I’ll discuss how to get the Kirin mount in this guide. Six mounts are required to access the quest “A Legend For A Legend”.
The mounts are as follows:
- Xanthos mount from Garuda extreme
- Gullfaxi mount from Titan extreme
- Aithon mount from Ifrit extreme
- Enbarr mount from Leviathan extreme
- Markab mount from Ramuh extreme
- Boreas mount from Shiva extreme
To begin, you must finish the MSQ “Let Us Cling Together.” In case you haven’t already, check your diary to see whether you’ve finished the primary scenario of a Realm Reborn.

Unlocking Quests and Instances (Hard Mode)
The next quest should unlock the hard mode quests for Ifrit, Titan, and Garuda.
Quest name is “A Recurring Problem”

Quest Giver is Minfilia
Location: The Waking Sands
The next quest unlocks the “The Bowl of Embers Hard”
Quest name is “Ifrit Bleeds, We Can Kill It”

Quest giver is Thancred
Location: The Waking Sands
The next quest unlocks the “The Howling Eye Hard”
Quest name is “In For Garuda Awakening”

Quest giver is Papalymo
Location: The Waking Sands
The next quest unlocks Navel Hard
Quest name is “In A Titan Spot”

Quest giver is Y’shtola
Location: The Waking Sands
Unlocking Quests and Instances (Extreme Mode)
The next quest should unlock the extreme mode quests for Garuda, Titan, and Ifrit
Quest name is “Primal Nature”

Quest giver is Urianger
Location: The Waking Sands
The next quest should unlock “The Howling Eye Extreme”
Quest name is “Gale-force Warning”

Quest giver is Vorsaile Heuloix
Location: New Gridania
In this instance, you get the Xanthos mount
The next quest should unlock “The Navel Extreme”
Quest name is “Quake Me Up Before You O’ghomoro”

Quest giver is Urianger
Location: The Waking Sands
In this instance, you get the Gullfaxi mount
The next quest unlocks “The Bowl of Embers Extreme”
Quest name is “Ifrit Ain’t Broke”

Quest giver is Urianger
Location: The Waking Sands
In this instance, you get the Aithon amount
The next quest should unlock “The Whorleater Extreme”
Quest name is “Whorl Of A Time”

Quest giver is Urianger
Location: The Waking Sands
In this instance, you get the Enbarr mount
The next quest unlocks “The Striking Tree Extreme”
Quest name is “Judgement Bolts and Lightning”

Quest giver is Scarlet
Location: New Gridania
In this instance, you get the Markab mount
The next quest unlocks “The Akh Afah Amphitheatre Extreme”
Quest name is “Drop Dead Shiva”

Quest giver is Urianger
Location: The Waking Sands
In this instance, you get the Boreas mount
A Legend For a Legend
Now you can speak with the Wandering Minstrel in Mor Dhona and accept the quest in “A Legend For A Legend”.

Fly to Rathefrost. Once there, blow the Magicked Dizi that you have in your inventory at the specified place.

That completes the quest, and you have earned the achievement “Ichiban” and the title “Tamer Of Steeds.”
Use the Kirin Fife in your inventory, and you can now summon your Kirin mount.