffer
If you don’t have these tank numbers with your skills the setup do not work as you won’t survive the ASB reload. Always OH your ASB and make sure your shield is as close to 100% as possible when you used your last ASB charge so you will survive the reload.
- Always kill the Sentinels first and OH your RLML, launch your Drones after you are aggroed by the Ashimmu+Sentinel. Make sure that the 1st Sentinel dies with the 20 charges on your RLML + Drones, if not you won’t survive the reload as the DPS is too high.
- Try to orbit the Ashimmu as good as possible.
- DPS:
447 (with reloads 268) Caldari Navy Scourge Light Missile with 30 explo radius vs Sentinel + 42 Hornet I
545 (with reloads 327) Scourge Fury Light Missile with 51.7 explo radius vs Ashimmu + 42 Hornet I
- Tank:
54.9k EHP vs Ashimmu DPS
33.7k EHP vs Sentinel DPS
43.0k EHP vs combined and 1045 EHP/s OH shield boost
- Speed 275m/s
Burner Talos – Serpentis Base
- EFT damage profile: EM 0% – Thermal 50% – Kinetic 50% – Explosive 0%
- Theoretical incoming damage 1x Talos with the above Profile 826 DPS. Because of the bad tracking from the Talos and your own speed you will never have to tank 2.4k DPS.
- Signature 125m
Burner Talos – Vagabond pimped
[Vagabond, Burner Talos]Republic Fleet GyrostabilizerRepublic Fleet GyrostabilizerRepublic Fleet GyrostabilizerDark Blood Reactor Control UnitDamage Control II50MN Digital Booster MicrowarpdrivePith X-Type Kinetic Deflection FieldGist X-Type X-Large Shield BoosterTrue Sansha Medium Capacitor Booster220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II220mm Vulcan AutoCannon IIRocket Launcher II220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II220mm Vulcan AutoCannon IIMedium Core Defense Capacitor Safeguard IIMedium Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer IIWarrior II x5Hail M x800Nova Rage Rocket x150Navy Cap Booster 800 x17Nanite Repair Paste x150Agency ‘Overclocker’ SB5 Dose II x2 |
Time to kill: ~5:42min (includes looting)
- Any advice for the usual Vagabond applies to this layout. This layout is way more safer due to the upgraded tank on the downside it is a little slower. It seems the Talos get way more often wrecking shots so the tank was upgraded.
Burner Talos – Vagabond
[Vagabond, Burner Talos – Vagabond]Republic Fleet GyrostabilizerRepublic Fleet GyrostabilizerRepublic Fleet GyrostabilizerRepublic Fleet Overdrive InjectorDamage Control IICorelum C-Type 50MN MicrowarpdrivePith X-Type Kinetic Deflection FieldPith X-Type Large Shield BoosterMedium Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 800425mm AutoCannon II, Hail M425mm AutoCannon II, Hail M220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II, Hail MRocket Launcher II, Nova Rage Rocket425mm AutoCannon II, Hail M425mm AutoCannon II, Hail MMedium Core Defense Capacitor Safeguard IIMedium Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer IIHobgoblin II x5 |
Time to kill: ~5:22min (includes looting)
- Do not approach any Talos directly, always use a zig-zag course to get close to ~60km then get into orbit. Never shut down your repair module while approaching, shut it down when you are in orbit.
- Cap management is most important make sure you inject your charges in time.
- The pimped Vagabond works very well but be aware that you have to actively manage your tank and cap. That makes the rep, OH and cap management more stressful. The Vagabond has less DPS than the Deimos but way better speed, you need less time to close the range but more time to kill the Talos. In the end you gain ~1min.
- The most difficult thing is to get into orbit, shut down your MWD early enough, use Ctrl+Spacebar to set speed to 0. Try to avoid overshooting with your ship, you will get a feeling for that, it is just trial and error. To get close use orbit 5km and immediately switch to keep at range 5km, align to and slowboat to 1.5km. Only heat your 425mm when you are aligned and if you don’t have to repair your MWD. The close range makes looting more easier too. Put some nanite paste in your cargo, OH your MWD/AB while approaching and repair while in orbit killing the Talos. Do the same with guns just vice versa.
- Cheap Version just switch damage mods, the Kinetic Deflection Field, the Overdrive Injector and the MWD to T2
- DPS:
623 Hail + 99 Hobgoblin II
696 Hail hot ~1:05min + 99 Hobgoblin II
- Tank:
17.6k EHP
792 EHP/s perma vs Spike L
- Speed 2759m/s hot 3931m/s
Burner Talos – Deimos cap stable Alternative
[Deimos, Burner Talos – Deimos cap stable Alternative]Core B-Type Armor Thermal HardenerFederation Navy Magnetic Field StabilizerDamage Control IIFederation Navy Magnetic Field StabilizerFederation Navy Magnetic Field StabilizerCorpum B-Type Medium Armor RepairerCorelum B-Type 50MN MicrowarpdriveTrue Sansha Cap RechargerCap Recharger IIPhased Scoped Target PainterHeavy Neutron Blaster II, Void MHeavy Neutron Blaster II, Void MHeavy Neutron Blaster II, Void MHeavy Neutron Blaster II, Void MHeavy Neutron Blaster II, Void MMedium Capacitor Control Circuit IIMedium Nanobot Accelerator IIValkyrie II x5 |
Time to kill: ~6:38min (includes looting)
- Do not approach any Talos directly, always use a zig-zag course to get close to ~60km then get into orbit. Never shut down your repair module while approaching, shut it down when you are in orbit.
- The most difficult thing is to get into orbit, shut down your MWD early enough, use Ctrl+Spacebar to set speed to 0. Try to avoid overshooting with your ship, you will get a feeling for that, it is just trial and error. To get close use orbit 5km and immediately switch to keep at range 5km, align to and slowboat to 1.5km. Only heat your Blaster when you are aligned and if you don’t have to repair your MWD. The close range makes looting more easier too. Put some nanite paste in your cargo, OH your MWD/AB while approaching and repair while in orbit killing the Talos. Do the same with guns just vice versa.
- DPS:
904 Void + 129 Valkyrie II
1021 Void hot ~1:15min + 129 Valkyrie II
- Tank:
35k EHP
923 EHP/s cap stable vs Spike L
- Speed 1977m/s hot 2822m/s
Burner Talos – Deimos Cheap Alternative
[Deimos, Burner Talos – Deimos Cheap Alternative]Medium Armor Repairer IIMagnetic Field Stabilizer IIMagnetic Field Stabilizer IIMagnetic Field Stabilizer IIDamage Control IIArmor Thermal Hardener II50MN Cold-Gas Enduring MicrowarpdriveMedium Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 800Phased Scoped Target PainterPhased Scoped Target PainterHeavy Neutron Blaster II, Void MHeavy Neutron Blaster II, Void MHeavy Neutron Blaster II, Void MHeavy Neutron Blaster II, Void MHeavy Neutron Blaster II, Void MMedium Auxiliary Nano Pump IIMedium Nanobot Accelerator IIValkyrie II x5 |
Time to kill: < 7min (includes looting)
- Do not approach any Talos directly, always use a zig-zag course to get close to ~60km then get into orbit. Never shut down your repair module while approaching, shut it down when you are in orbit.
- Cap management is most important make sure you inject your charges in time.
- The most difficult thing is to get into orbit, shut down your MWD early enough, use Ctrl+Spacebar to set speed to 0. Try to avoid overshooting with your ship, you will get a feeling for that, it is just trial and error. To get close use orbit 5km and immediately switch to keep at range 5km, align to and slowboat to 1.5km. Only heat your Blaster when you are aligned and if you don’t have to repair your MWD. The close range makes looting more easier too. Put some nanite paste in your cargo, OH your MWD/AB while approaching and repair while in orbit killing the Talos. Do the same with guns just vice versa.
- DPS:
862 Void + 129 Valkyrie II
972 Void hot ~1:15min + 129 Valkyrie II
- Tank:
34.1k EHP
643 EHP/s perma vs Spike L
- Speed 1941m/s hot 2768m/s
Burner Talos – Vexor Navy Issue Alternative
[Vexor Navy Issue, Burner Talos – Vexor Navy Issue Alternative]Damage Control IIDrone Damage Amplifier IIDrone Damage Amplifier IIDrone Damage Amplifier IINanofiber Internal Structure IINanofiber Internal Structure IIFederation Navy 100MN AfterburnerPith B-Type Large Shield BoosterMedium Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 800Thermic Dissipation Field II150mm Railgun II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S[empty high slot][empty high slot]150mm Railgun II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge SMedium Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer IIMedium Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer IIMedium Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer IIBerserker II x5Berserker II x3 |
Time to kill: < 8min (includes looting)
- Do not approach any Talos directly, always use a zig-zag course to get close to ~60km then get into orbit. Never shut down your repair module while approaching, shut it down when you are in orbit.
- Cap management is most important make sure you inject your charges in time. The Vexor Navy Issue works very well but be aware that you have to actively manage your tank and cap. That makes the rep, OH and cap management more stressful.
- The most difficult thing is to get into orbit, stop overheating your AB early enough, don’t shut it down. Try to avoid overshooting with your ship, you will get a feeling for that, it is just trial and error. The combination of low sig and high speed from your AB avoid hits. You may try to shut down your AB while in orbit to repair with nanite paste but that can result in hard hits be aware of that. Use orbit at 5-15km, the closer you are the easier your Drone management is, try to recall damaged Drones early to avoid losses.
- DPS:
645 Berserker + 52 Antimatter
- Tank:
21.8k EHP
458 EHP/s for 2:24 min vs Spike L
- Speed 1732m/s hot 2435m/s
Burner Escort Dramiel – Angel Base
Burner Escort Dramiel attributes
- EFT damage profile:
Burner Escort Dramiel – Vigilant
[Vigilant, Burner Angel – Vigilant]Corpum B-Type Medium Armor RepairerImperial Navy Energized Adaptive Nano MembraneShadow Serpentis Armor Explosive HardenerFederation Navy Magnetic Field StabilizerFederation Navy Magnetic Field StabilizerCore B-Type Armor Explosive HardenerMedium Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 800Stasis Webifier IIStasis Webifier IIStasis Webifier IIHeavy Neutron Blaster II, Void MHeavy Neutron Blaster II, Void MHeavy Neutron Blaster II, Void MHeavy Neutron Blaster II, Void MHeavy Neutron Blaster II, Void MMedium Auxiliary Nano Pump IIMedium Nanobot Accelerator IMedium Anti-EM Pump IIAcolyte I x10 |
Time to kill ~2:35min
- This setup is based on not using Drones at all. The Acolyte will do extra DPS and are sacrificial Drones if you want to use them.
- 4x Burner Escort Dramiel are attacking you, initial DPS to tank is ~450 without using sacrificial Drones. Each Dramiel does ~112 DPS after you killed the first one, tanking is easy.
- Double or triple web with your 90% webs one Dramiel and use keep at range at optimal DPS.
- Use a mobile depot and start with 3x T2 webs after you finished the Dramiels switch 1x web for a MWD.
- DPS:
762 + 66 Acolyte I
877 Void hot ~1:20min + 66 Acolyte I
- Tank:
27.3k EHP
484 EHP/s perma vs Escort Dramiel
Burner Escort Dramiel – Vigilant Cheap Alternative
[Vigilant, Burner Angel – Vigilant Cheap Alternative]Armor Explosive Hardener IIMagnetic Field Stabilizer IIEnergized Adaptive Nano Membrane IIMagnetic Field Stabilizer IIArmor Explosive Hardener IIMedium Armor Repairer IIMedium Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 800Stasis Webifier IIStasis Webifier IIStasis Webifier IIHeavy Neutron Blaster II, Void MHeavy Neutron Blaster II, Void MHeavy Neutron Blaster II, Void MHeavy Neutron Blaster II, Void MHeavy Neutron Blaster II, Void MMedium Auxiliary Nano Pump IIMedium Nanobot Accelerator IMedium Anti-EM Pump IIHornet I x10 |
Time to kill: < 3min
- This setup is based on using sacrificial Drones. This full T2 setup requires to overheat all hardener and both repair modules at the start while Drones are targeted otherwise your tank will be not sufficient. 4x Burner Escort Dramiel are attacking you, initial DPS: to tank is ~450 without using sacrificial Drones. Each Dramiel does ~112 DPS after you killed the first one, tanking is easy.
- Double or triple web with your 90% webs one Dramiel and use keep at range at optimal DPS.
- Use a mobile depot and start with 3x T2 webs after you finished the Dramiels switch 1x web for a MWD.
- DPS:
730 + 70 Hornet I
840 Void hot ~1:20min + 70 Hornet I
- Tank:
25k EHP
266 EHP/s perma vs Escort Dramiel
List of all Burner layouts sorted by Burner Ship
Burner Dramiel – Daredevil Cheap Alternative
Burner Dramiel – Succubus Alternative
Burner Succubus – Daredevil Cheap Alternative
Burner Succubus – Wolf Cap Stable
Burner Worm – Daredevil pimped
Burner Worm – Daredevil Cheap Alternative
Burner Cruor – Wolf cap stable Alternative
Burner Daredevil – Nergal pimped
Burner Daredevil – Hawk cap stable Alternative
All Team Burner – Garmur Cheap
All Team Burner – Compact Garmur
Burner Ashimmu – Orthrus Alternative
Burner Ashimmu – Cerberus Alternative
Burner Ashimmu – Cerberus Cheap Alternative
Burner Talos – Vagabond pimped
Burner Talos – Deimos cap stable Alternative
Burner Talos – Deimos Cheap Alternative
Burner Talos – Vexor Navy Issue Alternative
Burner Escort Dramiel – Vigilant
Burner Escort Dramiel – Vigilant Cheap Alternative
Module Reference
- Make sure you have the correct webs after the changes Stasis Webifier Tiericide
- All armor hardeners in the same group and class have the same stats
Shadow Serpentis = True Sansha = Dark Blood
C-Type Core = C-Type Centus = C-Type Corpus
- Armor repair modules are divided between two different group sets but this follows every class.
Centii C-Type Small Armor Repairer = Corpii C-Type Small Armor Repairer
Coreli C-Type Small Armor Repairer, slightly less rep but also less cap needed
Centum C-Type Medium Armor Repairer = Corpum C-Type Medium Armor Repairer
Corelum C-Type Medium Armor Repairer, slightly less rep but also less cap needed
Thank you
Ploing idea and development:
- All Team Burner – Garmur
- All Team Burner – Garmur Cheap
- Burner Dramiel – Succubus Alternative
Chainsaw Plankton idea and development:
- Burner Talos – Deimos cap stable Alternative
Anize Oramara idea and development:
- Burner Ashimmu – Orthrus Alternative
Archetype 66 idea:
- Burner Cruor – Wolf
Lugalzagezi666 idea:
- Burner Daredevil – Hawk
Special thanks to Ploing and Chainsaw Plankton for their help and Anize Oramara for her vids and guide.