The Shadowmoor
By: Shadovv
Guidance Video (Gubira) by Jaesung
Guidance Video (Mookwan) by Jaesung
Long before the Blackram Pirates existed were the Black Blood Pirates. Led by Captain Mookwan, these pirates sailed the seas across the Shadowmoor, a grand ship said to have never been outpaced by any other ship and its crew never defeated in open water. The crew eventually met their untimely end by the Stratus Empire, until they struck a deal with devilish seas that binds their souls: to rise from their watery graves in exchange for a thousand ships to take their place in the dark abyss.
HP: 224,480,000 (Normal) / 764,000,000 (Hard)
Enrage: 9:00
CC Bars: 2x
When engaged, a message warns “A Sea Shroud permeates the area” and the edges of the field illuminate with a border. Getting knocked into this border will cause instant death.
Attack Pattern:
- 180 degree frontal double swipes, blockable.
- Side linear ice waves into front + back linear ice waves, all unblockable, all cause aerial in Hard.
- 160 degree rear double tail swipes, both unblockable, both cause knockback.
- Linear frontal ice wave, unblockable, causes knockdown, CCable.
- 180 degree frontal tail swipe into 180 degree rear tail swipe into AoE spin, all blockable, last hit causes knockback.
If the boss is knocked down, he will do a get-up stomp and do a linear charge toward the closest person.
Periodically the boss will mark the closest person with “Prey” and do a linear charge toward them, then aim a conal unblockable breath at them.
Quartz (70%/30% Normal | 90%/60%/30% Hard):
The boss jumps to the center of the room, creating an unblockable AoE slam on landing. A message warns “Gubira creates Quartz” and two light circles illuminate at 12, 4, and 8 o’clock positions determined randomly and three quartz appears at 3, 6, and 9 o’clock. At the same time, the boss gains the “Quartz Resonance” buff and proceeds to do an unblockable/uniframable vacuum and pull everyone to him; in Normal this has a range of 8 meters, but in Hard it pulls the entire room. Three people must immediately Retreat (F Roll) the vacuum and run toward the crystals. Two of them are fake and will disappear, while the real crystal will warn “Quartz emits light and creates Ripples” and create a shockwave that inflicts Root in Hard and that can be jumped over, all three players will gain the “Quartz” buff.
The boss will drop icicles around him and do his cross ice wave attack. Afterwards, a message warns “Gubira is searching for prey” and the boss will target the closest person other than the tank with “Prey” and and perform a charge. The boss must be lured into the illuminated circle to cleanse one stack of Quartz Resonance, and the direction of the charge is based on the boss’s animation:
- If the boss stands on his hind legs and lifts his head upward, he will charge forward.
- (Hard Only) After the first phase, if the boss swings his head to the side, he will charge backward.
If the boss charges into a Quartz or the Sea Shroud, the party will wipe.
After the first charge, the boss will perform the cross ice waves, the frontal ice wave, and the front, back, full tail spins before doing another charge that must be aimed in the center of the room. He will repeat this sequence once more, and this charge must be aimed at the final illuminated point. Make sure the last charge ends at the circle near the Quartz. Once all stacks are removed, a message warns “Gubira’s Quartz Resonance has been offset.”
After the final charge, the boss will spit a conal breath at the Prey before doing a field-wide unblockable AoE that must be iframed. He will then grab and pull in the Real Quartz player, then do a conducting line from that person. All Quartz players must be between the boss and the Quartz, with the Fake Quartz players standing 6 meters apart from each other in a line. If conducting to the Quartz is successful and all stacks of Quartz Resonance have been removed prior, the boss will be injured by 10% of his max HP and the quartz will create a protective field. A message warns “Gubira explodes Quartz Energy” and everyone must rush behind the field before the boss releases a field-wide AoE that does massive but iframable damage in Normal, or instantly killing in Hard.
At 30% Hard, the boss will gain 3 stacks of Quartz Resonance and all three circles will illuminate. In order to remove all three, performing 2x Knockdown on the frontal ice wave will force the boss to do a get-up attack and the charge.
HP: 284,490,000 (Normal) / 981,000,000 (Hard)
Enrage: 10:00
CC Bars: 2x
Attack Pattern:
- 180 degree frontal double swipes, blockable.
- Front + Back linear slams into side + 45 degree rear linear tentacle slams, all unblockable, all cause knockdown.
- AoE stomp, unblockable
- 180 degree frontal double swipes.
- Slams the ground thrice creating an AoE under him which expands outward into rings two times, all unblockable. In Normal this causes knockdown, while in Hard this causes aerial.
- Linear frontal punch, blockable, causes knockback in Hard.
All of the boss’s unblockable attacks inflict a debuff which deals 992 damage per 2 seconds over 30 seconds.
If the tank is too far, he will grab them and slam them into the ground, creating an unblockable AoE that knocks down.
Periodically he will jump to the farthest person, creating an AoE and two outward expanding rings on landing. He will then grab the next farthest person and hurl them across the room; they must be saved by CCing the boss.
Curse (80%/40% Normal | 90%/65%/40% Hard):
The boss jumps to the center of the room, creating an AoE and two outward expanding rings on landing. A message warns “Captain Mookwan selects a target to Curse” and he will mark the farthest person from him with “Curse” and a black puddle spawns near him at 2, 4, 8, or 10 o’clock positions determined randomly. If the Curse marker ever dies at any point in the mechanic, the party receives massive but iframable damage in Normal, or wipes in Hard. He will do an iframable vacuum and a stomp, then create a 180 degree black water field in the direction of the marker. The marker must lure the field at the 12, 3, 6 or 9 o’clock position, away from the puddle; if the field touches the puddle, the party receives massive but iframable damage in Normal, or wipes in Hard. If anyone other than the Curse marker steps into the field, they will instantly die.
A message warns “Captain Mookwan conjures a Tentacle” The boss spawns additional black puddles on the furthest person (must not be the one with Curse). At 80% Normal/90% Hard there will be one extra puddle, and at 40% Normal/65% and 40% Hard there are two extra puddles. The puddles should be placed parallel to the black water field. If the puddles overlap with each other, the party receives massive but iframable damage in Normal, or wipes in Hard. After the puddle spawns, tentacles will sprout and do a linear unblockable slam causing knockdown toward their planter. Meanwhile, the Curse marker and one other person heads to the border of the black water field where the first puddle is located and stand within close proximity of each other.
The boss will then shoot 6 missiles into the sky that fall toward each person in the order of closest to farthest, however they aren’t very fast and can be avoided by just walking, then fire “Disintegration” at the Cursed. One other person must stand within 3 meters, right next to the border, to share this, otherwise the Curse marker will instantly die. This will create a 10 second line between the two and transfer the Curse mark to their partner outside of the black water field, but Disintegration will prevent the original Curse mark from dying. Both players must travel together to cut the tentacles using the line; the original Curse marker will walk toward the boss while still in the black water field, and their line partner will walk around the tentacles. At the same time, the boss will do a linear punch at the tank and shoot “Cursed Soul” at the farthest person (the Disintegration partner).
After all tentacles are cut and the partner receives Cursed Soul, either Disintegration player must Backstep (SS) away from the boss, breaking the line and causing both players to switch places, if the partner does not have Cursed Soul when this is attempted they will instantly die to the black water field. The original Curse mark will be moved out of the black water field and their partner’s Cursed Soul will be transferred to them for 20 seconds, allowing them to remove the leftover black puddles but will instantly die if they receive Disintegration again. Their partner, the new Curse mark, will be placed into the black water field, and the boss will target them with two front + back slams and another 180 degree black water field.
The boss will then grab the new Curse mark and try to hurl them across the room, which must be CC’d. Afterwards, he will shoot Disintegration again at the new Curse mark which must be shared by anyone other than the previous Curse mark else the new Curse will die, perform with three black water rings that move from outward to inward while causing the half-circle black water field to vanish, and do 5 rapid field-wide ground pounds.
At 40% Hard, instead of grabbing the new Curse mark the boss will create a second set of black tentacle puddles on the farthest person (the original Curse marker) and repeat the mechanic from there.
Imperial Ring:
The final boss has a chance to drop the legendary Imperial Ring. This can be upgraded into the PvP Wrathbringer Ring or PvE Myth Ring. There is also an extremely rare chance to drop the Sealed Pirate King’s Chest which is a tradeable chest containing the ring and uses a key from Cold Storage to open.
You can also buy the ring from Coin Exchange Merchant Junsorei in most towns for 250 Imperial Cores, which also requires the Mookwan 100-kill achievement.
The PvP Wrathbringer:
- Passively causes all attacks to grant a buff that regenerates 10%/20% Focus per second over 3 seconds at Stage 1-9 and 10 respectively.
- Passively increases Piercing by 150/250/350/500 at Stage 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, and 10 respectively.
- Causes all attacks to inflict 10%/20% Focus Damage.
- Causes all attacks to have a chance to grant the “Star Fire” buff for 6 seconds, increasing PvP Attack Power by 20/30/40/60 and Critical Defense by 200/250/300/450, stacking up to 3 times.
The PvE Myth:
- Passively causes all attacks to grant a buff that regenerates 10%/20% Focus per second over 3 seconds at Stage 1-9 and 10 respectively.
- Passively increases Attack Power by 3 and Critical Damage by 380 on all Stages.
- Causes all attacks to inflict 300/500/800/1,200 Additional Damage at Stage 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, and 10 respectively.
- Causes all attacks to grant the “Myth” buff, increasing Critical Rate by 10% and Critical Damage by 700/750/800/900.
Shadowmoor Belt:
This is a breakthrough material for the Hellion Belt from Drowning Deeps into the PvE Horizon Belt.
Heptagonal Garnet:
Sea Glass & Blood Pearl
Many of these are needed to upgrade the Exalted/Storm Dragon weapon. Many of these are needed to upgrade the Exalted/Storm Dragon weapon. Sea Glass is also used to purchase a Heptagonal Obsidian from Yoola at the Emperor’s Tomb in Solak along with an Imperial’s Mark from Ransacked Treasury. Blood Pearl is also used to upgrade the Dragon/Tiger Soul.
Silver Scale
Similar to Blackstones, Silver Scales are used to upgrade the Aransu Weapon Stage 6-9, the Hellion Belt, Necklace, and Bracelet, and the Imperial Ring, as well as using 25 to buy an Aransu Elemental Prism from Coin Exchange Merchant Junsorei in most towns along with 250 Hellion Cores and 100 Gold to upgrade a Faded Aransu Necklace into a Temple of Eluvium/Scion’s Keep Necklace. The daily quest of this dungeon gives Fragments, 10 of which can be combined into a single Scale.
Imperial Core:
The final boss drops a chest containing this item. On Normal, the chest contains 1 with a chance for an additional 5; on Hard the chest contains 2 with a chance for an additional 10.
250 Imperial Cores can be traded to Coin Exchange Merchant Junsorei in most towns. The accessory also requires having the 100-kill achievement of its respective boss.
Merchant of Wonders
Hard difficulty has a chance to spawn the Merchant of Wonders Shin Gihye, who sells 8 items that range from common drops (e.g. Blood Pearls, Silver Scale Fragments) to cosmetics to extremely rare and/or hard to acquire upgrade materials (e.g. Premium Transformation Stones, Sacred Vials, Heptagonal/Octagonal Gems, Divine Grace Stone), often at generous gold prices. Only one item can be bought from her shop, and her wares always randomize with each appearance.