Top 24 Things To Do Things To Do In Lost Ark
When You Start Playing Lost Ark, here are the top 24 things to do:
- Get your second and third Job as quickly as possible (1st and 2nd because they are free).
- Join a guild ASAP and do the daily quests; it will help you level up much faster.
- Try to get a party ASAP when you are leveling up. This will also help you to level up much faster and it’s more fun.
- Always keep your skill points until you are sure what skill build you want to go with; this will help you make informed decisions.
- Don’t be overconfident, and you can play solo, but it is easier and faster with a party.
- Save your silver for upgrading your gear.
- Never waste game money on unnecessary things, like pets and costumes (use the TP shop).
- Please keep all your gold for rare items; they will help you progress faster in the game.
- Don’t be a one-trick pony; try to learn another character class, and you’ll benefit from it.
- Don’t spend TP (Teleport Points) on PVP, as you can use them only once every 24 hours, and you’ll get TP from daily quests and boxes.
- If you are under-geared or under-leveled for your zone, go to another appropriate zone for your level.
- Don’t be a gear-whore, as your skills are more important than your gear.
- Farming is easier with a party.
- Always play the game on the highest difficulty you can handle; it is worth it.
- Always make sure you are not wasting your AP (Ability Points)
- If possible, always be guided to share the XP bonus and the silver you get from guild quests.
- Join a party when doing dungeons; it is easier and faster this way.
- The most efficient way to level up a character is through the story quests, do them ASAP, and you’ll be surprised how fast your character progresses.
- Always do your story quests; they are the most efficient way to level up in Lost Ark.
- The world quests are harder than the story quests, but they give more XP and silver.
- If you are not in a guild yet, join one fast to get daily quests and an XP bonus.
- To do world quests, you need to be at least level 45.
- If you want to get the best out of your character, check the Class Guide on the left to find the best class for you.
- Always check your best set of equipment; it will save you a lot of time.