Condensed Structure Information – A Short Guide to the new Structure information by Sugar Kyle
What is a Citadel?
It is a rather large upcoming structure that functions as both a Market and Office hub
How are the new structures (Cithadels and others) classed?
Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large
Citadels will be what sizes?
Medium, Large, Extra Large
What will be released first?
Medium and large Citadels will be released first.
Why are there no small Citadels?
Small structures are going to assimilate existing deployables, cargo containers and mobile warp disruptors. Citadels are much larger.
What do the size differences mean for Citadels?
- Medium sized Citadel structures will be around 5-25km in diameter and are tailored for individual or small groups of players. They will be able to fit some appropriate defenses to offer resistance against most kind of assaults including capital ships. Moreover, players can dock inside them with sub-capital ships.
- Large sized Citadel structures will be around 25-50km in diameter and are made for corporations or even small alliances. They will offer more advanced functionality over medium-sized Citadels, mainly in the form of area of effect (AoE) defenses and facilities that are more tailored to support large fleets. While players will be able to dock with sub-capitals, capitals are still up to debate at this point.
- X-Large sized Citadel structures will be around 100km in diameter and are specialized for high-end alliance gameplay. On top of the mechanics listed above, they will have the best defensive options to face against particularly large groups and allow capital ships to be docked (even maybe supercapitals–to be discussed).
What area of space will Citadels be deployed in?
Citadels will be deployed in high sec, low sec, null sec, and wormhole space. That means NO shattered wormhole Citadel. There will be restrictions in usage based upon the area of space the structure is deployed in. But, there will also be bonuses for the same reason.
Where in space can they be deployed?
So far, our plan is to have them in all areas of space, as long as proximity restrictions are respected.
Will they be destructible?
How will I build my Citadel?
Blueprints will be available on the market
Will I have to launch, move, and anchor modules still?
No. Citadel and all future structures will have module and rig spots like spaceships. They will be fit in a similar and consistent manner.
What are the options available to fit a Citadel?
- High slots: Those structure slots will be dedicated to weapons (turrets, launchers, AoE defense mechanics), remote assistance modules (remote hull, armor and shield boosters) and various warfare linked to disruption (energy neutralizers and nosferatus, for instance).
- Mid slots: Can be fitted with electronic warfare, electronic upgrades and sensor upgrade modules.
- Low slots: May be used for engineering, weapon upgrades or expanded cargoholds.
- Service slots: The new additions to the slot family which will only be available for structures. Some will provide station like functionalities, while most will open totally new gameplay.
- Rigs: Will work similarly to ship rigs – they cannot be removed without being destroyed once inserted and will provide various benefits. The main difference remains in the magnitude of the given bonuses, which will be quite dramatic here. They will take over the old Outpost upgrade system as a whole, and may be several ten times (or more) more expensive than the structure hull itself. By extension, we want the new structure equivalent of Outposts to be available for high-security space, but providing less bonuses due to the reduced risk this implies. Rigs will be the means to deliver on that vision, either by having different rigs which can only be used in separate security status areas, or by having rigs bonuses change depending on its parent hull location.
What will the slot layout look like?
Our current plan is to have a maximum limit of 8 high, 8 medium, 8 low, 8 service and 3 rig slots. That doesn’t mean all of them will available at once (just like on ships) though.
How much does this all cost?
Currently we are still working on pricing. However an XL should have the same level of commitment as an outpost. However, upgrading a XL Citadelwith rigs is going to cost much more, since they’re going to take over outpost and outpost upgrades / improvements. Building and upgrading smaller structures will require far much less commitment and resources.
Will each empire have their own version?
No, these are made specifically for capsuleers.
Then what sort of ‘racial’/faction flavouring will there be?
Each class of structure (ie Citadel, Drilling Platform, Observatory) will belong to an NPC corporation which technically belong to a faction, but you won’t see the usual Amarr, Minmatar, Caldari, Gallente stylings. We are creating a new style for each which more accurately reflects their purpose.
Can I deploy a Citadel for a corporation?
Can I deploy a Citadel for an individual?
A citadel can be restricted to one, single user. However, that player must be in a player corporation and the player corporation will be the owner of the structure.
Then what happens to my structure when I leave my corporation?
Your structure will stay with your corporation.
But that means it is not really mine!
It will be as much yours as it can be. You can restrict access to a structure to only one person. However, those that change roles will still be able to change that.
How long will it take to deploy my structure?
- Medium – One Hour
- Large – Two Hours
- X-Large – Four hours
Can I control who uses my Citadel?
Can I open my Citadel to the public?
Can I transfer ownership of my Citadel?
Can I dock in my Citadel?
Can I see outside of my Citadel?
What can I potentially I dock in my Citadel?
- Medium – Subcapitals
- Large – Subcapitals, capitals (carriers, dreadnoughts, freighters, Bowhead, Orca), and the Rorqual
- X-Large – Everything
Can I run command links while linked to the Citadel?
At the moment anything that gives you a weapon timer will break linking. While command links don’t at the moment this may change.
How do I fuel my structure?
There will be only one type of fuel. But wait, there is more! Structures will only use fuel for running services. The amount of fuel will depend on the fittings you have picked.
Is there a limitation to the distance between two structures and the distance between a sov structure and these new structures ?
Yes. Currently it is about 500k between structures.
Will the office, cloning, and market functions work in WH space?
It depends on which kind of gameplay we want to have in W-space. So far, office and market functions look fine, cloning does not. It is not set in stone at this point.
Which functions are built into the hull, and which functions are provided by fitting modules and rigs?
Storage, security and fitting service will be on the hull. Corp offices, market, industry, clones etc will all be modules that have to be added and fueled.
Can I personalize my structure?
Hopefully. We are planning for them to use the same SKIN system as ships. But this will not be available with the initial release.
What happens when I undock?
There is an invulnerability link that will keep you safe and sound like the old POS shield. However, you will lose this if you engage anyone and you will gain a weapons timer. This will prevent you from docking back up and we hope will help prevent station games.
Are these going to be able to do reactions? or are they essentially just the pos equivalent storage hub?
Ultimately, it will depend on which kind of Service Module you fit on those structures. Want to do reactions? Fit the reactor module. May not be the best use of a Citadel though, since like ships, structures will have bonuses to specific fields and Citadels will have bonuses towards defense, office and markets.
Will I be able to configure my structures remotely?
Players with sufficient roles would no longer need to travel to individual structures to configure them
I manage a lot of structures. Do I have to keep editing them one by one?
- Preset configuration profiles could be applied to multiple structures at once
- Various assets would show proper states, location and conditions at first glance
Will there be personal hangars?
Yes. All of these structures will get personal hangars.
Must I be docked to access my stuff?
We are going to allow you to access your personal hangar and maybe your corporation hangar when you are close to the structure. This will allow large ships to use structures too small for them to dock at. They will be secured with the invulnerability link at this time.
How may I attack someone’s Citadel?
Medium, Large and X-Large structures will use a version of the Sovereignty capture mechanic, which means they will only be attacked through the use of the Entosis module.
When can I attack?
During the vulnerability window.
When is a structure vulnerable?
Players owning the structures set the vulnerability time themselves, providing they have enough roles this can be done in advance, before deploying the structure.
How long is it vulnerable for?
The vulnerability timer is a mandatory duration expressed on a weekly basis, whose length varies depending on the structure size, location and role. How players assign vulnerability hours is entirely up to them, as long as they fill the weekly quota. You could assign all hours consecutively if you have enough defensive manpower available, or you could spread them out over multiple days. Hours have to be spent whole however, no weird split minute shenanigans will be allowed.
Current numbers for the weekly vulnerability window | M | L | X-L |
High-sec, low-sec, Null-sec with full occupancy | 3 hours | 6 hours | 21 hours |
Wormhole space | 6 hours | 12 hours | 42 hours |
Null-sec without occupancy | 12 hours | 24 hours | 84 hours |
So, I can just attack anything anytime it is vulnerable?
As usual, attacking a structure in high-security space without a war declaration is a bad idea and thus gives you a criminal flag.
How would you protect a structure that you want to capture, rather than to destroy?
You would protect a structure by using the Entosis module to prevent the opposing party to attack it during its vulnerability window. Or you would use the defenses fitted to kill them all while laughing like a maniac.
But I wasn’t logged in! Someone attacked my structure!
Structures that are successfully attacked through Entosis links during their vulnerability window go into an invulnerable mode for a specific amount of time, at the end of which another vulnerability window may occur. If it is the last vulnerability window the structure is capable of supporting, then it is immediately destroyed.
Structures go into reinforcement the first time they are successfully Entosised?
I need to evacuate my stuff, can I?
You can move some of your stuff. A structure entering its first reinforcement window cannot have its fittings altered – players will still be able to refuel its various bays, fit ammunition to the various defense systems or take items in or out of its hangars, but will unable to add, remove or change fitted structure modules in any way
First timer? There is more?
A structure entering its second reinforcement window will cause all industry jobs to be paused and services to go offline on top of the previously mentioned penalty. Those penalties will exist until the structure goes back into its normal operation mode (thus until defenders successfully Entosis it).
How much stront (Strontium Clathrates) will I need for each size structure?
Reinforcement will not require Strontium Clathrates to operate, and will be a functionality that’s always available on all structures for free.
How long will reinforcement last?
Unlike existing Starbase reinforcement timers, those reinforcement timers are based on vulnerability hours to operate. This is to ensure the reinforcement timer always ends during a vulnerability window, when defenders are online and (theoretically) committed to defend it.
How does Entosis work with structures?
- A structure that is successfully attacked by an Entosis Link during its vulnerability window goes into reinforcement. If it was being deployed, or if that was the last vulnerability window it was capable of withstanding, the structure is destroyed instead.
- A structure that is partially contested with an Entosis Link will delay the vulnerability or deployment timer indefinitely, until such time where the owner uses his own Entosis Link to remove the contested status, or an attacker chooses to fully attack it. The duration will however count toward the vulnerability or deployment timer – a structure that needs 4 hours to be deployed, but is stuck in a contested state for 5 days can be immediately deployed if the owner removes this particular status with his own Entosis Link
I like to fly around space. How do I know what is going on?
Corporation members with enough roles to do so will have full information on vulnerability, reinforcement, capture timers. Notifications will be sent for those particular states to make sure people can respond and defend their structures in a timely manner.
I currently like to look for timers in progress to do nefarious things. Am I losing that ability?
Any external party to the corporation will only be able to see the timer related to the current state. For example, a scout may learn the structure is in reinforced state 2, with 5 hours left on it by going to the solar system where the structure is located. However the same scout will not be able to guess how the vulnerability window is weekly set, neither can it guess how long the next vulnerability phase is going to be unless it happens. In the same manner, we want to avoid automation for this particular information, which means not displaying it in the API, since we want people to actively scout, or infiltrate spies in the target entity they wish to disrupt instead of relying on external tools to do the job for them.
If structures can be anywhere how do I find them to have glorious Entosis time?
Structure brackets are going to be visible in space and in the overview if:
- The user can interact with the structure in question. A structure set to accept neutral parties will be displayed publicly for such pilots. Another structure set for “alliance use only” will not appear to any neutral pilot at all.
- The structure itself disrupts the user in any way. An Observatory Array having adverse effects on a pilot ability to probe or scan will appear to anyone.
- On top of the points above, all structures, no matter their size or role, will have warpable signatures like cosmic combat anomalies. None of them will need to be probed to be warped to, even if the user doesn’t not have direct access to them. This will ensure pilots can quickly see what’s happening in their surroundings without having to use probes, and thus not having to give their position away to the inhabitants.
How will you avoid accidental killings?
Accidental killings are a tricky business. We may either want to forbid you from locking and shooting neutrals in high-sec (permanent safety mechanic), or, if we can do it, allow you to do so but have CONCORD show up and destroy your structure if you commit an act of aggression. Depends on technical and design difficulties we encounter-it’s too early to say so far. In all cases AoE weapons will not be allowed in high-sec for obvious reasons.
Vulnerability window; how will that work in WH space where we can’t claim SOV to boost our indices to reduce our vulnerability timer.
What we are thinking so far is to have high-sec and W-space have higher indices than null-sec by default. So they will be naturally less vulnerable there. We are also thinking about modules, rigs and gameplay options to affect the vulnerability window, but at a price.
How are small groups going to defend their POS?
Vulnerability windows for structures will not necessarily be everyday, and the time to capture will vary depending on the structure and where it is anchored. We are very aware of the concerns of small groups having fewer people online to defend.
What do I get when it blows up?
The structure will drop fittings, fuel maybe in progress industry jobs etc.
What weapons systems are available for a Citadel?
All of them! Single target missiles, AoE missiles, point defense batteries (equivalent to smartbombs), energy neutralizers, drones, doomsday weapons. Note that all structures can fit EW modules in their medium slots on top of those high slot weapons.
Will Citadel weapons be automated?
Will each Citadel need similar size weapons?
Unlike ship weapons, they will not exist in multiple sizes themselves – we’ve investigated that option but felt it was not worth the small variety it brought next to the extensive design, technical and skill training costs.
What will be my weapon options?
- One long range weapon, primarily meant to take down large and slow ships, like battleships or capitals. Can be fitted with ammunition that reduces range but increases damage proportionally.
- One short-medium range weapon, best at taking down smaller threats, but doing considerably less damage. Can be fitted with ammunition that reduces range but increases application proportionally.
Will my old POS defense skills work?
No. They are going to require a new line of skills to operate, but most likely use existing gunnery and / or missile support skills. More details as we get them.
Why not give us the option to simply fit existing weapons to these structures ?
So we can balance them separately, these weapons will have very different stats to existing ship weapons.
If a player does interact with the defenses will they take standings loss for shooting something like they would if they were in a normal ship?
Unlike existing Starbases, you won’t need multiple guys to operate the weapons. Those structures will be like ships, so you will only need one guy to control them all. The Starbase Defense Management skill will be reworked into something else or refunded when Starbases are removed.
Regarding standings, this would in essence be the same situation than launching a bomb into a pack of friendlies Twisted. Those are AoE weapons, be careful where you shoot them.
Citadel Weapon Systems
Available on sizes | Available in High-sec | Variations | |
Single target weapons | M, L, X-L | Yes | 2 |
AoE launcher | L, X-L | No | 3 |
Energy Neutralizers | M, L, X-L | Yes | 2 |
Drone and fighters | M, L, X-L | Yes | Existing drones |
Electronic Warfare | M, L, X-L | Yes | 6 |
Point defense batteries | L, X-L | No | 1 |
Doomsday | X-L | No | 1 |
Area of Effect Missiles.
- They can be fitted in L and X-L structures only and be loaded with blast charges aimed to either take down slow and large ships or small and fast ones.
- An extra option is to use energy draining missiles which make them work like targeted bombs.
- This launcher won’t be available for high-security space structures since they make no distinction between friends or foes.
Energy Neutralizers
- Available for M, L and X-L structures.
- Two variations exist:
- The first with a short cycle and small drain amount, again aimed for sub-capital targets.
- Another with a very long cycle and large drain amount intended to be used against capital ships.
Drone and Fighters
- We are planning for structure to have drones as of one of their available weapon systems. Number and various bonuses given are going to vary depending on the structure type and size – larger ones could be focused towards fighter and fighter-bombers instead of regular drone for instance.
Point Defense Batteries
- This particular module will be similar to a smartbomb – by doing a certain amount of area of effect damage to anything close to the structure. As they are intended to clear drones or small deployable clutter near the structure undock points, they will have a constant damage but low reach.
- This will only be available for large and X-Large structures and cannot be used in high-security space.
Structure Doomsday Weapon
- The Doomsday weapon will only be available on the X-Large structure, and have a similar purpose to the ones installed on Titans. However, it will have extra capabilities next to its ship counterpart to compensate for the single, static nature of the structure on the field.
Do I have personal hangars?
Are there corporation hangars?
What happens when the structure is destroyed?
- All items fitted on the structures are lost, and can drop as loot (just like ships). To all the clever people out there, remember it is not going to be possible to remove fitted structure modules when the reinforced 1 timer starts.
- All rigs fitted on structure will be lost. While the price for M rigs will not that expensive, X-L rigs will have the same magnitude than outpost improvement and upgrades, so they are not something to be easily dismissed.
- Some of the input materials used in manufacturing or science jobs will drop as loot. This does not include blueprints, which will always be safer from greeding attacking raids, except if it would otherwise be consumed as part of the job (invention for instance). We will add more incoming sources as we are migrating starbase functions. For instance, reaction materials could drop in the future. Market orders will not be available as loot and are going to remain safe from raiding, since they are based on player hangars.
- The structure will turn into a wreck, that will contain a certain percentage of the minerals and components that were needed to build its base hull (not the modules nor rigs).
- Items located on personal or corporation hangars will be impounded and saved.
How will I get my stuff?
There are two different ways of doing so:
- Have items delivered to the closest NPC station. For high-security dwellers, this will be the closest high-security station available. For low and null-security structures, that will be the closest low-security NPC station. Please note the exact destination will be picked automatically to minimize potential for abuse.
- Build another Citadel to replace the one that has been lost in the same system, and deliver the items there. This option will be working the same way for all locations, and will be the only way to recover items out of wormhole space. In case there is more than one structure available to deliver the items to, a selection list will be provided.
Is it free?
There are going to be sinks involved to be able to recover impounded items:
- In case items are delivered to a NPC station, players will need to pay an ISK sink based on a percentage of moved item market value (numbers we are considering are around 10% price fee).
- A minimum recovery time, based on the distance between origin and destination, calculated in light years. There will be a minimum time enforced, even if items are recovered within the same system: current number is 5 days minimum, up to 20 days for the longest distances.
What about people who have unsubbed?
There will be a journal entry waiting for you to resub. This entry will never expire. There is a recovery timer but that will count down even if you are unsubbed. This way, you will be able to retrieve your items immediately upon restarting your account. You already waited and your stuff misses you.
What about me?
- The player is podded with all normal rules applying for such a case (implants lost) and moved to his or her medical station.
- Player ships are safely impounded and saved, along with all their fittings and rigs. We considered destroyed the active ship as well, but that would only lead to further hassle where players would always have to remember to exit their active ship when docking at one of those new structures.
- As an optional feature, we are investigating having frozen player corpses docked inside the lost structure to appear near the wreck, or be able to be salvaged through the wreck.
What about my stuff?
All items:
- Are automatically delivered as a single package which has to be opened, like courier contract plastic wraps. This is done not to overwhelm, confuse or mix items that are being delivered with ones already in place in the hangar.
- Owners can pick one item at a time to extract from the package if they so wish. In that case, pricing will be calculated on selected items. This done to allow users to get separate items out if they cannot pay the fee for the whole batch if items are delivered to a NPC station.
- Items with exclusive sizes will have restriction on delivery, which mainly includes capital and supercapitals. For example, a titan that was lost inside a Citadel X-L structure cannot be delivered to a NPC station or any other Citadel size than X-L. Furthermore, a capital or supercapital ship cannot be delivered to high-sec.
- When the structure is destroyed all items stay inside containers, but lose password or lock protection.
- Corporation hangar items need proper roles to be delivered. Due to the nature of the recovery it is critical access is properly filtered to avoid thefts.
How will I know what has happened?
- A notification will be sent for each destroyed structure the player (or corporation) had items into.
- A proper tab will be added to personal / corporation asset window when items are impounded and available for delivery.
- Impounded items can also be displayed on the Star Map under the “my asset” filter.
Miscellaneous Questions
Why you want to scrap the force fields?
Forcefields create a lot of problems for players and devs alike. They have those weird behavior at their edges, allow ships to be bumped out in certain circumstances and pollute the field visually with their huge glowing bubble appearance. We want to investigate and find a better way to have a safety zone around structures.
Anchoring restrictions concerning “deep” safes (incursion and mission bookmarks – they still can be more than 15AU off the nearest celestial).
We are considering showing all structures on the on board scanner / sensor overlay allowing you to warp directly to them. No probing required.
Is there any benefit whatsoever from forcing to players to base their ships in one point, transport their mined ore to another to refine, then transport it to a third to build?
We are going to allow you to fit manufacturing lines to citadels and refining to manufacturing structures etc. The base hull however will have bonuses to certain modules, so for industrialist who want to min / max a big operation then yes this is what they will be best to do.
How will the anchoring restrictions work with FW? Will we be able to anchor M or L structures in lowsec systems occupied by the opposing militia?
Currently, yes.
Will they generate killmails?
Should we expect outpost upgrade reimbursements to be doled out before these hit. If not, would it be close so that outpost funds could be then spent on the new structures?
Really good question, and we would love feedback on exactly how would be best to do this.
Do I receive compensation when my old structures are phased out?
Yes. We are working on what that compensation will be but we are not just taking it without leaving something.