Peacekeeper Guide (cheese mechs)
Updated for Sept. 2018 changes
By: Boyo/Captain PewPew
Comments/Questions? Discord: Boyo#9168
HP: 3,935,000,000
Enrage timer: 12 minutes
Roles: (Most preferred to least preferred)
1 Tank BM/KFM
1 Cylinder Creator Gunner/Destroyer/Blade Dancer
3 Spirit Exploders (Ranged): Gunner/WL/Sum/FM
3/4 Cylinder Destroyers Anybody
3 Rescuers Push classes: ie: SF, WL, Deso
1 Taunter SUM/WL
Tank should only be tank role.
Spirit Exploders cannot be Cylinder Destroyers.
Rescuers cannot be Cylinder Destroyers.
The rest can overlap roles (if necessary).
100% ~ 50%: 4 Cylinders
50% ~ 0%: 5 Cylinders
Both phases have the exact same rotation and mechanics. There is just extra an Cylinder and only very little adjustments need to be made. Each cylinder does 110 million damage to do the boss, so it is ideal to push the boss to each phase as soon as possible.
Minimum average DPS ~ 150k (with cheese/taunt)
Minimum average DPS ~ 240k (without cheese/taunt)
Party iframes recommended: HM block (speed spec pref), sheath, and stealth (in order of importance). Tank and Cylinder Creator should get all of these iframes. Cylinder Destroyers should have at least HM block and stealth. Rescuers should have at least HM block.
Grouping and positions:
All the clock positions are assuming the tank is at 6oclock.
There will be three groups of 4 people (their specific parties don’t matter; tank is not in any group, so technically one group will have 3 people).
Group 1 at 4oclock, group 2 at 6oclock, group 3 at 8oclock.
Each group will have exactly one Spirit Exploder. Group 2 (6clock) is suggested to not have any ranged classes. Ranged classes (in group 1 and 3) must stand slightly closer to the boss than the Spirit Exploders.
In this picture, the yellow dots represent the Spirit Exploders (16 meters), the red is the tank, the black dots are the ranged classes (~12 meters) at their clock positions, and the purple dots are the melee classes.
Melee classes can move around to avoid attacks, but need to remember their clock position.
Ranged classes should, for the most part, stay at their position.
Rotation: (Redemption Mode)
Here I will explain each attack rotation one at a time and will tell what each specific role should do. If your role is not explicitly stated, then it is part of DPS/melee/ranged.
#1: 2 Front attacks towards tank:
Two forward attacks towards tank. About 180 degrees and 14 meters long. Does about 80k damage in total, block or iframe if desperate.
DPS: Everybody face tanks this and just DPSes.
#2: Front & Back attack towards tank:
2 unblockable attacks towards tank. 180 degree, 0-5 meters then 5-12 meters. Getting hit will cause root and stun.
3 hit unblockable cone-like attack behind boss (nobody has to worry about it). Getting hit will cause continuous knockback, massive damage, and likely death.
Tank: iframe first hit.
Melee: Can sidestep by walking slightly above 3oclock or 9oclock then walking back after attack finishes. Walking any further risks getting hit by back attacks.
Ranged: Will not hit ranged in Group 1 or 3 if they are 12 meters away (black dots in picture).
#3 Spirit Explosion: (main killer of early raids, learn this early and well)
3 Furthest people get marked (Spirit Exploders). There must be exactly 1 Spirit Exploder in each group. Nobody should be further than these 3 people. If multiple people in the same group get marked, the raid is very likely to wipe. These Spirit Exploders must stand completely still and be in a constant and predictable spot (yellow dot in the picture, which is exactly 16 meters from boss).
Everybody besides the tank and Spirit Exploders will get a soul burst buff with stacks at either 2, 5 or 8.
This picture has 2 stacks. It is very small, so you must either lean close to your computer to see it, or look at “Optimal Way to reduce stacks” below.
The Spirit Exploders will have a 3-ringed circle spawn around them (characters MUST be turned on and “SFX Quality for Others” MUST be 2+ in order to see these). This 3-ringed circle will cast 3 times (about 2 second interval in between each) and reduce your stacks based on which ring you are in. If you still have stacks left after the 3 casts, then you will die. If you attempt to remove more stacks than you have, then you will also die. If the Spirit Exploder has more than 3 people in their circles, then the Spirit Exploder will die and cause everybody trying to remove their stacks to die as well (which is why we have 3 groups of 4 people (Spirit Exploder doesn’t count)).
If you stand in the innermost circle, you will reduce your stacks by 3.
2 for the middle circle.
1 for the outermost circle.
It is best to try to stand near the edge of the ring you want to be in or else the game sometimes miscalculates your position.
Optimal way to reduce stacks:
Since your stacks will always be 2, 5, or 8, it is best to stand on the middle ring to reduce 2 stacks.
This will make your buff either 0, 3, or 6. If your buff changes (0 stacks) you get out of the circle and continue DPSing. Otherwise, you will go to the innermost circle and reduce 3 stacks.
This will now make your buff either 0 or 3. If your buff changes (0 stacks) you get out of the circle and continue DPSing. Otherwise, you will go to the innermost circle and reduce 3 stacks again.
Now you will have 0 stacks and the boss rotation will continue.
Stand on middle ring (-2)
Buff gone? Go to boss
Buff not gone? Stand on innermost ring (-5)
Buff gone? Go to boss
Buff not gone? Stand on innermost ring (-8)
Go to boss.
Once you reach 0 stacks, you will get the pictured buff. This is not really important. You must have this buff to be a Cylinder Destroyer. But if you didn’t get this buff, you’ll be dead before that mechanic happens anyway. (So you can kind of ignore this buff; it is just an indicator that you successfully removed all stacks).
Tank: Does not have to do spirit explosion. Can stay at boss and continue DPSing.
Spirit Exploders: Stand completely still in your group’s clock position so your party can their stacks in a predictable and consistent manner.
DPS: Clear your stacks at your assigned group’s clock position by standing with the Spirit Exploder as described above. If you go to the wrong one clockpositoin, you will likely wipe the raid.
#4 “Pokeball”:
Boss will do a room wide AoE, with 2 halves (white and red (hence Pokeball)). The White half will go on the side of the tank. The Red half will go on the opposite side. Stealth here. Failure to iframe will root (getting rooted might make the next attack harder to avoid).
DPS: Just continue attacking. Everybody should be on the half of the map with the tank (So everybody gets hit by the White buff).
Cylinder Creator: After getting stealthed, use the stealth speed buff to get into position. There are 6 circles on the map (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12oclock) and one of them will be highlighted. You want to walk to to the middle between the highlighted circle and the one counterclockwise from it, then go 20 meters away from the boss. You might want to go 25 meters away first, incase somebody gets knocked back further than you.
For example, if the yellow circle is the highlighted circle (10 oclock), you will want to position yourself half-a-circle backwards (9 oclock) from it and then go about 20/25 meters away (the blue dot). You can move to 20/25 meters during the next attack, but sometimes the circle is far away and you will have to move early.
#5 Punishment:
Boss will do a predictable punishment similar to Raven King, then a Yunsang-like jump attack. First it will be inside (0-12 meters) then outside (13-25 meters). Unlike the Raven King, these are completely uniframable (but don’t give stacks like Raven King) and must be avoided by walking out of its range. Each hit causes knockdown. After the 2 hit punishment, the boss will do an uniframable AoE from 0-25 meters that you must jump over. This attack causes knockback.
Tank: Tend to f roll the first hit of punishment, dps during the second, then jump the AoE.
DPS: Walk out of range.
Cylinder Creator: Start getting to into position and be 25 meters away before the first part of punishment finishes.
Ranged: Walk out of range. If you get hit by any of these attacks, do NOT f roll (or 2 escape if SUM/WL). You have a high chance of be further than the Cylinder Creator and steal his mark.
Warlocks: Can use sanctum for themselves (or the melees) so the punishments don’t knockdown. However, you must still jump over the 3rd AoE to avoid knockback.
#6 Choose Cylinder Spawner + Triple AoE:
Boss will target the furthest person (Cylinder Creator) and will give them a buff to create cylinders. Afterwards, the boss will do a three hit unblockable roomwide AoE. HM block is important to give to the Cylinder Creator. If the Cylinder Creator gets hit and knocked back, it is likely a raid wipe.
DPS: Just continue attacking and make sure to give HM block to both parties (prioritize Cylinder Creator if only 1 HM block in raid).
Cylinder Creator: Every 3 seconds, a cylinder will spawn on your current position. You will move 60 degrees clockwise (2 clock positions) around the circle within the 3 second intervals (which is why Gunner is most preferred). If 2 cylinders are stacked on top of each other, the boss will enrage. If 2 cylinders are too close to each other and the boss happens to pick one of the two to destroy (see later part for this mechanic), then it will enrage.
The ring-like line I’m standing on is how far you should be from the boss (20 meters). The vertical line directly pointing at the boss is an indicator for the midpoint between two circles. Each of these vertical lines are approximately 20 meters apart. This can be done with 1 Gunner hook (18 meters) then a little bit of walking. This is where you would want to stop (for about half a second) for a cylinder to spawn before continuing to move. You will spawn 4/5/6 cylinders depending on what phase you are in. The rest of the raid will be dealing with the rotation while you spawn cylinders.
For example, if you started at 9 oclock and are in the 61~31% phase, you will let the first cylinder spawn at 9 oclock, then go to 11 oclock and let the second one spawn. Then continue to spawn cylinders at 1 oclock, 3 oclock, and 5 oclock before going back to position.
#7: Front & Back attack towards tank: (slightly different from #2)
2 unblockable attacks towards tank. 180 degree, outside of tank, then at tank. Getting hit will cause root and stun.
3 separate unblockable cone-like attacks behind boss starting from 9-11 oclock, then to 11-1 oclock, and finally to 1-3 oclock (nobody has to worry about it except for the Cylinder Creator). Getting hit will cause knockback and all focus loss.
Tank: iframe second hit.
Melee: Can sidestep by standing in front of the boss (near the tank at 6oclock) during the first front attack and then side stepping left/right before the second front attack hits.
Ranged: Will not hit ranged in Group 1 or 3 if they are 12 meters away.
Cylinder Creator: Depending on where the highlighted circle started, you might be hit by the back attack while travelling. This will cause you get to knocked back and will likely wipe the raid. It is best to use a bubble here (which is why gunner is preferred). Note: This happens right before the 3rd cylinder spawns, so bubble right before the 3rd cylinder spawns.
#8 Airknock:
Boss will attempt to aerial the furthest person (basically the Cylinder Creator). The CC bars will open. KD here. You want to KD as fast as possible or else the Cylinder Creator will get knocked up and likely wipe the raid due to stacked cylinders (technically if they are fast enough they can avoid this attack, but better safe than sorry). This KD will cause the boss to switch to “Destruction” mode after completing the next two attacks.
Melee: Boss will do a blockable getup attack after the KD
Ranged: Getup attack won’t reach, help KD then continue DPS
Cylinder Creator: If you are on the phase with 4 cylinders, the 4th one spawns right before this attack happens and you can go back to position during the animation. If you are on the 5 or 6 cylinder phase, continue moving and spawning cylinders appropriately.
#9 Stomps:
Boss will do 4 stomps towards each quadrant of the map. Getting hit by a stomp will cause damage and a knockback. Since each quadrant is only hit once, you can break sheath after getting iframed. Assuming the tank is at 6clock, the stomp order will be: 3-6 oclock, 6-9oclock, 12-3oclock, 9-12oclock. Since the entire raid is positioned from 4 to 8 oclock, only the first 2 stomps will hit them, thus sheath’s duration is long enough to protect everybody. If the tank gets knocked back, it is a raid wipe, so it is important to sheath the tank, or for the tank to physically avoid the stomps.
DPS: Sheath and DPS. Can break sheath if iframed. Group 2 (6oclock) and melees can easily sidestep by walking a bit left before the first stomp, then a bit right before second stomp.
Cylinder Creator: 6th cylinder (if in this phase) will spawn during the stomps. Go back to position after the 6th cylinder spawns. It is important to iframe the stomp so you aren’t out of position.
#10 Destroy Cylinder:
The boss will destroy one random cylinder that the Cylinder Creator created. Anybody standing within the blast radius will instantly die. If the cylinder’s explosion overlaps with another cylinder, it will be a raid wipe.
Melee: Don’t worry it’s too far to care.
Ranged: Keep an eye out for where the explosion is. It will barely reach some ranged people.
Rotation: Destruction Mode (switches to destruction mode due to KD)
#11: 2 Front attacks towards tank: (Exactly the same as #1)
Two forward attacks towards tank. About 180 degrees and 14 meters long. Does about 80k damage in total, block or iframe if desperate.
Tank: Might want to go behind the boss in preparation for next attack. Doing this will also save the party from getting damaged.
DPS: Everybody face tanks this and just DPSes. Or the tank directs it away in preparation for next attack.
#12: Front & Back attack opposite of tank: (Exactly the same attack as #2, but flipped)
Tank will go behind the boss to simulate it being exactly the same as #2.
2 unblockable attacks opposite of tank. 180 degree, 0-5 meters then 5-12 meters. Getting hit will cause root and stun.
3 hit unblockable cone-like attack towards the tank(nobody has to worry about it). Getting hit will cause continuous knockback, massive damage, and likely death.
Tank: Go behind boss before attack if not already behind. Then go back in front of it before the back attacks start. (Can also iframe back attacks and walk back to front of boss).
Melee: Can sidestep by walking above 3oclock or 9oclock then walking back after attack finishes. Walking any further risks getting hit by back attack.
Ranged: Will not hit ranged in Group 1 or 3 if they are 12 meters away.
#13 Spirit Explosion: (Exactly the same as #3)
Tank: Go behind boss again in preparation for next attack.
DPS: Same as before: remove stacks from Spirit Explosion.
Cylinder Destroyers: After clearing all stacks, immediately go behind the boss (9oclock to 3oclock) in preparation of next phase.
Spirit Exploders: Same as before: stand completely still so your group can remove their stacks correctly.
#14 “Pokeball”: (Exactly the same as #4, but flipped)
Tank will direct this so it is the same positions as #4, but this time the Cylinder Destroyers want red buff. Remember to stealth here.
Tank: Go behind boss if not already done so. Then after the “Pokeball” happens, go back to the front of boss.
Cylinder Destroyers: Go behind boss if not already there (you should move immediately behind boss after clearing all spirit explosion stacks). This will give you a red buff. This will kill you in 30 seconds unless you do the next mechanic. Also note that the red buff will make you unable to heal (similar to the original “rupture” from the Iron Conqueror in Scion’s Keep) for its duration.
DPS: Continue DPSing and get white buff by not moving.
#15 Punishment: (Same as before, but outside first, then inside)
Punishment is the same as before but outside (13-25 meters) first, then inside (0-12 meters). Then you must jump over the 3rd AoE. All of these attacks are uniframable and must be physically avoided.
Tank: If your ping is low enough, you can continue DPSing during first hit, tab escape the second hit, then jump (while in tab escape animation) over the jump AoE. If not possible, just physically avoid all the attacks.
DPS: Physically avoid attacks.
Cylinder Destroyers: Remember that having the red buff will make you unable to heal for the duration of the buff. Getting hit by these punishment might kill you, so be very careful.
#16 Spawn Doom Orbs + Triple AoE:
Boss will become CC-able and start spawning orbs (about 1 per second). Once you KD him, he will stop spawning orbs and then do a getup attack. You want to spawn exactly the same number of orbs as number of cylinders on the map (3/4/5 based on phase (remember one cylinder was destroyed in #10)). Failure to KD before 6 orbs spawn will cause a raid wipe. KDing too early will result in loss mechanic damage (less orbs than cylinders). KDing too late will cause a lingering orb to be on the map. If nobody picks up the orb, it will be a raid wipe, but touching the orb (without the red buff) will kill that player. Thus, you must sacrifice a person to save the raid by picking up the orb. Everybody except Cylinder Destroyers should be far away from the circles on the map; this is where the orbs spawn.
After the KD + getup attack, boss will do a room-wide 3 hit AoE. HM block is highly recommended. Failure to protect the Cylinder Destroyers and Rescuers from getting knocked back will likely result in a raid wipe.
DPS: Continue DPSing and KD when called. Get ready for getup attack after the KD. Get ready to cast HM block if you have.
Cylinder Destroyers: Orbs will start spawning clockwise starting at the highlighted circle. We will denote this as 1,2,3, etc, respectively. Cylinder Destroyer #1 will pick up the first orb, Cylinder Destroyer #2 will pick up the second orb, etc. After picking up your respective orb, immediately go into your assigned cylinder (more on this in “Important Notes”) and get rooted. Failure to enter a cylinder within 5 seconds after picking up the orb will cause player to die (used to be raid wipe). After being freed by the Rescuer, quickly avoid the insta-kill explosion and go back to position (f roll and ss).
Rescuers: Go to your assigned cylinder(s) (at most 2) and get ready to rescue the Cylinder Destroyer(s). Once they go inside a cylinder, use your push skill to remove their root status. If assigned multiple rescues, go to the next person and use your push skill again. Successfully rescuing a player will refresh the cooldown of your push skill. IE: WL Repulse, SF Displace, Destroyer Typhoon. After finishing rescuing all the Cylinder Destroyers, go back to position.
#17: Front & Back attack towards tank: (same as #7)
2 unblockable attacks towards tank. 180 degree, outside of tank, then at tank. Getting hit will cause root and stun.
3 separate unblockable cone-like attacks behind boss starting from 9-11 oclock, then to 11-1 oclock, and finally to 1-3 oclock. Getting hit will cause knockback and all focus loss.
Tank: iframe second hit.
Melee: Can sidestep by standing in front of the boss (near the tank at 6oclock) during the first front attack and then side stepping left/right before the second front attack hits.
Ranged: Will not hit ranged in Group 1 or 3 if they are 12 meters away.
Cylinder Destroyers & Rescuers: Since both are likely out of position, prepare to use bubbles in case you’re in the crossfire of the back attacks (hence WL and SF are preferred).
#18 Airknock: (Same as #8, but stun instead of KD)
Boss will attempt to aerial the furthest person. The CC bars will open. Stun here. You might want to KD here instead, but for only very specific reasons. Check out “Having remaining cylinders after Destruction phase” under “Important Notes.”
DPS: Stun and continue DPSing.
#19 Stomps: (Same as #9, but taunt during animation)
Boss will do 4 stomps towards each quadrant of the map. Getting hit by a stomp will cause damage and a knockback. Since each quadrant is only hit once, you can break sheath after getting iframed. Assuming the tank is at 6clock, the stomp order will be: 3-6 oclock, 6-9oclock, 12-3oclock, 9-12oclock. Since the entire raid is positioned from 4 to 8 oclock, only the first 2 stomps will hit them, thus sheath’s duration is long enough to protect everybody. If the tank gets knocked back, it is a raid wipe, so it is important to sheath the tank, or for the tank to physically avoid the stomps.
DPS: Sheath and DPS. Can break sheath if iframed. Group 2 (6oclock) and melees can easily sidestep by walking a bit left before the first stomp, then a bit right before second stomp.
Taunter: During this animation, use your cat/thrall taunt exactly at 6oclock (where tank is, so boss doesn’t turn). You will see why in next attack. Also, if there are sheaths in the party and the taunter is a summoner, the summoner must use bubble (true friend) or else the sheath will freeze the cat and end its taunt.
#20 Destroy Cylinder:
The boss will destroy one random cylinder on the map. Anybody standing within the blast radius will instantly die. However, since there are no more cylinders left (“cheese mechanics”), the boss will instantly kill the tank instead. Luckily, if the boss has aggro on a familiar, he will not kill anybody. Thus, it is important to familiar taunt the boss before this attack animation begins (during the stomps).
Boss now switches back to Redemption Mode due to the KD
Repeat 1-20 over and over again until the boss dies. The only thing that changes is the number of cylinders that are spawned by the Cylinder Creator and the number of Cylinder Destroyers needed (this increases by 1 each phase).
Important Notes:
Resurrecting teammates: The best way to resurrect people is for a summoner to put their cat on a downed person right after the jump part of punishment (#5). This will line up with the stomps (#9), so sheath should be saved immediately after they get resurrected to protect them from dying again. Summoners need to make sure cat is not occupied when taunting is needed, or else tank will die.
Soul fighters should resurrect during the two front attacks towards tank (#1 and #11). This allows the (animation-locked) resurrected people to have time to get into position. I suggest saving Gunner’s Alpha Call to reset mass resurrection.
Picking cylinders for Cylinder Destroyers: Since we spawned the cylinders half a circle behind the highlighted circle, the Cylinder Destroyers should look for a cylinder counterclockwise to their position. However, since the boss destroyed a random cylinder in #10, there might be one less cylinder counterclockwise to you. If that is the case, then everybody starting from that clock position and onward will pick the cylinder clockwise from themself. (This makes much more sense when doing the mechanic). Another way to think of it is if you are Cylinder Destroyer #3, then count (starting from half a circle behind the highlighted circle) the number of cylinders there are in a clockwise fashion. Your cylinder would be #3.
For a more concrete example: Assume we are in the 5 cylinder phase (61~31%), we are Cylinder Destroyer #3, and the highlighted circle was at 10 oclock. This means that the cylinders should be at 9, 11, 1, 3, and 5 oclock. However, one of them will have been destroyed by the boss earlier. We can simply count to the 3rd clock position after removing the cylinder the boss destroyed. If the boss destroyed the 9, 11, or 1 oclock cylinder we would go to 3 oclock cylinder. If the boss destroyed the 3 or 5 oclock cylinder, we would go to the 1 oclock cylinder.
Picking cylinders for Rescuers: I think these are best assigned dynamically. I would suggest a Spirit Exploder to assign which rescuer goes to which cylinder(s) since they do not have to pay attention to any of the boss’s attacks. The roles should be assigned immediately after the boss destroys a random cylinder in #10. The shotcaller should try to group rescuing such that the Rescuer does not have to walk a far distance if saving multiple people. The people they save should be the immediate next clock position (the gap is caused by the boss destroying a random cylinder). If there is a gap in between, assign another Rescuer for that position.
Saving multiple people as Rescuers and being saved second as a Cylinder Destroyer: For example, if a Rescuer is assigned to save Cylinder Destroyer #3 and #4, the Cylinder Destroyer #4 should note this and delay grabbing the red orb and going into the cylinder by a few seconds. This will give the Rescuer more time to save the second person after saving Cylinder Destroyer #3.
Cylinder Placement for Cylinder Creator: You might be wondering why do we spawn the cylinders one clock position behind the circles rather than at the circles themselves. The reasoning is because when the boss switches to destruction phase, the boss will destroy one random cylinder. If the boss destroys a cylinder at a particular Cylinder Destroyer’s location, then that person (and all Cylinder Destroyers after him/her) will have to travel two clock positions (about 20 meters) to get to their newly assigned cylinder. This might be a far distance to travel for non-mobile classes since you only have 5 seconds to enter a cylinder before death. To mitigate this risk, we have the Cylinder Creator minimize the worst-case distance any Cylinder Destroyer would have to travel by putting the cylinder in between the circles.
Having remaining cylinders after Destruction phase: Though this is not a wipe, it can be dangerous for the Cylinder Creator to attempt to spawn more cylinders during the Redemption phase since there’s a high chance of overlap.
If there is only one cylinder left on the map at the end of Destruction phase, it is okay since the boss will destroy it anyways.
If there are more than one cylinders left on the map then you could keep the boss in Destruction mode. All you have to do is KD instead of stun at #18. (KDing at #16 will switch it to Redemption mode and KDing at #18 will switch it back to Destruction mode). The boss will still destroy a cylinder, but it will stay in Destruction mode (and continue from #11). Now you can continue as you would as if you just came from Redemption mode. Note that you need to remember to spawn orbs equal to the new number of cylinders remaining on the map.