Everything you wanted to know about Blitzing*
*But were afraid to ask
Compiled by Anize Oramara
Version 1.2.3
**Note: The following missions have been stealth nerfed or changed by CCP some time in 2015 September-ish: Attack of the Drones, Gone Bezerk and Recon 1. No posts, no patch notes and no dev blogs and most importantly no acknowledgement via either bug reports (ignored and closed) or forum posts (locked). Why I do not know, nor have I been able to find out. Regardless it doesn’t make a difference to this guide or blitzing in general. It just pisses me off.**
With the introduction of Burner missions to Lv4 mission agents it has become somewhat trivial to consistently make well in excess of 200million isk per hour with just a little bit of training and preparation. This can be done on a single, well trained character in the relative safety of Hi-Sec, indefinitely.
This short guide is here to help you gain the knowledge on how to do it, and maybe a bit of an explanation around the mechanics so that you can easily adapt the processes found in the guide to your own situation. I can’t guarantee results if you deviate from the guide but I encourage you to experiment. This is only one way of doing this after all.
In particular I would like you to review the thread below on the Eve-o Forums. Most of what I know came initially from there and the extremely helpful chaps. Thanks to everyone I stole and borrowed fits from as well.
Quick Link to Burner Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzPaTWMzXCo22oa2tCmjlc9JHcyxNM_VA
2.1 Standard lv4 Missions (Blitzable)
A.4. Daredevil – Gurista Agent
A.6. Garmur – All Team Burners
A.9. Vagabond – Serpentis Base
Appendix C: Thanks and Version Info
1. Requirements
**Note: With the introduction of Skill injectors a player with a modest initial isk investment can create a hi-sec mission running alt quite quickly and be running these missions as soon as the required standings have been farmed up. Alternatively a well established character with a solid skill foundation can be used. The better your support skills the easier it will be to quickly move into burner missions as well as grind out that initial standings. That said this guide does cater for brand new pilots, check out the skill plan at the end.
To that end we will look at the following:
– Standings
– Skills
– Isk (Ships and Implants)
1.1. Standings
Standings requirements for Lv4s:
– Faction or Corp Effective Standings: 5+
– Agent Effective Standings: Higher than -2
– Effective Security standings: High enough to get into most Hi-Sec systems, depending on where you mission.
Here is a short explanation of why this whole exercise works in the first place; because of how agent and faction standings work and the requirements for running lv4s you only need to be over effective standings of 5 with either the Faction or the Corporation you want to run missions with. Additionally your agent standings need to be above -2 or they won’t talk to you.
Now there are two mechanics that make it possible to decline successive missions so you can cherry-pick only the good ones. The first is that the lower your standing, the smaller the effect of a decline and conversely the lower your standings the bigger the effect of any successful missions. Yes if you decline enough missions without completing any you will eventually get to -2 agent standings. However you will find with the proper skills that you’ll hover around 3 standings with the agent. Standings might go down to 0 after a long string of missions that you decline but will quickly shoot back up to 5 or higher after just a few successive good missions. The second mechanic comes in that while Corp standings goes up and down by a large amount every time you complete or decline/fail a mission(similar to agent standings), you can substitute that standing with Faction standings.
Faction standings is not affected by completing a normal or burner lv4 mission, however there is a very small negative impact every time you decline a non burner mission (the first one every 4 hours is free). To gain Faction standings you run Storyline missions primarily, or a couple of other ways like cosmos or tag missions (check out the guide called ‘The Plan’ by DMC for more details). You get Storyline missions every 16 lv4 missions you complete, including burners, for a specific corporation. Depending on the mission the standings gain might be anywhere from decent to very large (15%+) and you will easily cover any faction standing losses by running even just a third of the storyline missions you receive. You tend to rack up a lot of Storyline missions in a very short time due to how fast you are completing missions simply due to how blitzing works.
These two mechanics taken together means you can almost (but not quite) decline every single lv4 missions and only run burners with the occasional storyline. Just keep an eye on your agent standing and supplement it with blitzing the odd ‘The Assault’ or ‘Pirate Invasion’ with your trusty Machariel or Barghest.
1.2. Skills
Zora Aran was kind enough to set up/host a skill plan at this link:
I scanned it over and it looks pretty solid so I’m posting it as is. It’s for the Machariel + burners blitzing so some modification might be needed if you want to go for the Barghest. Thanks a bunch Zora!
A character capable of achieving the desired 200million+ ISK per hour mark comfortably would need around 22 to 25 million skill points, or about one year’s worth of focussed training. However a wide range of skills are used, almost all of it universally useful and in fact probably most of it already trained on your average Lv4 mission runner or PvP combat pilot.
The exact training order for the skills would be heavily dependent on what has already been trained but the Social related skills and the skills for a Machariel blitz fit ship should be the first priority. After that any low hanging fruit should be prioritized to get started on burners as quickly as possible. Check the appendix for a sample skill training plan. The progression is relatively simple, aiming to get into a Blitzing armour tanked Machariel capable of running the required missions and then transitioning into the armour based burner fits, the missile based burner fits and then the shield and cruiser burners.
1.3. ISK
Estimated isk investment: Between 5 to 7 billion isk for implants and ships. To jump from the starting SP to a character that can run all burners you will need around 50 skill injectors or roughly 32 billion isk worth.
As the old saying goes, can’t make money without spending money, and this is all too true in this case. Now unless you’re a really old character than has all the skills and standings already available, you won’t need (or even can make use of) all of the assets that you’d buy with that ISK so don’t panic quite yet at the large bill.
A breakdown of what you’ll be spending this isk on:
– 2-4 billion: Implants
– 3 billion: 9-10 ships with fits for Lv4s and burners.
Starting out you will only need the Machariel or Barghest, around a 700mill investment, and as you work on your faction standings you will build up the capital for the other ships as well as the Hi-Grade implants.
1.3.1. Implants
The first 6 slots are relatively straightforward. Depending on the initial ISK available either a Mid-Grade or High-Grade Ascendancy set is required. As will be explained in the ship section these implants greatly boost your warp speed, not only in the Machariel but in every single ship you’ll be flying, and there will be quite a few of them.
A note on the Omega implant; it is by far the biggest single cost item you will buy and for the Mid-Grade set is completely pointless. There is a far better warp speed implant available for far cheaper that should be used instead, namely the “Eifyr and Co. ‘Rogue’ Warp Drive Speed WS-615”. For the High-Grade set the Omega is a slight improvement but will probably double your implant cost alone and requires a lengthy Cybernetics 5 train. If you have the skill and the ISK it’d be worth it but for the purposes of this guide we’ll stick with the normal warp speed implant.
Other implants that I’ve found to be incredibly useful is the “Zainou ‘Deadeye’ Missile Projection MP-705” for increased range on the Hawk, Garmur, Orthrus/Onyx and Barghest fits and make up for not quite perfect projection skills. The “Zor’s Custom Navigation Hyper-Link” is great for the Machariel/Barghest as well as two of the Daredevil fits that make use of an AB or a MWD. The remaining two is up to the player however “Zainou ‘Snapshot’ Rockets RD-905” is an immense help on the Garmur and Hawk in particular and the “Eifyr and Co. ‘Gunslinger’ Large Projectile Turret LP-1005” makes a great addition to the Machariel.
1.3.2. Ships
Quick description of why and how this works from a warp speed perspective. More than 50% of your time running missions is spent in space, warping from one system to the next or from one acceleration gate to the next. Ship characteristics that effect this is align time and warp speed. The higher your maximum warp speed the faster your ship accelerates to that speed. The same is true for the deceleration although that is capped at a lower speed. Not only that, but most blitzing missions have a relatively small group of ships that need to be killed to trigger mission completion.
So this is where the Machariel, and the implants covered in the previous section, come in. The Machariel has a role bonus that increases warp speed by 50%, giving it a whopping 3 AU/s BASE warp speed, the same speed as T1 cruisers. The important part here is it modifies the BASE speed, so this dictates how strongly both the Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II Rigs and the Ascendency implants affect the max warp speed. With a full set of implants and the Rigs the Mach will be able to out warp even T2 frigates (interceptors notwithstanding) and have a huge impact on mission completion times.
Qualities that make the Machariel the premier blitzing ship:
- Aforementioned role bonus to Warp Speed
- Excellent range (70km+ falloff)
- Short range weapon tracking
- One of the best align times and great agility in general
- High base sub-warp speed
- Great fitting characteristics
- Utility high
- Large drone bay/bandwidth
- Very high base DPS (well over 1k dps)
- Decent variety of selectable damage
All of this makes for a ship perfectly suited to blitzing lv4 missions.
I’ve been running the Barghest in place of the Machariel for a while and all around it’s turned out to be an excellent and surprisingly viable alternative to the Machariel. The skill requirements to really make it work is a bit steeper in some ways although Cruise missiles are in fact not required at all and I’ll explain why in the comparison section. I’ll do a similar list to the above for the Barghest.
Qualities that make the Barghest a viable Blitzing alternative:
- Better range than the Machariel (90km+) Allowing it to start hitting ships for full damage sooner
- No range falloff on damage
- No Tracking issues
- Pure damage type selection
- Align time only .5s slower than Machariel
- Better scan resolution than Machariel
- Can dedicate all 3 rigs to Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizers without compromising damage application
- Very High burst damage, a bit higher than Machariel in fact
- Sustained dps (Reloads on the RHML) it still quite high
- Just under 1k DPS with reloads but better application due to Missile Guidance modules.
- Two utility high slots
- Amazing damage mitigation due to being able to go full MWD and apply full damage.
This means the Barghest is slightly better in some missions while slightly worse in others.
Cruise vs RHML
It turns out actually that there is no point in fitting cruise missiles to the Barghest, except perhaps for Angels Pirate Invasion. A few numbers to illustrate why: Fit is the one in this guide and skills are at all V
RHML (Fury Heavy) | Cruise (Caldari Navy) | Cruise (Fury) | |
DPS (Burst) | 1226 | 867 | 1056 |
DPS With Reload | 802 | 831 | 1012 |
Explosion Radius (Less is better) | 138 | 189 | 325 |
Explosion Velocity (More is better) | 129 | 131 | 110 |
Cruise Fury will actually lose a decent amount of dps even on some BS rats, not to mention cruisers or battlecruisers and a few missions do actually have frigates (Serpentis Assault comes to mind) so those are out. Caldari Navy actually has really good stats and would make a good weapon system until you look at the RHML and the fact that the dps with reloads is less than 30dps while the burst dps is a whopping 260 dps higher. This is very useful for missions like The Rogue Slave Trader 1 and 2 and Stop the Thief. Even better is that it gives you the option to fit faction Heavies for Serpentis Assault.
In the 2nd room there are 4 scramming frigates. Normally in the Machariel you would need to MWD away to around 30km from the Frigates, blap them and then MWD back to the acceleration gate. Fitting the Faction Heavy missiles you can quickly and easily kill them while slowboating towards the Acceleration Gate, killing only the ones actively scramming and then taking the gate (Reloading to Fury while doing so for the last room).
Basically you get the DPS of Faction cruise but with better application and the potential for Frig blapping AND high Burst.
2. Missions
For the purposes of this guide, there are two types of Level 4 missions you will want to blitz: ‘Standard’ and ‘Burner’.
2.1 Standard lv4 Missions (Blitzable)
Blitzable level 4 missions share some common characteristics:
- They generally spawn close to your agent’s system
- You only have a few ships to kill
- All gates are unlocked and / or easily bypassed
- Easy-to-complete mission triggers
The missions in the below list are all best run with either the Machariel, Barghest or a fast frigate. For the initial Standings grind you will have to accept and run most of the missions.
EXTREMELY IMPORTANT : Once your faction, corp, and agent standings are at the required levels, wdecline any mission that is not on the list below. Even then, so long as you monitor your standings, you can often skip some of these missions as well.
You will not achieve the advertised 200mill ISK/h if you do every Blockade or Angel Extravaganza that shakes it’s bounty at you.
Missions are listed in rough order of profitability. (Most profitable top)
Mission Name | Confirmed Blitzable On | How To Blitz It |
Recon 1 | 26-Nov-2016 | Use frigate or interceptor to MWD to gate, take gate to next room, then warp out. |
Dread Pirate Scarlet | 26-Nov-2016 | (If you do not have Gate Key, kill the initial spawn to get it. This key does not get used up, so hold on to it for running this mission in the future.) MWD to gate, activate it. In 2nd room, if you are arty fit, blap Scarlet. In either case, MWD to gate and activate. In 3rd room, kill Scarlet if you have not already, then loot her implant. Warp out. Use RF EMP or Mjolnir. |
Pirate Invasion | 26-Nov-2016 | MWD or MJD to Carrier Wreckage. Kill that spawn only then warp out. Be aware of potentially scramming NPC frigates that might aggro. (Angel) Use RF Fusion / Hail or Nova. |
Assault, The | 26-Nov-2016 | Gates are not locked. Kill frigates in 2nd room as they will disrupt. (Either MWD away and blap them, or use Faction/Precision Interno missiles.) In last room, kill only left-most spawn, then warp out.Use RF Plasma or Faction/Rage Inferno. |
Stop The Thief | 26-Nov-2016 | On landing, turn on MWD and manually burn away from Overlord for just one cycle of MWD. Then lock and kill Overlord. Align to the system outgate (or your station). Lock and kill Shadow, then warp out. Use RF Plasma or Inferno. Buy ‘Reports’ from NPCs. |
Cargo Delivery | 26-Nov-2016 | Use frigate or interceptor to MWD to can. Loot can, then warp out. |
Right Hand of Zazzmatazz | 26-Nov-2016 | On landing, burn straight at Zor and kill only the ships spawning close to him, the cruiser and battleship. Align out and destroy the indicated structure. Remember to loot Zor before warping as he may drop an expensive implant. Use RF Plasma or Inferno. |
Recon 2 | 26-Nov-2016 | Use frigate or inceptor to MWD toward gate. Around 10km from gate, enemies will spawn. Immediately warp out. |
Rogue Slave Trader, The (1 of 2) | 26-Nov-2016 | Warp to site, then immediately MWD down. Kill slave pens and tractor in the dropped can. Loot the can, then warp out. |
Rogue Slave Trader, The (2 of 2) | 26-Nov-2016 | Warp to site, kill all ships, then take gate. When you land, immediately align to the system outgate (or your agent’s station). Kill only the ‘Sansha Slaver’ cruisers, then warp out. |
For more information on these missions, go to the Eve Survival Mission Reports. Be aware, however, that some of the information there may be outdated or missing.
Once you are running most or all of the burner missions you will find you only need to run very few of these missions to maintain a positive agent standings. This means you can eventually decline most of the above missions as well and only run the occasional one. However Recon 1 and Dread Pirate Scarlet are both missions you should always run. The Assault and Pirate Invasion are both acceptable as well once you get T2 Guns for the Machariel or are using a Polarised Vargur.
2.1 Burners
Burner missions are generally intense and short fights. To run them in a timely manner, you’ll need good skills, shiny fits, and over-heating.
Since this guide is focused on maximizing the speed at which you can run missions, the fits in the appendix are generally considered to be some of the most efficient fits possible.
You will find similar fits on the forum, although some may have seen some modification based on trial-and-error. There are also possible alternative fits, but the skill list provided in this guide doesn’t guarantee you can fly any fit not listed in the appendix.
Expect to lose a few burner ships before you get fully comfortable with burner missions. However, once you have experience and are comfortable with burners, you should only have the occasional ship loss. (Usually due to either a lapse of attention or a closed socket.) This is simply the nature of burners (and the game).
The pay out for burner missions is well worth it, though, ranging from anywhere between 35 to 50 million per 6-10 minute run.
In the appendix, every possible burner mission[*1] is listed. For each burner mission, three pieces of information will be provided:
- An appropriate fit
- A short description of exactly how to run it
- What to have in your cargo hold
Remember to repair heat damage after every fight and whatever you do, don’t forget the cap charges or drones!
[1]: The Gurista Base (Super Carrier) burner mission is currently not a mission you should run. Hence, there is no fit for it in this guide. (It takes over 30 minutes to run, even with a blinged fit. It is never worth running, even if it had max payout.)
3. The Pay-out
Ah finally the reason why you’re even reading this in the first place, that magical 200mill+ per hour income. How this is accomplished is quite simple; a combination of raw isk rewards/bounties combined with the insane amount of LP given out by burner missions. Each burner Agent and Team is worth 5mill bounty as well as another 5-6mill ISK reward. Burner bases are worth between 15mill (Blood) to 20mill (Angel and Serpentis) in bounties, with the Ashimu dropping an additional 2-3mill in guaranteed loot in the Blood Base. All Burners except for the Blood and Gurista Base currently pay out over 14k LP in a .5 system with Security Connections trained to 5.
The real magic however comes in with the LP and who the Corporation is you’re getting the LP with. Sisters of Eve is currently the best Corp to run missions for and Lanngisi is the best SOE system to run missions in. The spawn location of most missions is 1 or 2 jumps away (including burners) with very few spawning in LS or more than 3 jumps away. The system itself is also a very low .5 truesec so it has a very high LP and ISK payout.
The best items to trade your LP in for is SOE Probe launchers (both kinds) as well as Stratios BPCs. Probes and Asteros also have good ISK/LP ratios but can fluctuate more than the other items, sometimes very much in your favor. Generally you’re looking around anywhere between 1600ISK to 1800ISK per LP. There have been spikes in the price of these items and the market seemingly has an insatiable appetite for these items. There can also be dips so make sure you check your conversion rate.
That is not to say there aren’t other corporations with extremely well paying items in their LP stores. There’s plenty of 5-run BPCs or other faction items that you can easily turn a good profit on. It all depends on how much effort the player is willing to put into the market/research side of things.
Appendix A: Ship Fits
I would like to stress again that there are many alternative fits, including cheap fits that are not listed here. I have found these fits to be the most effective for me. Expect to lose a few of the burner fits.
A.1. Machariel
[Machariel, Blitz Machariel – Meta 4 Guns]
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Centus C-Type Large Armor Repairer
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range Script
Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range Script
Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range Script
Shadow Serpentis 500MN Microwarpdrive
Heavy Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Cap Booster 800
800mm Heavy ‘Scout’ Repeating Cannon I, Republic Fleet EMP L
800mm Heavy ‘Scout’ Repeating Cannon I, Republic Fleet EMP L
800mm Heavy ‘Scout’ Repeating Cannon I, Republic Fleet EMP L
800mm Heavy ‘Scout’ Repeating Cannon I, Republic Fleet EMP L
800mm Heavy ‘Scout’ Repeating Cannon I, Republic Fleet EMP L
800mm Heavy ‘Scout’ Repeating Cannon I, Republic Fleet EMP L
800mm Heavy ‘Scout’ Repeating Cannon I, Republic Fleet EMP L
Small Tractor Beam I
Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II
Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II
Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II
Caldari Navy Warden x4
Hobgoblin II x5
In Cargo:
- One of each T2 Armor hardener
- 2k Ammo of; RF EMP, RF Phased Plasma, RF Fusion (Barrage and Hail if using T2 guns).
- Cap Charges 800
- 3 Tracking scripts
- Gate Key (Dread Pirate Scarlet)
In station:
- 4 Navy Curators
- Reports (buyable from NPCs for 27 isk each)
Some people do use a second 1400 Arty fit Machariel specifically for Dread Pirate scarlet. Using this fit allows you to bag an extra 5mill ISK per run. I will leave this up to each player to decide for themselves if it is worth the extra effort.
An alternative fit to the above replaces the cap booster with a sensor booster. None of the blitzing missions technically require a Cap booster but it is a good ‘just in case’ to have. It is also required for the initial standings grind and even replacing a Gyro with a reactive armour hardener or DCU II will not go amiss. Another alternative would be a MJD purely to escape NPC warp disruptors though again, not something you should be running into much, if at all. Feel free to add Faction Gyro’s and T2 guns if you the skills.
A.2. Daredevil – Angel Agent
[Daredevil, ‘Unified’ Burner Dramiel – Daredevil]
[Daredevil, Angel Agent]
Centii A-Type Small Armor Repairer
Core B-Type Armor EM Hardener
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Centus B-Type Armor Explosive Hardener
Stasis Webifier II
Small Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Cap Booster 25
Stasis Webifier II
Light Neutron Blaster II, Antimatter Charge S
[empty high slot]
Light Neutron Blaster II, Antimatter Charge S
Small Auxiliary Nano Pump II
Small Nanobot Accelerator I
Small Auxiliary Nano Pump I
A.3. Daredevil – Sansha Agent
[Daredevil, ‘Unified’ Burner Succubus – Ion Daredevil]
Corpii A-Type Small Armor Repairer
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Core B-Type Armor EM Hardener
Coreli A-Type 1MN Afterburner
Small Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 400
Federation Navy Stasis Webifier
Light Ion Blaster II, Void S
[empty high slot]
Light Ion Blaster II, Void S
Small Auxiliary Nano Pump II
Small Auxiliary Nano Pump I
Small Nanobot Accelerator I
In cargo:
- Navy cap booster 400
- 1k Void S
Unified burner; you will notice that these two fits share most modules as well as all rigs. Just swap out mods for either Dramiel or Succubus depending on the mission you need to run and save on an extra ship if you want.
For Dramiel Mission: OH Explosive Hardener and Guns. Keep at range 1.5km. Activate Hardeners, Rep and Webs. Once within 3km activate Guns. Activate Cap Booster once cap is low.
For Succubus Mission: OH EM Hardener, Afterburner, Web(1 cycle) and Guns. Keep at range 1km. Activate Hardeners, Rep, Web and AB. Once within 3KM turn off OH on AB and activate Guns. Activate Cap Booster once cap is low.
A.4. Daredevil – Gurista Agent
[Daredevil, Burner Worm – Daredevil]
Corpii A-Type Small Armor Repairer
Shadow Serpentis Armor Kinetic Hardener
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Core B-Type Armor Kinetic Hardener
Coreli A-Type 5MN Microwarpdrive
Small Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 400
Faint Epsilon Warp Scrambler I
Light Neutron Blaster II, Void S
[empty high slot]
Light Neutron Blaster II, Void S
Small Auxiliary Thrusters II
Small Auxiliary Thrusters I
Small Ancillary Current Router I
In cargo:
- Navy cap booster 400
- 1k Void S
For Worm Mission: OH both armour hardeners, Warp Scram(1 cycle) and Guns. OH MWD for 1 cycle ONLY(Optional). Keep at range 1.5km. Activate all tank modules. Once within 10km activate Scram and deactivate MWD. Once within 3km activate Guns and turn off OH on Shadow Serpentis Armor Kinetic Hardener and scram. Activate Cap Booster once cap is low.
A.5. Wolf – Blood Agent
[Wolf, Burner Cruor – Wolf]
Republic Fleet Gyrostabilizer
Republic Fleet Gyrostabilizer
Tracking Enhancer II
Coreli A-Type Small Armor Repairer
Energized thermal Membrane II
Stasis Webifier II
Small Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 200
200mm AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Fusion S
200mm AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Fusion S
Small Nosferatu II
200mm AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Fusion S
200mm AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Fusion S
Small Anti-thermal Pump II
Small Auxiliary Nano Pump II
In Cargo:
- Navy Cap Booster 200
- RF Fusion S
For Cruor Mission: Activate web and guns. I tend to keep at range 100km (Anything over 10km is fine) to help reduce transversal for your guns. As soon as you activate the cap booster, activate armour rep. OH Cap booster if tank is having trouble keeping up. Only OH guns at 25% armor.
[Wolf, Burner Cruor – Wolf alternative fit]
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Coreli A-Type Small Armor Repairer
Coreli A-Type thermal Plating
Fleeting Propulsion Inhibitor I
Small Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 400
200mm AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Fusion S
200mm AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Fusion S
‘Arbalest’ Rocket Launcher I, Caldari Navy Nova Rocket
200mm AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Fusion S
200mm AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Fusion S
Small Anti-thermal Pump II
Small Auxiliary Nano Pump II
In Cargo:
- Navy Cap Booster 400
- RF Fusion S
- Caldari Navy Nova Rockets
OH the Armor repper when you activate cap booster and armor repper. It will help get the most out of the cap charge.
A.6. Garmur – All Team Burners
Team Burners are back to the normal behaviour and can be brute forced with the DPS Garmur. I will keep the ECM garmur fit up as an alternative. Due to some Ganking activity, see the cheap alternative fit below.
[Garmur, Team Burner T2]
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Missile Guidance Computer II, Missile Range Script
Missile Guidance Computer II, Missile Range Script
5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
Phased Scoped Target Painter
Polarized Rocket Launcher, Caldari Navy Nova Rocket
Polarized Rocket Launcher, Caldari Navy Nova Rocket
Polarized Rocket Launcher, Caldari Navy Nova Rocket
Small Hydraulic Bay Thrusters II
Small Rocket Fuel Cache Partition II
Small Warhead Flare Catalyst I
Caldari Navy Mjolnir Rocket x2220
Caldari Navy Inferno Rocket x2787
Caldari Navy Scourge Rocket x4000
Caldari Navy Nova Rocket x2267
In cargo
- 2K of each Caldari Navy Mjolnir, Javelin Mjolnir, Inferno, Nova and Scourge Rockets.
Use the following ammo for the specific rats:
Hawk, Bantam, Burst: Mjolnir
Enyo, Navitas, Inquisitor: Nova
Vengeance: Inferno
Jaguar: Scourge
Orbit at 20km for the Hawk, Enyo and Vengenace
Orbit at 25km for the Jaguar
Kill 1 logi then focus on the burner for Hawk, Enyo
Kill one or two Logi then focus on burner for Jaguar (DPS dependent). Use Javelin Mjolnir if you need range against Logi
Kill both logi then focus on burner for Vengeance
Cheap Alternative
[Garmur, Team Burner]
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II
Co-Processor II
Missile Guidance Computer II
Phased Scoped Target Painter
5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
Missile Guidance Computer II
Polarized Rocket Launcher
Polarized Rocket Launcher
Polarized Rocket Launcher
Small Rocket Fuel Cache Partition II
Small Hydraulic Bay Thrusters II
Small Warhead Flare Catalyst I
Caldari Navy Mjolnir Rocket x3000
Caldari Navy Inferno Rocket x1183
Caldari Navy Nova Rocket x2491
Caldari Navy Scourge Rocket x5632
Mjolnir Javelin Rocket x842
In cargo
- 2K of each Caldari Navy Mjolnir, Inferno, Nova and Scourge Rockets.
- Precision Script
A.7. Hawk – Serpentis Agent
[Hawk, Burner Daredevil – Hawk]
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Ballistic Control System II
Pithum C-Type Medium Shield Booster
Small Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 400
Dread Guristas Stasis Webifier
Dread Guristas Stasis Webifier
Phased Weapon Navigation Array Generation Extron
Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Rocket
Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Rocket
[empty high slot]
Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Rocket
Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Rocket
Small Bay Loading Accelerator II
Small Warhead Rigor Catalyst I
In Cargo:
- 2k Caldari Navy Scourge Rockets
- Navy Cap Booster 400
For Daredevil Burner: Always keep Cap booster and Target painter OH at all times. Run Shield Booster at all times. Activate both webs. I tend to keep at range 10km or you can try orbiting at 14km. Reactivate any modules that go offline. Be careful of Heat on weapons. Be very mindful of range as it is quite sensitive if you don’t have enough. If your range is good you should be able to start overheating as soon as you get through the shields and end up with around 12 or so rockets left.
[Hawk, Serpentis Agent]
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Federation Navy Stasis Webifier
Pithum C-Type Medium Shield Booster
‘Micro’ Cap Battery
Federation Navy Stasis Webifier
Small Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
125mm Railgun II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Small Bay Loading Accelerator II
Small Warhead Rigor Catalyst I
In cargo:
- Caldari Navy Uranium Charge S x1000
- Navy Cap Booster 400 x22
- Caldari Navy Scourge Rocket x2000
Alternative build for hIgh skilled pilots. If TP is not giving additional damage application switch to this fit. Makes full use of cap booster 400s so you won’t have to overheat the cap booster.
A.8. Vigilant – Angel Base
[Vigilant, Burner Angel – Vigilant]
Medium Armor Repairer II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Armor Explosive Hardener II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Armor Explosive Hardener II
Medium Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Cap Booster 800
Stasis Webifier II
Stasis Webifier II
Stasis Webifier II
Heavy Neutron Blaster II, Void M
Heavy Neutron Blaster II, Void M
Heavy Neutron Blaster II, Void M
Heavy Neutron Blaster II, Void M
Heavy Neutron Blaster II, Void M
Medium Auxiliary Nano Pump II
Medium Anti-EM Pump II
Medium Nanobot Accelerator I
Hornet I x5
Hornet I x5
In Cargo:
- Mobile Depo and Tractor Unit
- Cap booster 800
- Void M
- 50mn Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
For Angel Base Burner: OH Both Hardeners and Weapons. Lock all Dramiels and deploy MTU and Depo. Web only when Dramiel is orbiting at +- 3km. Launch Hornets. Once first two Dramiels are dead turn off OH on hardeners. Activate Cap Booster when low. Once all 4 Dramiels are dead refit 50mn MWD and pick up Depo and MTU. Kill transport.
A.9. Vagabond – Serpentis Base
[Vagabond, Burner Talos – Vagabond]
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Overdrive Injector System II
Damage Control II
Shadow Serpentis 50MN Microwarpdrive
Pith X-Type Kinetic Deflection Field
Pith C-Type Large Shield Booster
Medium Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Cap Booster 800
425mm AutoCannon II, Hail M
425mm AutoCannon II, Hail M
220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II, Hail M
[empty high slot]
425mm AutoCannon II, Hail M
425mm AutoCannon II, Hail M
Medium Core Defense Capacitor Safeguard II
Medium Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer II
Hobgoblin II x5
In Cargo:
- Hail M
- Cap Booster 800
For Serpentis Base Burner: Activate DCU and Hardener. Manually approach nearest Talos at an angle with MWD on. Once at range 60km Orbit Talos at 6km. Once within 20km turn off MWD and launch drones. Pulse Shield Booster as needed. If Talos aggressed on drones approach to 3km. Pull drones just before Burner dies. Loot and move to next Burner with the same procedure. Try to stay at least 10 km from sentry turrets. Remember to loot the Taloses, they can drop up to 250mill+ drops and do so more regularly than other burners.
If you have the skills, slitting in a meta 4 or T2 rocket launcher in the free high slot using Nova Rage ammo adds a little bit of punch.
A.10. Orthrus – Blood Base
[Orthrus, Ashimu Burner – Orthrus]
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Damage Control II
Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender
Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender
X-Large Ancillary Shield Booster, Navy Cap Booster 400
Pithum B-Type EM Ward Amplifier
Pithum B-Type EM Ward Amplifier
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Inferno Light Missile
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Inferno Light Missile
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Inferno Light Missile
Small Tractor Beam I
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Inferno Light Missile
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Inferno Light Missile
Medium Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer II
Medium Processor Overclocking Unit I
Medium Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer II
Hornet I x5
[Onyx, Safer Alternative Ashimu Burner – Onyx]
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Missile Guidance Enhancer II
Pithum C-Type EM Ward Amplifier
Pithum C-Type EM Ward Amplifier
Shield Boost Amplifier II
X-Large Ancillary Shield Booster
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Small Tractor Beam II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Medium Warhead Calefaction Catalyst II
Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer II
In Cargo:
- 1k Caldari Navy Scourge Light Missile
- 1k Scourge Fury Light Missile
- Max Navy Cap Booster 400
For Blood Base Burner: Wait for Sentinels to orbit player so you can apply full damage with RLML using Caldari Navy Scourge. Keep transversal on Ashimu by orbiting at 13km. Once Sentinels are dead load Scourge Fury and target Ashimu. Use tractor beam to pull in wrecks as cap becomes available.
A.11. Barghest – Lv4 Blitzer
[Barghest, Blitzer Alternative]
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Ballistic Control System II
Missile Guidance Enhancer II
Missile Guidance Enhancer II
Shadow Serpentis 500MN Microwarpdrive
Sensor Booster II, Scan Resolution Script
Missile Guidance Computer II, Missile Precision Script
Pith C-Type X-Large Shield Booster
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Inferno Heavy Missile
Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Inferno Heavy Missile
Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Inferno Heavy Missile
Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Inferno Heavy Missile
Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Inferno Heavy Missile
Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Inferno Heavy Missile
Drone Link Augmentor II
Small Tractor Beam II
Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II
Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II
Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II
Hammerhead II x5
Hobgoblin II x5
In Cargo:
- One of each T2 Shield hardener
- 2k Fury Ammo of; Scourge, Mjolnir, Inferno and Nova.
- 2k Caldari Navy Inferno
- Gate Key (Dread Pirate Scarlet)
After testing the Barghest with T2 Fury missiles and close to max skills it is definitely a viable alternative to the Machariel.
As per the Machariel fit, a Heavy Cap booster can be fitted (though the drone link augmentor will need to be offlined) in case you’d rather want the panic button. This though is not so much of an issue because being able to kite the rats well outside of their range due to missile projection.
Appendix B: Sample Skill plan
https://www.dropbox.com/s/vcnzq0nrs5iya76/Blitzing.emp?dl=0 Courtesy of Zora Aran.
This skill plan has all the skills required to fly every single one of the fits listed in this guide. It is just under/over 1y of training depending on implants and if you use remaps or not. It is mostly optimised for a new player and corresponds with the order that I listed the ship fits in. If anyone is willing to host the Evemon Plan file for this let me know.
1. Cybernetics II
2. Cybernetics III
3. Cybernetics IV
4. Minmatar Destroyer I
5. Minmatar Destroyer II
6. Minmatar Destroyer III
7. Minmatar Cruiser I
8. Medium Projectile Turret I
9. Minmatar Cruiser II
10. Medium Projectile Turret II
11. Minmatar Cruiser III
12. Medium Projectile Turret III
13. Repair Systems IV
14. Hull Upgrades IV
15. Kinetic Armor Compensation I
16. Kinetic Armor Compensation II
17. thermal Armor Compensation I
18. thermal Armor Compensation II
19. EM Armor Compensation I
20. EM Armor Compensation II
21. Explosive Armor Compensation I
22. Explosive Armor Compensation II
23. Kinetic Armor Compensation III
24. Kinetic Armor Compensation IV
25. Repair Systems V
26. Minmatar Battlecruiser I
27. Minmatar Battlecruiser II
28. Minmatar Battlecruiser III
29. Drones V
30. Long Range Targeting II
31. Long Range Targeting III
32. Signature Analysis II
33. Signature Analysis III
34. Signature Analysis IV
35. Target Management II
36. Target Management III
37. Target Management IV
38. Capacitor Management IV
39. Capacitor Systems Operation IV
40. Weapon Upgrades III
41. Weapon Upgrades IV
42. Energy Grid Upgrades II
43. Energy Grid Upgrades III
44. Energy Grid Upgrades IV
45. Sharpshooter III
46. Rapid Firing III
47. Motion Prediction III
48. Surgical Strike II
49. Surgical Strike III
50. Trajectory Analysis II
51. Trajectory Analysis III
52. Drone Interfacing I
53. Drone Interfacing II
54. Drone Interfacing III
55. Drone Durability II
56. Drone Durability III
57. Drone Avionics I
58. Drone Avionics II
59. Drone Avionics III
60. Drone Navigation I
61. Drone Navigation II
62. Drone Navigation III
63. Drone Sharpshooting I
64. Drone Sharpshooting II
65. Drone Sharpshooting III
66. Light Drone Operation I
67. Light Drone Operation II
68. Light Drone Operation III
69. Light Drone Operation IV
70. Rapid Firing IV
71. Motion Prediction IV
72. Surgical Strike IV
73. Sharpshooter IV
74. Trajectory Analysis IV
75. Drone Interfacing IV
76. Light Drone Operation V
77. Gallente Drone Specialization I
78. Gallente Drone Specialization II
79. Gallente Drone Specialization III
80. thermal Armor Compensation III
81. thermal Armor Compensation IV
82. EM Armor Compensation III
83. EM Armor Compensation IV
84. Explosive Armor Compensation III
85. Explosive Armor Compensation IV
86. Gunnery V
87. Spaceship Command IV
88. Large Projectile Turret I
89. Minmatar Battleship I
90. Large Projectile Turret II
91. Minmatar Battleship II
92. Large Projectile Turret III
93. Minmatar Battleship III
94. Drone Sharpshooting IV
95. Sentry Drone Interfacing I
96. Sentry Drone Interfacing II
97. Sentry Drone Interfacing III
98. Hull Upgrades V
99. Gallente Frigate I
100. Gallente Frigate II
101. Gallente Frigate III
102. Gallente Destroyer I
103. Gallente Destroyer II
104. Gallente Destroyer III
105. Gallente Cruiser I
106. Gallente Cruiser II
107. Gallente Cruiser III
108. Gallente Battlecruiser I
109. Gallente Battlecruiser II
110. Gallente Battlecruiser III
111. Gallente Battleship I
112. Gallente Battleship II
113. Gallente Battleship III
114. Social I
115. Social II
116. Social III
117. Connections I
118. Connections II
119. Connections III
120. Diplomacy I
121. Diplomacy II
122. Diplomacy III
123. Social IV
127. Leadership I
128. Leadership II
129. Leadership III
130. Security Connections I
131. Security Connections II
132. Security Connections III
133. Negotiation I
134. Negotiation II
135. Negotiation III
136. Large Projectile Turret IV
137. Minmatar Battleship IV
138. Gallente Drone Specialization IV
139. Sentry Drone Interfacing IV
140. Security Connections IV
141. Negotiation IV
142. Connections IV
143. Diplomacy IV
145. Gallente Battleship IV
146. Capacitor Systems Operation V
147. Energy Grid Upgrades V
148. CPU Management V
149. Acceleration Control II
150. Acceleration Control III
151. Evasive Maneuvering II
152. Evasive Maneuvering III
153. High Speed Maneuvering II
154. High Speed Maneuvering III
155. Warp Drive Operation II
156. Warp Drive Operation III
157. Evasive Maneuvering IV
158. High Speed Maneuvering IV
159. Navigation IV
160. Navigation V
161. Infomorph Psychology I
162. Infomorph Psychology II
163. Infomorph Psychology III
164. Infomorph Synchronizing I
165. Infomorph Synchronizing II
166. Infomorph Synchronizing III
167. Jury Rigging I
168. Jury Rigging II
169. Jury Rigging III
170. Astronautics Rigging I
171. Astronautics Rigging II
172. Astronautics Rigging III
173. Astronautics Rigging IV
174. Security Connections V
175. Social V
176. Weapon Upgrades V
177. Advanced Weapon Upgrades I
178. Advanced Weapon Upgrades II
179. Advanced Weapon Upgrades III
180. Thermodynamics II
181. Thermodynamics III
182. Thermodynamics IV
183. Armor Rigging I
184. Armor Rigging II
185. Armor Rigging III
186. Armor Rigging IV
187. Small Hybrid Turret I
188. Small Hybrid Turret II
189. Small Hybrid Turret III
190. Small Hybrid Turret IV
191. Small Hybrid Turret V
192. Small Blaster Specialization I
193. Small Blaster Specialization II
194. Small Blaster Specialization III
195. Small Blaster Specialization IV
196. Gallente Frigate IV
197. Minmatar Frigate IV
198. Controlled Bursts II
199. Controlled Bursts III
200. Propulsion Jamming II
201. Propulsion Jamming III
202. Propulsion Jamming IV
203. Controlled Bursts IV
204. Minmatar Frigate V
205. Small Projectile Turret IV
206. Small Projectile Turret V
207. Small Autocannon Specialization I
208. Small Autocannon Specialization II
209. Small Autocannon Specialization III
210. Power Grid Management V
211. Mechanics IV
212. Mechanics V
213. Assault Frigates I
214. Assault Frigates II
215. Assault Frigates III
216. Capacitor Emission Systems I
217. Capacitor Emission Systems II
218. Capacitor Emission Systems III
219. Capacitor Emission Systems IV
220. Small Autocannon Specialization IV
221. Assault Frigates IV
222. Launcher Rigging I
223. Launcher Rigging II
224. Launcher Rigging III
225. Launcher Rigging IV
226. Caldari Frigate I
227. Caldari Frigate II
228. Caldari Frigate III
229. Caldari Frigate IV
230. Missile Launcher Operation II
231. Missile Launcher Operation III
232. Missile Launcher Operation IV
233. Missile Launcher Operation V
234. Rockets I
235. Rockets II
236. Rockets III
237. Rockets IV
238. Rockets V
239. Rocket Specialization I
240. Rocket Specialization II
241. Rocket Specialization III
242. Rocket Specialization IV
243. Target Navigation Prediction I
244. Target Navigation Prediction II
245. Target Navigation Prediction III
246. Warhead Upgrades I
247. Warhead Upgrades II
248. Warhead Upgrades III
249. Missile Projection I
250. Missile Projection II
251. Missile Projection III
252. Missile Bombardment I
253. Missile Bombardment II
254. Missile Bombardment III
255. Guided Missile Precision I
256. Guided Missile Precision II
257. Guided Missile Precision III
258. Rapid Launch I
259. Rapid Launch II
260. Rapid Launch III
261. Target Painting I
262. Target Painting II
263. Target Painting III
264. Electronics Upgrades IV
265. Target Painting IV
266. Signature Focusing I
267. Signature Focusing II
268. Signature Focusing III
269. Missile Projection IV
270. Target Navigation Prediction IV
271. Warhead Upgrades IV
272. Missile Bombardment IV
273. Guided Missile Precision IV
274. Rapid Launch IV
275. Caldari Frigate V
276. Signature Focusing IV
277. Medium Hybrid Turret I
278. Medium Hybrid Turret II
279. Medium Hybrid Turret III
280. Medium Hybrid Turret IV
281. Medium Hybrid Turret V
282. Medium Blaster Specialization I
283. Medium Blaster Specialization II
284. Medium Blaster Specialization III
285. Medium Blaster Specialization IV
286. Minmatar Cruiser IV
287. Minmatar Cruiser V
288. Shield Operation II
289. Shield Operation III
290. Shield Operation IV
291. Shield Operation V
292. Shield Management II
293. Shield Management III
294. Shield Management IV
295. Shield Upgrades II
296. Shield Upgrades III
297. Shield Upgrades IV
298. Tactical Shield Manipulation II
299. Tactical Shield Manipulation III
300. Tactical Shield Manipulation IV
301. Kinetic Shield Compensation I
302. Kinetic Shield Compensation II
303. Kinetic Shield Compensation III
304. Kinetic Shield Compensation IV
305. Shield Compensation I
306. Shield Compensation II
307. Shield Compensation III
308. Shield Compensation IV
309. Medium Projectile Turret IV
310. Medium Projectile Turret V
311. Medium Autocannon Specialization I
312. Spaceship Command V
313. Heavy Assault Cruisers I
314. Heavy Assault Cruisers II
315. Heavy Assault Cruisers III
316. Medium Autocannon Specialization II
317. Medium Autocannon Specialization III
318. Shield Rigging I
319. Shield Rigging II
320. Medium Autocannon Specialization IV
321. Heavy Assault Cruisers IV
322. Shield Rigging III
323. Caldari Destroyer I
324. Caldari Destroyer II
325. Caldari Destroyer III
326. Caldari Cruiser I
327. Caldari Cruiser II
328. Caldari Cruiser III
329. Caldari Cruiser IV
330. Light Missiles I
331. Light Missiles II
332. Light Missiles III
333. Light Missiles IV
334. Light Missiles V
335. Light Missile Specialization I
336. Light Missile Specialization II
337. Light Missile Specialization III
338. Light Missile Specialization IV
339. Caldari Drone Specialization I
340. Caldari Drone Specialization II
341. Caldari Drone Specialization III
342. EM Shield Compensation I
343. EM Shield Compensation II
344. EM Shield Compensation III
345. EM Shield Compensation IV
346. thermal Shield Compensation I
347. thermal Shield Compensation II
348. thermal Shield Compensation III
349. thermal Shield Compensation IV
350. Caldari Cruiser V
351. Caldari Drone Specialization IV
Appendix C: Thanks and Version Info
I’d like to thank the following forum gurus and forum members for their help, willing or not, in the creation of this document. Any potential donations should go to them for their help on the fits especially. Many of these fits are near enough straight up copies or only slight modifications of their own fits.
- Jori Mckie – Fits
- Jackudza – Videos and fits
- Chainsaw Plankton – Fits and generally being helpful on the forums
- Ploing – Fits
- The Bigpuns – spotting a very stupid an obvious mistake on the machariel warp speed
- DeMichael Crimson aka DMC – His standings guide ‘The Plan’ is pretty much the definitive source on standings mechanics and is what makes most of this possible in the first place.
- Zora Aran – Creating/hosting an Evemon Skill Plan.
- Fire Trooper – For pointing out CPU fitting issues on bling Garmur due to paint changes.
- Bumblefck – I think he originated the Onyx fit for Blood Base.
- Larold for a couple fixes here and there and a revamped section 2.
I know for a fact I’m probably missing people so please contact me ingame if you feel I missed you or someone you think I missed should be added.
Special mention goes to Market McSelling Alt. He really helped push me to complete this guide in his own very special way.
If you spot any mistakes please let me know and thanks for reading!
v1.00 – Original guide
v1.01 – 20/11/2015 – Added Garmur alt build, Barghest Experimental build and fixed warp speed on Mach, minor editing changes.
v1.02 – 22/11/2015 – Added Version Info, Gurista Base burner information.
v1.03 – 23/11/2015 – Gone Bezerk trigger randomised or changed.
v1.04 – 09/12/2015 – Added note to Forward and to Missions, added back the DPS Garmur fit to Team Burners, Many changes in the Missions section.
V1.05 – 12/12/2015 – Added missing Credits
V1.06 – 18/12/2015 – Added Cheap Garmur fit and updated with Javelin advice.
V1.07 – 08/01/2016 – Fleshed out the Barghest Fit and Ship Discussion under 1.3.2 Ships
V1.08 – 17/01/2016 – Update regarding stealth changes to missions and CCP’s lack of answer.
V1.1 – 28/02/2016 – Update to Skills under 1.2 and Appendix B with a link to a skill plan for Evemon.
V1.2 – 24/04/2016:
- Updated Foreword
- Updated 1.1 text to be clearer.
- Updated 1.3 with Skill Injectors.
- Minor Updates to 1.3.1.
- Updated section 2’s note, missions, headings and some other text.
- Updated 3. Ashimu loot drop amount and added some text.
- Updated A.2. Daredevil with Stasis Webifier II.
- Updated A.5. Wolf with Stasis Webifier II.
- Updated A.6. Garmur with Phased Scoped Target Painter and 5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive. Removed ECM fits.
- Updated A.8. Vigilant with Stasis Webifier II.
- Updated A10. Removed Orthrus Cheap Fit, added Onyx fit and updated how-to text.
V1.2.1 – 22/05/2016
- Added alternative Serpentis Agent fit for high skilled pilots.
- Changed ammo loadout on Blood Base (Onyx fit). CN Scourge does about 12% more damage.
V1.2.2 – 22/11/2016
- Added quick link to Burner Playlist
V1.2.3 – 20/12/2016
- Huge thanks to player The Larold for the help in making section 2 easier to read! Pop him a few isk if you like the changes 😉
- Normal lv4 missions are now listed in order of profitability
- Added Right hand of Zazzmatazz to the mission list
- Replaced thermic in every case with thermal
- Removed Fast Talk as a skill in the list